Chapter 380

"Woo..." Shen Feng felt that he was about to suffocate when he was kissed by her. He also stretched out his hand and gently brushed her smooth skin.

"What's the matter with you?" Shen Feng asked with great pity.

"I feel very happy now. I love you." Jiahe Qingzi stared into Shen Feng's eyes and spoke affectionately.

These simple three 'I love you' are undoubtedly the best catalyst, just when they forget their love and kiss.

"Dangdang..." there was a soft knock outside the door.

At this time, their eyes were only each other, and no one cared about him. After a minute or so, the knock came again.

"I may have something to do with you." Jiahe Qingzi whispered to Shen Feng.

"I'll take care of it." Shen Feng stood up, gently covered Jiahe Qingzi with the quilt, then walked to the door and gently opened the door of the room.

Outside the door stood a smiling man in a robe. It was Liu Yi, the second in command of the Tianhua society. Behind him were seven or eight men in black suits.

"Brother Shen, I'm really sorry to bother you so late." Liu Yi apologized.

"Why, what happened?" Shen Feng asked.

"According to reliable information, the owl also intervened, and our punishment will also be attacked by the owl." Liu Yi said in a deep voice.

After listening to Liu Yi's words, Shen Feng fell into meditation. He thought that the night owl was only used by Beichen family to deal with Jiahe Qingzi. Unexpectedly, the night owl joined forces with the East Island family to deal with Tianhua society.

"How about the loss of Tianhua club?" Shen Feng asked Liu Yi.

"This time we are fully prepared. There are more than 100 people in the branch. More than ten brothers have been lost, more than twenty have been seriously injured, and the rest are minor injuries." Liu Yi thought for a while and continued: "I don't know why, just halfway through the attack, the owls withdrew."

"Removed?" Shen Feng smiled at the corners of his mouth. It is estimated that their three main players lost contact, and the night owl was afraid.

"I think since the night owls can step in, there are bound to be other organizations involved." Shen Feng said to Liu Yi.

"I will always search for information. Brother Shen may be in trouble recently." Liu Yi faces Shen Feng.

"It's my duty to say that." Shen Feng said positively.

"Then I'll leave first." Liu Yi finished and left quickly with people.

Shen Feng looked at Liu Yi's back and showed a trace of approval in his eyes. Tianhua met so many powerful enemies that he could be so orderly. He is worthy of being the person that the dragon group wants to protect.

He closed the door gently. Jiahe Qingzi's face was crimson and half hidden in the quilt.

"Shall we continue..." Jiahe Qingzi asked coyly, her voice very small.

"You're hurt. Go to bed early. I'll be here with you." Shen Feng gently lay beside her and said.

"Yes." Jiahe Qingzi hugged Shen Feng tightly, leaned against him and fell asleep.

Shen Feng looked at the beauty in his arms with a faint smile on his face. This time, he not only had to complete the task assigned to him by the dragon group, but also had something to guard

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.

In a building on the East Island, several forces are sitting around.

On the east side, a handsome white man in a white suit with a faint smile is sitting on the sofa. This man is the new hunter of the blood attack organization.

Behind him stood respectfully a man in a black suit. The man was the hunter's deputy, Kenny.

Opposite them sat an old man dressed in black clothes, plain in appearance, but his eyes showed a grim color.

The old man is called Jiahe Xingcun. He is the patriarch of the Jiahe Ninja family in Dongdao and also the father of Jiahe Qingzi. Behind him are two ninjas wearing black clothes, carrying Ninja knives and masked faces.

On the north side, a cold looking middle-aged man in a gray suit stepped down from the car. There was a cherry blossom mark on the cuff of the middle-aged man's suit.

This man is the vice president of the cherry blossom club, Kato Zhen.

Behind Kato really stood a man nearly two meters tall, extremely fat and wearing traditional kimonos.

Kato is really opposite only a tall and strong white man. The man is naked, with iron tower like muscles and a wild breath from top to bottom.

This man is a night owl, and he is alone.

"I don't know what you think of the dragon group behind the Tianhua club." Kato really made a light tunnel to several people.

"I don't care what dragon group, I just want to know why my people died on the east island one after another!" His eyes showed a bloodthirsty red awn.

Then he slammed the table, and several men came in from the outside, carrying three cold bodies.

The three bodies were the ones who were wounded by Shen Feng and killed by Jiahe Qingzi.

"Which of you can give me an explanation!"

"You have to ask Jiahe's head." Kato really smiled at Kaga.

Jiahe Xingcun looked at the three bodies and his eyes sank. The fatal injuries of these bodies were obviously left by a ruthless ninja.

And he also knew that it was his daughter's residence, but he didn't expect that his daughter could kill three night owls in succession.

"Don't throw dirty water on me. Some people must know who sent me this task." Jiahe Xingcun is really cold to Kato.

"I don't care what grudges there are between you. In short, my people can't die in vain!" The white man rose abruptly and said.

"Calm down first. I think there must be something we don't know about it." The hunter in a white suit stood up, went to the three bodies and observed the road.

"Although their fatal injuries seem to be caused by sharp weapons, from the scars on their bodies, they were more or less injured in varying degrees before they died." The hunter looked at the three bodies and said faintly.