Chapter 992

In the cold wind, a small tent was also stationed under the snow slope.

It was stormy and snowy outside, but it was very warm inside the tent. Three mercenaries with blood were busy with different things.

A mercenary wiped his gun; A mercenary took a small book and wrote something on it; Another mercenary took off his clothes and disinfected his bloody arm.

There were more than ten mercenaries in this team, but there were only three of them here. All the other partners died, and the three of them were injured to varying degrees.

In fact, they could have quit the battle, but now that they have lost so many companions, they have no way back. They have to let go.

"Hiss..." a man took a sip of wine and sprayed it on the wound on his arm.

It was a bullet scratch. Fortunately, the bullet just rubbed his body, otherwise the whole arm would be lost.

"Shit, when I see the North sea monster, I'll let it taste my power!" After the man wrapped up his arm, he scolded.

"You know, I heard that the North Sea giant demon seems to be under us now." The mercenary with little Ben put down the Ben in his hand, took the wine used for disinfection before, and drank it fiercely.

"True or false." The mercenary wiping the gun was surprised.

"Of course it's true. According to the information provided by the employer, it's here." The mercenary took out the map in his arms and pointed to the location of several people.

Originally, there was an ice field here. There was no reference at all, but there was a huge iceberg near the destination, and they were not far from the foot of the iceberg

However, just as the mercenaries were talking, a huge dark shadow slowly swam from the direction under their feet. The dark shadow was very big, almost fifty or sixty meters!

It's night now. Only against the beautiful aurora in the sky can we vaguely find the dark shadow.

However, the three mercenaries who survived by chance didn't know it and still chatted in the tent.

"Shit, don't let me see it. Then let it taste the power of Lao Tzu's bazooka!" The mercenary put on his clothes and picked up the rocket launcher next to him.

The voice just fell, "boom!"

A dull loud noise came from their feet. The three felt their whole body shake suddenly, and the mercenary's rocket launcher fell on the ice.

"Earthquake?" When the mercenary looked down to pick up the rocket launcher, he found that the ice under his feet had cracked.

"The ice is cracked. Run!" He shouted and ran out of the convertible.

Although the other two also reacted, the speed was still a little slow, "bang!" The ice collapsed, and the two were swallowed in the cold sea with their tents

“fuck!” After escaping more than ten meters, the mercenary turned and looked at the collapsed ice and gave a hysterical roar.

Now he is the only one left in the whole elite mercenary team.


The collapsed ice cracked again and spread to the mercenary's feet, which scared him back.

At this time, a dark red tentacle with a length of almost 15 meters and a height of nearly four floors extended from under the ice!

It is the North sea monster!

However, this tentacle is obviously only part of it and has not been fully revealed.

The mercenary was completely stunned because he had never seen such a 'spectacular' scene in his life!

"Ouch!" A low voice came from my ear, and the giant tentacles swept directly.

"Die for me!" The mercenary calmed down, picked up the rocket launcher on his shoulder and was ready to fire at it.

But before he fired the rocket, the ice shook violently again. He slipped under his feet and fell on his back.

"Whoosh!" The rocket came out with a flash of fire, but it was not towards the giant demon in the North Sea, but towards the sky.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, the rocket exploded in the air and burst into dazzling sparks.

As soon as the spark burst, the mercenary was hit by his tentacle and didn't even scream


Now people have gathered around five kilometers. Such a big movement has naturally attracted attention. Within two or three kilometers, the ice even has an obvious sense of shock.

"Look, over there!" A tall man in animal skin pointed to the direction of the fire.

These animal skin men are nearly two kilometers away from the direction of the fire, and the snow wolves around them are restless.

"The big guy is out!" The animal skin man, led by him, said in a deep voice.

"Chief, what shall we do now?" A man nearby asked.

"Go and have a look first. Be careful of that big guy, and be more careful of others!" The animal skin man ordered.

"Yes." The crowd answered and drove the snow wolf to go in the direction of rocket explosion in the face of the fierce storm and snow

About three kilometers away from the explosion site, six people were staring at the air on a snow slope.

If Shen Feng were here, he would recognize two of them, Moore and Taya, who escaped.

They all come from the blood temple!

Among the six, a beautiful blonde with heavy anti equipment sniper gun and high-tech glasses stared at the fire path in the air.

"The target distance is 3153 meters. It should be the giant demon of the North Sea."

"Let's go. It's time for us to harvest." A man shrouded in black robes shouted in a deep voice.

Then he rushed in the direction of the explosion, followed by the other five

Next to another tent about three kilometers away, a tall, strong man in thin clothes sniffed the empty airway: "it's good to smell seafood."

"It's not seafood, it's blood! The big guy woke up. " A graceful beauty whispered.

"Really? Let's go and have a look. " A little girl wrapped tightly ran out of the tent.

The girl is Annie, and the team is also from the underground League.

"To go now is to die. It's looking for something to supplement nutrition. We're not enough. Let them go first." Another strong man smiled and said.

"But... What if he eats enough, spits out jade beads and goes to bed again?" Anne frowned.

"This......" several people also looked at each other.

Indeed, although it is very dangerous to be close to the giant demon in the North Sea, it is also the best time to compete for the baby