Chapter 1063

"Still thinking about research? Are you crazy? This thing is highly poisonous. What if you get bitten? " The dagger in Shen Feng's hand was sharp and cut across his body in an instant.

The body of the poisonous snake was immediately divided into two, and the whole body was constantly twisted on the ground.

When the snake was twisting violently, it happened to accidentally touch the vines next to it and stained with a trace of blood. The vines stained with snake blood were like sand and soil, which was like its absorption in an instant.

However, Shen Feng didn't care about this detail, and they continued to move forward.

Twenty years ago, Lao Wei was far away from his father. He didn't know what had happened. He just knew that these vines were alive, but he didn't know that blood was their real catalyst!


Bypassing the vines, Shen Feng, who had entered the temple, heard a thin voice coming into his ears.

Hearing the sound, he immediately stood where he was, and then asked in a deep voice, "did you hear anything?"

"No?" Chen Yue answered first.

"I seem to have heard it, too." Annie's ears moved and subconsciously looked behind her.

I don't know when the way they came in was covered with vines. These vines are slowly approaching them!

"This thing really lives!" Annie screamed and ran to Shen Feng.

Chen Yue saw vines coming towards them, his face was white with fear, and ran towards Shen Feng.

Although the speed of these vines is not fast, they are also faster than people's walking speed, and their number and scale are almost overwhelming... Completely blocking the retreat of several people. They have no choice but to passively continue to walk towards the temple.

"What happened to them? We haven't met them all the way? " Shen Feng stepped back and looked at the vine frowning.

"Is this where they guard? As long as we come in, we will disturb them." Annie is in a bypass.

"Very likely." Shen Feng thought for a moment. There was no other explanation at present. He looked around the temple and didn't find the place of golden agave.

So before the vines came up, he quickly withdrew to the depths of the temple, a huge and deep stone cave.

The cave goes down obliquely. It looks like it was in 100000 mountains. There are many stone steps in the cave, leading to the underground.

"Dungeon, finally found the dungeon." Chen Yue was excited.

"What are you waiting for? Let's go. It'll catch up in a minute." Shen Feng took the lead in walking down the stone steps, and the second daughter followed.

Annie looked back as she walked down the stone steps... She saw that all the vines stopped by the stone steps at the door of the cave. After stopping, she stopped moving forward.

"Look, they stopped." Anne pointed to the vines parked at the door of the cave and shouted.

Shen Feng and others also turned to look. These vines not only stopped, but also kept retreating back.

Watching the vines recede, several people breathed a sigh of relief. At least there was nothing chasing after them, so they were not so nervous.

Although they withdrew, Shen Feng had a bad feeling that nothing good had happened on the way ahead

The light in the cave was very dark, and several people took out a flashlight for illumination.

Around the cave, like the ruins of the first oasis, the stone walls here are full of exquisite murals and reliefs, which record people's daily life in ancient times, and these records are very complete.

"It's so beautiful. I'll take a picture." Chen Yue excitedly said to Anne, "little sister, help me get a flashlight."

"Yes." Annie took a flashlight to help Chen Yue illuminate. She took out her camera and photographed the murals and reliefs on the stone wall.

Shen Feng was not in the mood to appreciate it. He had a hunch again that the magic bone fused with his arm seemed to have changed a little.

He suddenly remembered that grandpa ChuChu once said that there was a magic bone in the northwest desert!

"The magic bone that the patriarch said should not be here." Shen Feng looked at the deep cave and muttered to himself.

With these words, he took several people to go forward, followed the stone steps down three or four hundred steps, and came to the first huge stone chamber.

The stone chamber is almost the size of a football field and looks very wide. Moreover, the ground of the stone chamber is not stone, but soft sand. These sand look no different from the sand in the desert outside.

In the middle of the stone chamber, there is a huge stone, which is oval and inlaid with glittering gemstones. These gemstones are arranged regularly, and there are many grooves around the gemstones, just like an array.

On the other side of the stone chamber is a stone door. There are countless exquisite carvings on the stone door. These carvings include lifelike dragons and ferocious demons.

"Be careful." Shen Feng reminded them, and then stepped on the soft sand first.

After stepping on the sand, "Hoo Hoo..."

The stone lamp on the stone wall lights up, and a weak flame burns inside the stone lamp, which can be regarded as adding some light here.

Shen Feng quickly retracted his feet and observed whether there were other "mechanisms".

But about a minute later, there were no other changes and no mechanisms around except the stone lamp. So Shen Feng safely and boldly skipped the huge stone inlaid with gemstones and walked towards the stone gate.

"Wow, what beautiful gemstones. These gemstones are much more beautiful than those on the jewelry exhibition." Annie said, staring at the jewels inlaid in the stone.

Although the lights in the stone chamber are dim, these gemstones are shining like the bright stars in the night sky.

Said, she stretched out her hand to touch, Shen Feng quickly turned and said, "don't touch, in case there's a mechanism, we're all finished."

"Oh, all right." Anne looked at these gemstones reluctantly. If she could take one back, she would be very satisfied.

"Click." Chen Yue took out her camera, took a picture on the stone, and then followed Shen Feng to the stone gate.

Shen Feng touched the stone gate. The stone gate was warm and slightly cool. It felt very comfortable. He tried to push it again, but the stone gate remained motionless and could not be shaken by external forces.

"Can't open? Will there be any mechanism? " Shen Feng and Chen Yue looked around.

"Didn't we bring explosives? Just blow it up, so you don't have to touch anything you shouldn't touch. "