Chapter 1191

However, his reaction speed was very fast. He took out the long knife on his back and chopped hard at the root of the cannibal flower.

LV Yue was already close to congenital martial arts, and his knife momentum was not weak.

"Brush!" A loud cry.

The cold flash on the long knife flashed across the rhizome of the huge cannibal flower and cut it off!

After cutting off the roots of cannibals, the huge flowers fell directly into the swamp and splashed away with mud.

Then, LV Yue waved his long knife again, cut open the flower bud of cannibal, and pulled Zhang Yi out of the flower bud.

At this time, Zhang Yi was wet and covered with green mucus.

"Are you okay?" LV Yue asked Zhang Yi.

"Thanks, you saved my life again." Zhang Yi was terrified.

Then he kicked the bud around him, "how dare you confuse me."

With that, he quickly found a puddle and cleaned the mucus stained on his skin.

The green mucus is the digestive juice of cannibals. It won't cause much damage in a short time. Once it takes a long time, it will be decomposed by it

At this time, others rushed over to check Zhang Yi's situation. Zhang Yi also told his story.

Shen Feng frowned. He was right. The fragrance of the flower was indeed poisonous.

"Cover your mouth and nose with a cloth and move on!"

Walking a little further, several people saw two black balls standing alone in the swamp. These two balls were the flower buds of cannibals.

Du Ying stepped forward and cut the two flowers and bones with a dagger, and two rotten bodies rolled out of it.

The two bodies were the scientific research team members and guards who were swallowed by cannibals in the evening.

Although their bodies are generally intact, their skin has begun to rot, accompanied by a foul smell.

At the scene in front of him, even Du Ying felt a tumult in his belly, and Zhang Yi's face became very ugly. If LV Yue wasn't there, he might end up like this.

"Damn it, what the hell is this place? How come there are such cannibals." I don't know who scolded.

"Do you think this is an ordinary rescue mission? And your understanding of the world is just the tip of the iceberg. There are many things you don't even dare to think about. "

Indeed, before Shen Feng joined the dragon group, his understanding of the world was completely different from now.

"This at least proves that our direction is right. It's evening now. They are all wounded and civilian workers, which should not be far from us." Shen Feng said in a deep voice.

Du Ying nodded in agreement, "and there should be team members who are proficient in field survival, otherwise they can't get here at all."

"What would you do if you were them now?" Shen Feng asked Du Ying.

Du Ying said without thinking: "find a safe place to rest and wait for rescue."

"So they should be waiting for us somewhere now." Shen Feng ordered another team member: "flare!"


"Whoosh!" With a sound of, an extremely bright flare flew into the sky, illuminating everything around.

The whole wasteland seemed like day in a short time!


At this time, on an earth slope about three kilometers away from several people, the scientific research team members are gathering to rest.

There are swamps everywhere. I finally found a dry soil slope, picked up some dead branches and grass and built a small fire.

Although the fire is small, it is enough for several people to keep warm.

There is no food. It is very gratifying for everyone to have a fire to keep warm.

They stared at the fire with a look of despair in their eyes... Although it was only about 24 hours from the plane crash, they were trembling.

The team members were reduced one by one without any supplies. Everyone was hungry after the trek.

If they encounter any more danger tonight, they may not be able to resist it.

"I miss home. I miss my husband." The woman who said she couldn't walk before looked at the fire with tears and sobbed in a low voice.

"Blame you. If you didn't have to rest, could they both die?" A middle-aged man complained.

"Sorry, I don't want to be like that, sobbing..." the woman cried with great remorse.

"Well, now is not the time to complain to each other. We should find a way to get help." Wang Kai said in a deep voice.

Although there were not many bullets in the gun in his hand, he was born as a special forces soldier, and his willpower in difficulties was much stronger than others.

"Xiao Wang is right. Huaxia will not give up on us." Gao Lao echoed.

"But we have gone so far without a head. Can the rescue team find us?"

"Yes, our speed is not fast, and we are relatively safe here. We don't have to move forward. It's impossible to get out of here with our physical strength." Wang Kai is firm.

"Xiao Wang, here you are. It contains all the important materials of our scientific research team. Even if we can't go back, we should take them back." Gao took out a USB flash disk from his carry on bag and handed it to Wang Kai.

"You are the most likely to live here. I'm most relieved to put it on you."

"All right." As soon as Wang kaigang put away the USB flash disk, the woman pointed to the high-altitude road in the distance.

"Look! Over there! "

The crowd followed the prestige and saw a flare flying high into the air.

The flare did not go out immediately, but slowly went out after hovering in the sky for more than ten seconds. This period of time was enough for everyone to determine the position.

"It's a flare. Someone has come to save us!" Wang Kai suddenly stood up and said.

After listening to Wang Kai's words, everyone was very excited. In this way, they would be saved. The hope of life was right in front of them. Everything was more important than anything!

"What are you waiting for? Let's hurry over!" The middle-aged man said he was going to run in the direction of the flare, but Wang Kai didn't stop.

"What's the matter?"

"From the position, it should be the swamp where the cannibal flower is located. They should have found Xiao Li and Lao Wu. It's dark now. It's too dangerous for us to rush over. It's better to wait for rescue here." Wang Kai is very calm.

"What are you afraid of? Didn't we come here without any danger?" The middle-aged man is a little impatient.

In his heart, meeting the rescue team as soon as possible is more important than anything.

"Xiao Wang is right. We should wait for rescue in situ now." Gao Lao also put forward his own opinions.