Chapter 1425

"Do you think I will lose?" Shen Feng asked her.

"I'm not sure. He is a disciple of the foil master of country E. he is a free fighting Grand Slam of the national special combat team, and has learned a lot from our captain. If his father hadn't stopped him, maybe he would have entered the Czar team and become a small captain." Kasha smiled and said.

"Really?" Shen Feng didn't expect that the man had so many titles and abilities.

It seems that he dared to challenge himself, not because he was hot headed, but because he had a certain grasp.

"He's so good. Why did you choose me instead of him?"

"Don't you Chinese just say that it's not sweet to twist things? I don't want to eat a strong twisted melon. " Kasha smiled and said.

Then they went to the canteen


Many people gathered around the training ground of the military base. Among these people, Shen Feng and qinkov stood face to face.

Shen Feng's eyes were indifferent, while his opponent stared at him fiercely, like an angry Beast.

The hatred of killing his father and seizing his wife, kasha came out of Shen Feng's room in front of him. How could he bear it.

"I know you are the Chinese god of war, but you are not allowed to use your magical energy!" Chenkov whispered to Shen Feng.

"Magical energy?" Shen Feng frowned and couldn't help laughing. Their so-called magical energy may be their own evil spirit.

"OK." Shen Feng nodded and agreed.

Chekov sneered, and then stretched out his hand. A soldier next to him handed over a Western thorn sword. The handle of the thorn sword was inlaid with several precious stones, which looked brilliant, and the scabbard was also carved with exquisite patterns.

"Do you want to use weapons!" Qinkov said to Shen Feng.

"My weapon is to kill people. It's not suitable for this occasion." Shen Feng smiled calmly.

After listening to Shen Feng's words, qinkov showed a trace of anger on his face. Shen Feng clearly didn't look down on himself, so he silently clenched the stabbing sword in his hand, "this sword was the sword of his Majesty the Czar 300 years ago. It killed countless people, so you can be careful!"

"It's you who are really careful."

"Kaka, Kaka..." his fist clenched again, and then continued: "it's boring to compare so many. Come on, open the big screen for me!"

"Yes!" A soldier answered, ran aside and started the switch.

"Buzzing..." the top of the base began to shrink towards both sides and open slowly.

When the curtain was fully opened, a blue underwater world came into view. It was like an underwater world, with dark blue sea water overhead, and countless marine creatures swam back and forth here.

There is a thick glass curtain wall between the base and the ocean. Everything looks very beautiful.

"Submarine base?" Shen Feng looked at the glass curtain wall and was surprised.

When he came here, it was the ground. He took a long elevator to get here. Unexpectedly, it was an undersea base.

The military base is located underwater and will be even farther north than the original York Island in latitude.

Half of it is above the water. When Shen Feng came, he was on the ground, but the other half is in the sea, which is where he is now.

At this time, the cold wind is howling outside, a faint snowflake is floating in the air, and the temperature has reached about minus 30 degrees. A thick layer of cold ice is formed on the water surface, but no matter how low the temperature is, it will not affect the life of aquatic organisms

"Well, Chinese, this scenery is good." Qinkov looked at Shen Feng's surprised expression and showed a pleased look on his face, "do you have any in China?"

After listening to his sarcastic words, Shen Feng casually said, "the base is used for war, not for sightseeing. Is the scenery good and useful?"

Chinkov clenched his fist. "Don't talk to me here!"

With that, he reached out and took off his clothes, revealing his strong upper body. His body was also very strong, even stronger than Shen Feng, all of which were explosive muscles.

After taking off his clothes, he gave Shen Feng a provocative look.

"Oh." Shen Feng smiled helplessly, "you are really interesting. Do you show your muscles with me?"

With that, he also took off his clothes. There were still several scars on his body, especially the penetrating wound on his shoulder

"Who do you say can win?" Several watching officers looked at Shen Feng and qinkov.

Shen Feng competed with cook at the military base in cherno city last time. Now the base is not the same at all. For the officers and soldiers here, Shen Feng is a stranger.

"I think it's still our lieutenant colonel qinkov. Don't forget that he is a disciple of the foil master."

"Yes, he also passed the selection of the Czar team, and his results were very excellent."

"That's not necessarily. It's said that this Chinese is known as the God of war. He must have his own ability."

"God of war is just blowing. Chinese people are so petite. How can they be opponents."


Just as several people were talking, two generals came over. They were both the top leaders of the base.

"What are you muttering about?" One of the old men murmured.

"Sir." Several people quickly stood at attention and gave a military salute.

"What's going on?" Another old man looked at Shen Feng in the middle of the training ground and asked.

Several officers told the story again. The first old man smiled and asked, "who do you think can win?"

The two old men looked at each other. In fact, their hearts knew that Shen Feng was basically a sure winner, but his mouth said, "of course it's the boy qinkov."

"I think so. Isn't there a saying in Huaxia called what?"

"Fat and water do not flow into outsiders' fields."

"Yes, the girl kasha is also one of us. She is also the daughter of old sky. It must be chenkov who won." The top generals of the two bases agreed and asked the soldiers below to cheer up qinkov and boost morale

"Be careful!" Qinkov whispered, and the stabbing sword in his hand suddenly came out of its scabbard and stabbed at Shen Feng's face door.

Shen Feng turned sideways and dodged.

"Brush!" The opponent's stabbing sword blade showed its sharpness and passed close to Shen Feng, but it couldn't hurt him.

"Timid Chinese, don't hide if you have the ability!" Qinkov whispered to Shen Feng.

"Yes! Then I won't hide! " Shen Feng looked at his sword and grabbed the blade.

Although the stabbing sword is used to stab, the body of the sword also has an edge like blade, which does no harm to Shen Feng.