Chapter 1578

In the twinkling of an eye, it was dusk, the sun gradually dropped to the west, and the afterglow of the sunset left the last touch of red in the sky.

The fiery red sun shone down the gap of the ruins into Shen Feng's face, bringing a trace of warmth.

Shen Feng looked at the sun drooping in the west, and his eyes showed a trace of indifference, "very good. It seems that we are going to boil out. How much time do we have?"

"About five hours. This mask may not last a day." Death angel light tunnel.

"The people outside should be in place. As long as the light mask is opened, someone will pick us up." Shen Feng is full of confidence.

"You think this is Huaxia. This is the headquarters of the temple. There should be people from the temple outside. Besides, the dragon group can't fight because of you alone." The angel of death taunted Shen Feng.

"You don't understand." Shen Feng smiled and said, "as long as the hood is broken, we will be saved."

"I hope so. I'll have a rest." Just as the angel of death was about to squint, a low voice said, "you two have been hiding long enough. I finally found you!"


The angel of death widened his eyes, because the voice was too familiar. It was the angel of sandstorm!

When the voice fell, everything around them began to turn into yellow sand. The yellow sand began to sink and form a quicksand.

"You can't stay here, get out!" Shen Feng whispered and kicked away the stone slab in front of him. They jumped out of their hiding place at the same time.

At this time, the temple ruins were in a mess without anything to hide. As soon as they jumped out of it, they were found by the temple Knights searching.

"Yes, they are here!"

When the Templars looked at them, they gave a low roar and surrounded them at the same time.

The setting sun is like blood, setting off their bodies... The sun gradually sets, and everything is shrouded in the night

Shen Feng and the angel of death stood back to back and took out their weapons at the same time.

"After resting so long, do you still have the strength to fight again?" Shen Feng said to the angel of death.

"Of course, but I won't care about you if it starts fighting later." Said the angel of death in a deep voice.

"That should be what I want to say." Shen Feng whispered, the broken rainbow in his hand was cold, and his body rushed out in an instant.

"Kill!" The angel of death also gave a violent drink and rushed out.

"Brush!" The broken rainbow in Shen Feng's hand was awe inspiring. With a knife, he directly divided a temple Knight into two. Blood splashed everywhere and dyed the earth and Shen Feng's blade red!

"Shashasha..." a thin voice sounded, and a pile of yellow sand kept emerging.

This man is the sandstorm angel!

"Shen Feng, you let me find it all day. It's really not easy." The sandstorm Angel spoke coldly to Shen Feng.

"Less nonsense, die!" The blade in Shen Feng's hand was sharp and fierce, and he didn't have the slightest nonsense with the sandstorm angel.

"Hum, you killed my brother. Today I'll let you pay with blood!" The sandstorm Angel shouted angrily and flashed a sharp light through the bottom of his eyes. The machete in his hand flashed gold and met Shen Feng's attack.

"Qiang!" A clear sound of steel exchange sounded, and their blades hit each other, bursting out dazzling sparks.

The moment the spark burst, a violent air wave spread around.

Before the air wave dissipated, Shen Feng suddenly pressed down, "yiyiyiyiyi..." duanhong scratched against the blade of the machete, and a glimmer of fire shone out, directly stabbing the other party's heart.

The strength of the sandstorm angel was far stronger than the last one. The machete in his hand suddenly rotated a strange arc.

"Sandstorm chop!"

While skillfully repelling Shen Feng's blade, he fiercely cleaved Shen Feng's neck. At the same time, a force poured out of his blade, which fiercely poured into Shen Feng.

Shen Feng sensed the attack of this force, flashed a trace of fine light at the bottom of his eyes, and his body suddenly sank to avoid the attack.

"Brush!" With a sound of, the blade crossed the ruins behind him, and the stones on the ruins were cut through immediately. It stopped after cutting through seven or eight stone slabs.

There is no doubt about the destructive power!

However, Shen Feng had no time to look back. At the moment when his body sank, he clenched the broken rainbow with both hands and shouted angrily.

"Ghosts and gods cut!"

I saw a scream of evil spirit on the blade, a ghost cry, and jumped on the chest of the sandstorm angel.

"Armor of sand!"

Yellow sand condensed in front of him and turned into a huge armor.

"Qiang!" The blade cut on the tough armor, leaving only a white mark.

"So hard!" Shen Feng was surprised. His blade suddenly fell into the sand. It was like quicksand. There was a suction attracting Shen Feng's blade.

"Go away!" Shen Feng drank violently, the blade shook violently, and the yellow sand on the surface was shaken down.

As the yellow sand was shaken down, the blade also got out of trouble. The moment Shen Feng took back the blade, a huge four armed demon appeared behind him.

"Roar!" The four armed War Ghost roared, and his huge arm waved his weapon and hit it hard.

"Bang!" The weapon hit the yellow sand and splashed countless sand and stones

When Shen Feng was fighting with the sandstorm angel, the angel of death was like cutting leeks. He harvested wildly among the temple knights, and would kill one person with each knife.

For every dead person, the sickle of the God of death in his hand will be put away, and the power above will become stronger.

However, the extent of this strengthening is very small, which is insignificant compared with the dead spirit provided by Wanshi mountain.

However, little is better than nothing, which also provides a steady stream of power for the angel of death.

"Boom!" With a loud explosion, a hot flame burst around the angel of death, and the flame melted the stones around him in an instant.

After passing the flame, the angel of death looked in the direction of the flame.

Wearing a clean suit, the gentleman Angel stood on a building that had not collapsed in the distance, holding a fire gun in his hand and blowing his airway, "I'm sorry, angel of death, I missed just now, but I won't next."

Then he aimed the black muzzle again.


Another flame flew out, and the angel of death's eyes sank. The sickle blade in his hand waved and cut down and directly split the flame.

At the moment of splitting the flame, Luo Yun, deep sea angel and several blood angels were killed.

Luo Yun and the deep sea Angel both went straight to Shen Feng, while others rushed to the angel of death... The temple headquarters, which had been quiet for a day, was finally lively.

Shen Feng and the angel of death also fell into a heavy siege, and they were in danger.

"Brush!" A black breath suddenly appeared out of thin air, and a low voice said, "stop!"