Chapter 1649

Shen Feng drove Bentley on the highway, while Zhou Sitong kept talking in the car.

What just happened made her very happy, which was a bad breath in her heart.

"What laxative is that? It's so powerful." Zhou Sitong asked Miao Yunduo with big eyes, "can you give me some? Maybe I can use it later. "

Wuduzong studies poison. There is no doubt about the power of laxative.

"Yes." Miao Yunduo also smiled.

While talking, several people drove to a large amusement park in downtown Haining.

When Miao Yunduo was in the ice city, in order not to cause unnecessary trouble, it can be said that he didn't step out of the gate. In this way, the five poisons sect tried hard to find her trace.

Now with Shen Feng around, she also wants to come out and relax, and the playground is a completely strange place for her.

Zhou Sitong is not old either. She plays crazy with Miao Yunduo.

Time passed quickly and night fell.

The playground is usually open until 10 o'clock in the evening. The flashing neon lights, the moving dolls are also flashing lights, and the music light fountain. Everything is very beautiful

Shen Feng accompanied the two women to sit on the bench and rest. Looking at the gorgeous neon and fountain, she felt very comfortable.

"Is it fun?" Zhou Sitong asked Miao Yunduo.

"Well, it's interesting." Miao Yunduo smiled.

She is also a master of internal Qi. The equipment in the amusement park is not very exciting for her. What makes her most happy is that Shen Feng is with her, which has greatly satisfied her empty heart recently.

"You must be thirsty. I'll buy you something to drink there and invite you to eat delicious food in the evening."

With that, Shen Feng got up and went to the place where the water was sold.

As soon as Shen Feng's front feet left, an old lady walked a few meters in front of them.

When the old lady passed by, her wallet suddenly fell to the ground.

After seeing the wallet, Zhou Sitong shouted to the old lady, "mother-in-law, you lost your wallet."

But the old lady turned a deaf ear to Zhou Sitong's words and went on.

"Grandma, you lost your wallet." Zhou Sitong reminded again and increased the volume.

The old lady still didn't look back, as if she hadn't heard.

Miao Yunduo has been looking at the old lady. She always feels something wrong, but she doesn't know what's wrong.

"Maybe I'm old and my ears don't work well." Zhou Sitong frowned slightly.

Then she got up and went to pick up her wallet and wanted to send it to the old lady.

But when she picked up her wallet, the old lady had unknowingly gone far, and the way forward was still a quiet place with dim lights.

"Wait a minute!"

Zhou Sitong shouted and hurried after him, trying to give the wallet to the old lady.

"Si Tong, you wait for me!" Seeing this, Miao Yunduo hurriedly chased Zhou Sitong

The old lady's pace was very fast, and Zhou Sitong didn't catch up with her for a moment.

When she reacted, she had come to the quiet corner of the amusement park.

"It doesn't seem right." Zhou Sitong immediately stopped.

Here is a forest path. Although there are chairs to provide rest and street lamps on both sides, it is late now. There is no one except the old lady who is moving forward.

When she stopped, the old lady in front also stopped.

"You lost your wallet." Zhou Sitong didn't catch up this time, but shouted.

"That wallet is for you." The old lady said in an old voice without looking back.

"For me?" Zhou Sitong looked at the wallet in her hand and was surprised because she didn't know the man at all.

"Open it and see what's inside." The old lady turned slowly and said.

Zhou Sitong looked at the wallet. When he was about to open it, Miao Yunduo chased up from behind and scolded: "don't listen to her!"

Zhou Sitong glanced at his wallet and threw it into the grass nearby.

"Do you think it's all right to throw away your wallet? Look at your hands. " The old lady smiled insidiously.

Zhou Sitong looked at his hands through the dim light. Some of them had changed color and some were purple. It was obvious that he was poisoned.

"You poisoned..." Zhou Sitong's face changed. She felt numb, weak, dizzy and swollen.

"I feel dizzy."

As she spoke, her body collapsed in Miao Yunduo's arms and fainted.

"Si Tong, Si Tong." Miao Yunduo looked at Zhou Sitong fainting, and his eyes showed anxiety.

She looked at Zhou Sitong's hands. Bei teeth clenched and said, "yes, bone eating powder! You are a member of the five poisons sect! "

Then she looked at the old lady with angry eyes.

As a "Saint" of the five poisons sect, she knows very well the toxicity of Yigu powder. She doesn't need to take this toxin. She will be poisoned if she meets it.

The wallet was smeared with bone swallowing powder.

And the old lady took advantage of Zhou Sitong's kindness and led her over again!

"Yun duo, you are worthy of being the 'Saint' of our five poisons sect. You recognize the bone eating powder at a glance." The old lady sneered.

With that, she gently took off her wig and mask, revealing her original face.

That was a woman in her thirties, the eldest martial sister of the five poisons sect. Shen Feng also dealt with her.

"Elder martial sister!"

Miao Yunduo was surprised. She didn't expect that the old lady was her eldest martial sister.

In fact, the five poisons sect has been ambushing near Haining City. The supreme elder of the five poisons sect searched all over China without results, so he took the way of waiting for a rabbit and sent someone to squat at the airport and station in Haining.

Miao Yunduo and Zhou Sitong were locked by the five poisons sect as soon as they arrived here, but they didn't dare to do it because of Shen Feng.

Shen Feng just went to buy water. They immediately seized this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

"Not only your eldest martial sister, but also me!"

Another low voice came from behind, and a tall man blocked her back.

The man is about 1.9 meters tall. He is as strong as an iron tower. His skin is bronze. He looks at Miao Yunduo coldly.

"Elder martial brother, you are here too!"

Miao Yunduo's heart sank. The eldest martial sister and eldest martial brother usually don't go out of Shengzong. Unexpectedly, they both came.

"Of course. Do you know how hard it is for us to search all over China during this time!" The elder martial brother of the five poisons sect said coldly.

Miao Yunduo clenched her teeth. In terms of strength, she can't beat the eldest martial sister or the eldest martial brother.

Now that two people appear at the same time, she has little chance of winning.

"Let me go. I don't want to have anything to do with the five poisons sect anymore. I don't want to go back and be a saint." Miao Yunduo said to them