An Liqi just wanted to call Fu Yunshen when she heard a knock at the door.

She clenched her fist tightly, held her mobile phone in her palm, calmed her mood, and said to the door:

"come in."

The door was gently pushed open at the next moment, and what came in was anyouqi.

In the past month, although they met and said hello, they did not have much chance to contact each other alone. An Liqi has always been accompanied by Ling Zhenyu, so she has little chance to notice that there are two women in the villa.

Look behind her -


Anyouqi came in by herself, and she closed the door behind her gently.

"What can I do for you?"

Anliqi looked at her faintly, her eyes fixed on her face.

"Don't be nervous. I'm just here to tell you that an's going to have a new year's dinner tonight. Zhenyu said you'd like to go with you, so dress up an hour in advance."

There was no obvious irony in her voice, more like a kind reminder.

An Liqi dropped her eyes and shook her head and refused:

"I'm a little uncomfortable. You'd better go."

Slowly walking to her bed, an Youqi stood and looked at the woman sitting on the bed and said with a sneer:

"you'd better go. This may be a good opportunity for you to consolidate your position in Anshi. Besides, even if you disdain it, don't you think about Zhenyu

An Liqi frowned and raised her eyes to her sarcastic eyes:

"what do you mean?"

"Tut Tut, you don't really think that the president of Ling's group married an illegitimate daughter who has no status. Is this simple? To tell you the truth, it may be justifiable for ordinary people, but that person is Ling Zhenyu... "

Half way through, she deliberately stopped, squinted at an Liqi, sighed and continued:

"what if that person was Ling Zhenyu? What will others think of him? It is said that the prince married Cinderella because Cinderella has crystal shoes. Do you have them

An Liqi was shaking.

She knew that there was a big difference between her identity and that of Ling Zhenyu.

In fact, she doesn't want to think deeply. She doesn't know why Ling Zhenyu is good to her. He is obviously not excellent, and he is stupid and stupid. Why does he like

Looking at her guilty look, an Youqi continued to tug at the corners of her mouth:

"I've prepared the dress for you. In the makeup artist downstairs, mama Zhang is cleaning up and has an appointment with a stylist. I advise you to cooperate with Zhenyu. Otherwise, he is used to not having you around. Tut tut - where should your value be reflected?"

With a glance of her beautiful eyes, she walked around the end of the bed and stood in front of the huge French window, looking at the scenery outside and sighed:

"if you think your value is only reflected in this bedroom, or even confined to this bed, then I have nothing to say."

With that, she turned and stepped on enchanting steps and left with pride all over her body.

Only angel was left in the room.

Once again, she realized the depth of Angie's mind.

All the words that angyouqi said just now have been poked into the softest place in her heart.

The woman had a thorough analysis, which was also a problem that puzzled her all the time. She could feel Ling Zhenyu's kindness to her and even his carefulness, but why in the end.

There is an angel who looks like her and is so excellent. Why does he treat her well.

If we can't find the origin of everything, it may be difficult to maintain it.

This month, she deliberately ignored the inferiority in her heart and wantonly enjoyed his care.

The man was like a drug, making her addicted.

Even when she thought of leaving him, she felt like a knife.

When she is alone, she has been thinking about where her own advantages are and how she can carry them forward, so that the man likes him a little longer and longer.

But I don't know.

Anyouqi said it's right. She can't confine herself to this bedroom. She should realize her own value, but where is the value.

In terms of culture, she didn't even finish high school, not to mention universities and other professional institutions.

In terms of temperament, she is an earthy girl who has never seen the world. It is a big difference from anyouqi.

In terms of details, she seems to have no plans for anything. She just relies on her mind to make temporary changes, while anyouqi is prepared for everything and is careful at every step.

In terms of her family background, she is an illegitimate daughter who is despised by individual people, and anyouqi is a famous business woman who is full of stars.

How can she compare!

But she really wanted to do something for Ling Zhenyu, even a little bit.

Not only because he wants to reflect his own value and give his inferiority complex a little more reason, but also wants to tell him that an Liqi he likes can help him, not a waste.

Therefore, she should seize every opportunity to fight with him side by side, even if it is just cooperation, she also hopes to do her best.OK, Ann's welcome dinner party. She's going!

Even if there is anyouqi, this bright and dazzling pearl.

Even if she is just a little star, she should have her own unique light.

Thinking of this, she turned out of bed, and before she could stand up, her mobile phone rang.

Looking at the name on the screen of her mobile phone, she took a deep breath of joy, grabbed the phone and pressed the answer button:


The man seemed relieved to hear her voice, and the next moment he said softly:

"at night..."

"I see. I'm going down to clean up. Are you finished?"

An Liqi asked softly.

"I'm -- I'm done."

The man's words pause, looking at the file on the desk, or pulled a white lie.

"You cheat. It can't be so fast. I've seen you work overtime. If you're busy, I'll be OK. I'll go there later."

Her deep understanding voice makes a pool of spring water in the man's heart, and the corners of the man's mouth open:

"I'll go back to pick you up in an hour and wait for me."


Cut off the phone, an Liqi's heart finally recovered a little warmth, she found that as long as she heard his voice, she would feel secure.

Her mother's business, she should put it off first. Ling Zhenyu is busy at work, so don't make trouble for the time being.

She also knows fan Yuanyuan's temper very well. She didn't let her say what she wanted to say at last. The woman must be waiting for her to compromise.

Since mother has died, since she knows this matter, then she should calm down and believe that the truth will never fail her.

Anyouqi doesn't seem to be there. Only fan Yuanyuan is downstairs, sitting on the sofa eating Ximei.

An Liqi stood in front of her and looked down at her, but the woman continued to eat prune without any anxiety.

In this case, she also turned to ask Zhang Ma:

"when will the stylist come?"

Mother Zhang brought a dress to her:

"little grandma, this is prepared by miss an, are you satisfied with it? The stylist said he would arrive in a quarter of an hour , the fastest update of the webnovel!