C60 cat's eye

That was because the corpses of the monkeys had disappeared.

Not only was the monkey corpses that were pulled out by Lin Hai gone, even the corpses under the hidden door were also gone. The only thing left was a little bit of blood.

I looked at the ground near the secret door for a while and found some traces of dragging.

"Someone took the monkey's body away?" I asked in surprise.

"Looks like it." Lin Hai nodded.

"Are these lunatics really crazy or are they just pretending to be crazy?" Hu Ziming seemed to be worried, "Do you guys think that the girl called Du Yue last night was pretending to be crazy?"

"Impossible." Moon spirit shook her head. "She really entered a state of hypnosis."

"Are you sure?" Hu Ziming was obviously in disbelief.

"I'm sure."

"You used to be a psychologist? Or a hypnotist? "

"I'm a writer."

Sure enough, I saw Hu Ziming slightly frown.

"I've written a novel about hypnotists before, so I've studied it."

"So you're good at this, aren't you?" I asked.

"Very well." the moon spirit said without thinking.

"Then for every type of novel you write, you will study and study the relevant knowledge on the spot?"

"Of course." Yue Ling nodded her head. "Otherwise, how could the things written be true?"

"But many novels are fictional."

"But mine is different, mine is all real." Moon spirit said in a serious tone.

"Hehe," Hu Ziming said in a teasing tone, "Then why don't you just keep it in your diary."

At this moment, the moon spirit unexpectedly went into a rage.

That's right, not only was she angry, she was also furious!

She suddenly flashed in front of Hu Ziming, her speed so fast that I had reason to believe she had teleported.

"You are not allowed to insult my work!" The moon spirit's face, which was originally like Chang'e's on the moon, suddenly showed a hint of malevolence.

Hu Ziming was obviously shocked by Yue Ling's actions, and frowned a few steps back.

Seeing that the Moon Spirit's expression had become even more sinister, she anxiously went forward to block the path between the two of them. At the same time, I told Lin Hai to quickly pull Hu Ziming further away.

The Moon Spirit seemed to be out of breath and began to take deep breaths.

"Calm down, Moon Spirit." I patted her on the back.

Yue Ling shivered slightly before her breathing calmed down.

F * ck.

Previously, I only felt that there was something wrong with this moon spirit's mind. However, her previous performance had already confirmed my guess. She is …

There was really a mental illness!

Because her symptoms are very similar to those of a psychopath I've seen before.

I have a distant relative who has this intermittent mental illness. It's very scary and hard to guard against, but normally it's no different from a normal person.

I told Yue Ling to sit on the ground and rest for a while, then quickly ran to Hu Ziming's side and whispered, "Don't provoke her! "She's not in her right mind!"

Hu Ziming had obviously reacted by now as well. He nodded his head and said, "I found out! Don't worry, there won't be a next time, but I was just joking with her. "

"Of course I know that. You don't need to explain, go over and apologize to her later."


Like a peacemaker, I ran over to the Moon Spirit's side and said a few good words on behalf of Hu Ziming, who quickly bowed and apologized to her.

After which, he saw Moon Spirit reveal a dazzling smile like a little child.

It was good if she didn't laugh, but her smile made her look more like a lunatic.


After the moon spirit had completely calmed down, I told them to wait outside. I decided to go to the hidden door to see what was going on.

The moon spirit immediately said she wanted to go down with me.

I didn't dare to reject her. I thought it wouldn't be fun to provoke her again. Moreover, even though this moon spirit's mind isn't normal, it still has the skills. Letting her go isn't a bad thing.

This time I did not take the flashlight, because the power of the flashlight was already running out, even if I took it, it would be useless.

Moon spirit and I jumped down one after the other.

As soon as I got there, I smelled something bad.

I'm sure it didn't smell like this down here yesterday. It smelled like something rotten, and I thought of the body almost instantly.

Had the corpses of the monkeys been brought inside?

I walked along the thickest part of the rotten path, and after a few steps I heard a cloud of flies fly towards me.

At the same time, the moon spirit actually said, "There is a dead man."

"Where?" I looked ahead, but all I could see was darkness.

"Up ahead." The moon spirit seemed to be pointing in a direction, but I couldn't tell exactly where she was pointing.

"You can see the moon spirit?" I asked in surprise.

"Sure." The moon spirit turned to me and said.


Why do I see the moon spirit turn its head towards me in the darkness?

But I reacted quickly, and cold sweat broke out on my forehead.

Because just now, I clearly saw the moon spirit's eyes emit a faint blue light, just like the light that the cat's eye emitted at night.

No wonder she had night vision!

After all this time, she had a pair of cat eyes?

Now the question was, was the moon spirit a human or a monster?

I felt my hair stand on end, and I almost ran away.

At this moment, the moon spirit said, "If you can't see, then wait here. I'll go and drag the corpse out for you."

"Eh, you don't need any help?"

"No need." After the moon spirit said this, I heard her walk forward. Not long after that, by the faint light of the fibre-optic hole, I saw her come back with the corpse of an adult.

There was a terrible stench coming from the corpse. I covered my nose with my hand and the moon spirit both brought the corpse to the ground.

There was no fur coat on the body, and we turned it over so it faced up, and then I recognized it.

This person …

It was the guy we caught at the Duan Long campsite. When we were in the hiding place before we arrived at Liu Yong, he slipped away through the secret passage in his cave.

I didn't think he'd die here, and I'm sure it was after we left yesterday, because the last time we came down there was no sign of a human body and there was no smell of putrefaction.

Lin Hai and Hu Ziming didn't know who this man was, so I told him about his situation. Then, I saw Lin Hai using his bow to look at this man's corpse.

Soon we saw that the man had several obvious bite marks on his abdomen, as if he had been bitten by an animal.

Thinking about those crazy monkeys from before, we speculated that this person was probably stupid enough to run here and get bitten to death by a monkey-like animal.

I dug a hole in the ground for him with the machete and buried him in it. Then we continued south.

It didn't take long for them to reach the location where the broken limbs were, but just like the monkey corpses, the broken limbs and corpses were nowhere to be seen.


Looks like someone cleaned it.

Could he have taken these corpses to a fire?

What was this intention?

Destroy the body?

To the south of this area is the "unknown region" we have never set foot in before. I looked at Liu Yong who was tied to the rope and said, "Move forward!"

Of course, Liu Yong was not happy, he immediately used the Mountain Splitting Saber to support the back of his heart and said: "Let's go! Otherwise, I will stab you to death! "

"Everyone, one round, right? It's because we were classmates that I didn't beat you to death yesterday. Otherwise, you would have long been buried! "

Then, I kicked his butt hard, causing Liu Yong to fall forward from my kick.