Chapter 7 – The Elf (3)

Chapter 7 – The Elf (3)

[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

Chapter 7 – The Elf (3)

The queen nodded.

“It’s a human. They’ve invaded our territory.”

[Hmph. To think they’d dare to meddle with the beings of nature over such petty matters. It’s decided. Let’s incinerate them without leaving a trace.]

As soon as the words ended, Piego spun on his heel.

And a storm of flames descended.

Starting from his horns, the storm engulfed Ketal in an instant.

It was pure flame.

A concept that burned away all darkness and brought a bright red light to the world.


In an instant, Ketal’s body was consumed by flames.

[It’s over.]

Piego said calmly.

But the queen shook her head.

“No. It’s not over.”



A hand emerged from the flames.

It moved roughly to extinguish the flames.

Ketal was still there, in the same position as before.

“It’s quite hot.”

Despite the words, his expression was incredibly calm. P

iego’s fiery form trembled more roughly.


What he wielded was pure flame.

It was something close to the essence of nature.

Even the strongest would inevitably suffer damage if struck head-on by such pure Spirit power.

Yet here he was, seemingly unscathed.

[...I see. You possess the power to wield the beings of nature. But that’s all.]

The horns burned even more fiercely.

Piego bent his front legs.

He exerted force with his hind legs.

Flames exploded backward like jet engines.

[Die by my horn.]


The bull charged.

He thrust his rough horns forward to impale Ketal.

And Ketal, lightly extended his hand.


An explosion occurred. GEtt the latest novels at

Spirits were beings of nature.

Inherently, they didn’t affect nature itself.

But the grass, the trees, ignited with flames.

It was a concept overwhelmingly covering other aspects of nature with fire.

The queen hurriedly enveloped herself in flames.

The power of a supreme Spirit was unmatched.

Even those nearby would struggle if they weren’t as powerful as her.

It was inconceivable that someone hit by such a blow would be unscathed.


[This can’t be!]

Astonishment erupted from Piego’s mouth.

His horn was blocked by Ketal’s palm.

The horn, imbued with pure flame, couldn’t penetrate simple human flesh.

Piego hastily exerted even more force.

Ketal’s body was completely engulfed in flames.

But nothing changed.

Even the primordial flame couldn’t burn human flesh.

Ketal calmly clenched his fist.

“It’s comforting to have the form of a beast.”

His fist rose slowly.

Piego, sensing danger, tried to withdraw, but the head held by Ketal’s hand didn’t move.

“There’s no reluctance to strike you down.”

The fist collided with the horn.



The horn, the unyielding horn imbued with pure flame, shattered against the human fist. Piego’s entire body exploded and scattered.

In a single blow, Piego was banished back to the Spirit realm.


A being of incomprehensible strength.

The queen gave up.

If even Piego was banished, there was nothing more she could do.

She quietly closed her eyes.

May her tribe be safe against the hands of the barbarians.

Thud. Thud.

Footsteps echoed.

Then there was one thing to worry about.

“The fact that you came from the snowfields means that other beings can also come out of the snowfields?”

“Well, I don’t think that would happen like this.”

There is order in the snowfields.

Even powerful beings like that snake could not break that order.

Ketal had escaped it in the form of a quest.

“Then that’s a relief.”

The queen was sincerely relieved.

Their territory was not far from the snowfields.

If someone had the same power as Ketal but was hostile to them, she didn’t know how to respond.

After some more miscellaneous talk, Ketal stood up.

“I should be going soon.”

“So soon?”

“You also need to tidy up your territory. Having me around will only be a hindrance.”

A hesitant gaze could be felt.

Although the elves had gotten somewhat closer, they still kept their distance as if they were afraid.

Having him around would only be a hindrance.

The queen bowed her head, seemingly genuinely sorry.

“I’m sorry.”

“It’s alright. It’s a shame, but I can always come back later.”

“Be sure to visit whenever you like, you’ll always be welcome.”

“That’ll do.”

The queen looked at Ketal with a strange look in her eyes.

It was only natural.

An eye for an eye.

It was the natural order of the world.

Even if it was a misunderstanding, she had tried to kill Ketal.

She had to pay the price for it.

But Ketal didn’t show much of a reaction as if the misunderstanding had been resolved.

To be so kind to someone who had tried to kill him.

If such adults existed, would they be like him?

The queen’s gaze softened.

“Apology is necessary.”

“It’s not necessary.”

“No. I’m not at ease. Is there anything you desire? If there is, I’ll grant it for you.”

Even if Ketal wished for anything.

Ketal’s eyes sparkled at the offer, filled with determination.

“In that case, is something like a contract with a Spirit possible?”

“Uh, what?”

The queen was taken aback by the unexpected request.

Ketal’s eyes were shining like those of a child.

After staring at Ketal for a moment, the queen lowered her head.

“I’m sorry, but... it seems impossible. Of course, among humans, those closer to nature can make contracts with Spirits, but...”

“Is it difficult for me?”

“Even the elves are intimidated by you, so the beings of nature would be even more so.”

“Is that so?”

Contracting with Spirits is impossible.

Ketal’s face darkened.

Watching his expression, the queen hesitated for a moment before making a decision.

“If you truly wish to contract with a Spirit, go to the Elfo Sagrado.”

“Elfo Sagrado?”

“It’s where our elven god resides. The holy land of all elves. There... it might be possible. I’ll give you the location, but keep it to yourself.”

“The holy land of the elves. Can I, a human, go there?”

“Originally, it would be impossible, but with my introduction, it should be possible.”

The holy land of the elves.

Elfo Sagrado.

It was a dream location for all who studied elves.

But no elf would ever reveal that location to another race, no matter how much they were tortured or tempted.

It was a place more precious than life itself to the elves and they maintained their silence no matter what.

But she made up her mind.

She reached out her hand into the air.


A jewel of flame materialized.

It fell into Ketal’s hand.

“You can take this with you. Of course, even if you’re nearby, our god will probably test you... But if it’s you, there shouldn’t be any problem.”

“I’ll gratefully accept it.”

It was time to leave.

Ketal stood up to leave the forest.

The queen bowed cautiously.

“I am Marsilia Hasianne Calusia, Queen of the Brown Tinged Leaf tribe. What is your name?”

“I am Ketal. Just Ketal.”

“Alright, Ketal. I will never forget this debt. Make sure to come back later.”

“I will do so.”

With a chuckle, Ketal turned around.

Marselia watched him quietly until he disappeared.

[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]