Chapter 301 299. Brain Damage

Chapter 301 299. Brain Damage

"Yeah yeah, You are a cat, not a puppy. Do inside and play, Your food is put inside it."

Alex spoke to two of these kitties, giving him puppy eyes trying to get food from him.

He normally would have given them right here and now but he did not do it rather arranged their food in the beast space.

He didn't use this beast space yet but the system did say it is a space that has the best ideal condition for their growth.

Meaning that space is filled with spiritual energy and highly compatible spiritual power there, Which beast did not want to be refined.

They can just directly absorb it in their body without any delay enhancing them and consolidate their cultivation base and even improve it.

And this dish is beneficial for them, So if they ate there, the effect of the dish would be enhanced and easily integrated with them.

Of course, This way they would not be here when these ladies eat their part, Which was he stored in the inventory for dramatic display.

Alex has no idea how they would react after eating it as it is the first time they ate it.

It is his first time to use this high level of his cooking on them, Especially the special meat that is said to have a high aphrodisiac effect.

There is a high chance the moment they are done eating, They will jump on him like a hungry wolf.

So it's best for these two to avoid that for the time being, They two can eat and play in the beast space, They might even improve in their, It's the best of both worlds.

Hence why, When these two asked, Alex snapped open a portal for these two to enter in it.

Well if he wanted, He could have just willed and they would be transported in their but that would have been a shock he didn't want to give to Shapira and others.



Both Xiao and Shapira turned to look at each other in the tactical understanding trying to see what they should do.

Then both nodded and happily jumped inside the portal, Which closed right after they jumped in disappearing from the hall.

"Huh...Wait!? What just happened?"

White suddenly stood up from her chair pointing her shaking index finger at the Alex, As shock was written all over her.

She could not believe her eyes at all. What did I just see now? One little girl and white tigress jumped through some strange light door and then disappeared from the room.

Oh yes, She forgot that she thought Alex was mauled to death by the same said white tigress.

A thought also did not pass through her mind to question, Why there was a full grown tigress living in the room.

Nope, She either ignored or not even noticed it, But this thing happened right in front of her, So it caught her full attention.

This was a shock to her as she is not aware of hidden society or the world. In her eyes the world is normal, just like her. (A/n : God, I hope not).

So her seeing this like someone stumbling around paranormal activity, Changing their world view.

"Nothing, You are just imagining it."

Alex straight up gaslighted it without hesitation.

Could he not just say that it was a magic trick or something like that to her?

"Didn't I use it just a while ago, Madam? Remember, I give you a compliment that you are very pretty for a mother of 2 in their 20s? I think that was a clever compliment.

Not only I said you are pretty but also said what you achieved in one sentence, That needs a brain to do it right?"

White having zero social awareness, really thought her Madam asked her to tell when was the last time she used her brain.

So this being obviously not the time she used her brain as she decided to once again repeat and remind Isabella about her compliment as in her eyes it's a smart thing to do.



"Hahahah, Indeed, Beautiful for woman in her mid 40s, just wanna ask, Do you still bleed or it there is drought"

Alex could not hold back and burst out laughing followed suit by Rita and Amara as it was too funny for them.

Amara even mocked Isabella as after Rita the woman she most dislikes is Isabella as this old cow wants to eat green grass.

In her eyes, Isabella is only there to take advantage of her brother's young age. That's what these old hags do.

Of course she didn't know about Liaz's stunt. If she did, Who knows what would happen to that pervert Loli.

"You...!! Okay why are you still here? Go back home, We are going to have a talk there."

Isabella is embarrassed by the Amara's words not having any words strike back.

She still bleeds cause she is not that old even in mortal age not to mention she is considered as a teenager based on her cultivation.

But how can she say this? No matter what she would say, It's a fact that she is way older than Alex.

The only thing that was giving her confidence was her family background and cultivation.

But as it turns her family not even consider ant in his eyes, After all just having an S-Rank in the family put his family amongst the top rank families.

And the cultivation? His realm may be not that high but manipulating the space already made him more qualified then her.

So she is already feeling insecure. If she try to justify her age, She would be just digging her own grave even deeper.

Isabella fusrated lashed out on White then, She didn't understand what she did to this woman, Why she was being targeted like this.

"I wanted to ask him questio-"

"Ask tomorrow, Get out now."

White shrunk her neck down and spoke her reason but Isabella sternly cut her off and announced her to leave.

"Oh oh chill out, No one going anywhere until you all ate."

Alex quickly interjects in-between them to calm down the matter. Its fun to have small traction but he can't allow it to turn into the fight.

So he stopped going further and wanted to go straight to the main course.

*Slam* *Open*

"Yo I am back kitty kitty, See what I brought to cook, You going to like it."

(A/N : Like always thank you for reading and have a good day ????.)