Chapter 321: 319. Pinky Promise

Chapter 321: 319. Pinky Promise

"Really?! I am hungry, Madam quick call Si-si??!! Wait, why?! Please don't, She would punish me for sneaking out alone of the manor."

White's face lit up when Alex patted her head gently and talked to her with his soft tone.

Then she heard he also cooked for her meaning she did not have to be hungry or just eat toffees to quench her hunger, She was excited about it.

She quickly reacted by asking her Madam, Isabella because of course who is here can be called aunty other than her dear head of family?

So she hurriedly asked her to do it. How can she not take the unintentional shot at the poor Isabella who just wanted to avoid the heat this airhead was pulling up.

If not for Isabella was in shock and hurt when she heard Alex calling her aunty, She would have thrown hands long ago as there is no way all this time she did it by coincidence.

Well White has no survival instincts, So she did not notice the flame of fire shooting from her eyes directed at her at all.

She was so happy and hungry to care about anything else, So she quickly blurted out to Isabella not even thinking twice about what Alex said.

But of course airhead as she maybe, She is not that dumb to not realize what Alex had said.

While talking in mid speech she realized that he asked for her sister to be here. Her sister is the most feared existence of hers in this world.

And that too for these reasons, She still remembers she sneaked out of the house and if her sister finds that out, Who knows what her punishment would be.

She was terrified of the news of her sister knowing this as so in panic she couldn't understand why Alex called her sister out.

If she was normal she would have thought she did something wrong and hence why her sister was being called here to inform her and ask Black to give her punishment.

But is she normal? She did not think or understand what she did was something wrong and so she was only terrified of the fact Black afraid of her sneaking out and nothing else.

"Hey hey, Chill out, I give you my word that 'she' would not punish you for sneaking out, Rather I would even arrange to reward you for it."

Hey don't get him wrong, He is a villain after all, Catching an innocent maiden in his traps is his nature and job, He is just doing his appointed duty.

If you wanna blame someone, blame the protagonist for lazing around not doing its job to protect them from the clutches of big bad wolf.

"Okay, I'll call her right away."

White when Alex gave her the pinky promise, Which in her eyes consider the top most validity ever is.

So she just accepted his words without even asking or thinking about how he was able to make sure her sister can't give punishment to her.

She was just happy that Alex gave her the pinky promise and so she happily pulled out her phone that is given to her for emergency by her sister and called her with a click as Black number is on the quick dial.

*Beep* *Be- *

"Where are you? Wait, never mind, just keep being where you are and keep the phone on, I am on my way."

When White dialed a call, It only rang the one ring and before the second ring could come, Black on the other side picked up the call.

There was a calm but hurried voice coming from the other side of the phone. She wanted to ask the whereabouts of White but then knowing it was her sister she was talking to drop the


She just asked White to stay where she is and before White could say anything she dropped the call. There is a live location option on the phone, So Black could know where she is and would come in no time.

'Okay now just wait for her, Tonight will be wild.'

Alex looked towards the door while thinking to himself.

(A/N: 16th one o to go Yeah []

Like always thank you for reading and have a good day [].)