Chapter 45

Drawing a Line (2)

After returning to the inn, I was organizing my backpack when I ran into a problem.

It was about nothing other than the metal helmet in my hand.

Should I just sell this?'

This helmet had been officially called the Golden Mask' in the game.

An item obtained by defeating the boss of the Blood Citadel' and satisfying certain special conditions.

The effect was simple.

It customized the appearance of the wearer's face.

Although the effect was only limited to thirty in-game days.

Plus, its a limited-use consumable.'

From what I remembered; it could perhaps be used up to five times?

I recalled that itd naturally disappeared from my inventory after Id used it all up.

Of course, I wasnt completely sure about the number.

Because except for the first playthrough when Id gotten my hands on it, Id never used this item.

Instead, Id sold it off on the exchange every time.

For about 500,000 stones.

Still, I'm worried

It wasnt a worry one would have if they were playing the game.

What use is a cosmetic item in a game?

Why would you go and apply a skin on a game character with 2D pixel graphics, and one with a limited thirty-day duration at that?

It was better to sell it off, even if it were as cheap as 10,000 stones.

But I was in a reality right now.

After a short deliberation, I made my decision.

Since I cant be sure, let's keep it for now. I'm not hurting for cash right now, anyway.'

My situation was different from the game, in many ways.

Hadnt I even been framed and imprisoned, just recently?

If I ever needed to become a public enemy of this city, this item would surely play a huge role.

And perhaps I could find some other place to use it, too.

In the end, its money that makes the world go round.'

I could once again feel how precious money was.

If I hadn't made a lot of money this time, I'd have definitely chosen to sell.

And as could be seen from this

The more money you have, the more options you have.

Whether it's in the game, or in reality.

Or even in this distant world.

"Hey! Did you hear? The Crystal Unions disbanded!"

A silver-haired fairy was quietly eating in a corner of the restaurant.

Daria Wittember di Tersia, perked up her pointed ears.

Because this was a topic she was interested in.

"What? The Crystal Union, disbanded?"

The Crystal Union.

It was the name of an adventurer clan thatd achieved explosive growth in the past decade. It specialized in providing various conveniences to first-floor adventurers, using an extensive network of contacts and an overabundance of of message stones.

"Surprising, right? A whole adventurer clan in tip-top shape just going puff! overnight?"

"Hah! Tip-top shape? Can you even call them adventurers?"

From what shed heard, the members of the Crystal Union were mostly ordinary people who, under the pressure of taxes, set foot in the realm of adventurers.

Many of them held a separate job in the city and spent only one day a month to visit the labyrinth.

Of course, there was nothing wrong with just that.

Rather, such a purpose could be even called noble.

In fact, shed heard that many ordinary citizens whod been facing a crisis of defaulting on their taxes, wh would've seen them executed, had been saved through this in the past.


"Anyway, this is good news! They always kept bragging everywhere about being adventurers."

The current Crystal Union had become corrupted.

As its power grew, it began to reject outsiders, and there were frequent cases of abuse of power[1] and even violent deeds against rookie adventurers.

Whatd happened to her sister was a perfect example.

It wasn't enough that theyd tried to harm her in such an unsightly way, theyd even tried to eliminate her to keep her mouth shut.

I hate to admit it, but if not for that barbarian, something unimaginable could've happened.'

Ever since hearing about the incident, shed been hoping to take care of those guys one day.

But from this conversation, it looked like she didn't need to anymore.

Coincidentally, this time too, it was thanks to a barbarian.

"By the way, I haven't asked yet. Why did they suddenly disband?"

"Oh, didnt you hear the story?"

"What news?"

"The Barbarian of Liberty!"

As she secretly overheard the story that followed, Daria frowned involuntarily.

The more she listened, the more interesting the story became.

After being framed, not only did this guy escape from prison, did he even take the daughter of the regional chief hostage?

"The story keeps getting bigger and bigger. At this rate, the new loot investigation law for ninth-ranked adventurers may end up getting scrapped."

It was a story worth listening to.

The person whod allegedly done the frame-up had already been sentenced to death and summarily hanged. Even the Crystal Union, which had been proud of its staggering size, was now apparently being held accountable for its past actions, and was being savagely beaten.

Just, there was one thing

Preferred exploration areas: Twilight Slope, Steel Rock Hill, Jet Black Estuary.Average rank: 7th.Current personnel: 2 human melee warriors (7th rank), 1 beastkin melee warrior (7th rank), 1 dwarf melee warrior (7th rank).Recruitment: 1 melee warrior.Equal distribution.No fairies.Participation in post-battle meal together is mandatory.Drinking is allowed during exploration if desired.

If I can see it even from the recruiting announcement, itd be even worse in reality.'

Perhaps if Id had a slightly longer career, finding a team wouldve been easier.

The highest Id reached was the second floor.

If I werent such a purported newbie, I wouldve had a much wider range of choices.

There wouldnt have been any teams trying to openly rip me off with such a low distribution ratio.

Its annoying.'

I thought I'd rather organize a team myself by posting a recruitment notice, but

Well, no one would join, right?

Rather, the unlucky bastards whod join such a team wouldnt be normal people.

Forget it, I didn't think I'd be able to find a team on my first day, anyway.'

"Do you have a team you prefer?"

"Im not really seeing anything I like today."

When I shook my head and returned the documents, the administrator started parroting lines like those brainwashed game NPC.

"Oh, is that so? Thank you for your valuable time, but I'm so sorry that I couldn't help you. Bjorn Yandel, we can let your information be disseminated to other teams if you wish "

"Its fine, Ill be back."

"Oh, would you please? Then see you next time. I am Terbes, a guild member whos always friendly towards adventurers!"

Really, this man was kind in his tone, in his words, and in his actions.

He wasnt bad at his job, either.

"Then goodbye, adventurer!"

But why was I feeling so weird?

Leaving that hint of unease behind, I left the guild and headed back to my hotel.

But my feet stopped at an alley corner.

It was because of one barbarian.


A bushy beard.

Trousers that were frayed and stained with dirt.

It was true that many barbarians comported themselves no better than beggars, but even keeping that in mind, the barbarian resting against the alley wall looked particularly wretched.


As soon as I saw him, a sense of incongruity struck my mind.

Although I lived in a separate inn, I often hung out with other barbarians, so I could pinpoint the source.

Even if it was like this, a barbarian whod just sat down to rest somewhere

Why are there no weapons?'

He had no weapon.

This was a very serious contradiction.

No matter how poor, hungry, and cold they might get, the barbarians carry their weapon as if it were their own life.

Although I wasnt one to indulge in idle curiosity, I approached him instinctively and tried to start a conversation.

But what was this, again?


" H-, hey!"

The barbarian, whod fallen asleep leaning against the wall, was startled and greatly dismayed when he woke up and found me looking down at him.

Well, fear of strangers may be a natural reaction for a living creature

But thats by the standards of other creatures, not for us brave barbarians.

Motherfucker, this bastard

That nebulous sense of incongruity began to gradually take shape.

My heart was pounding, but I quickly suppressed my raging emotions and thought through what I had to do next.

First, I'd have to lower his vigilance.

"Dont be afraid, I wont hurt you."

As proof that I wasnt an enemy, I pulled out a piece of jerky from my backpack and forced it into his hand.

It was the greatest kindness a barbarian could do.

Of course, he only took it, and he didn't actually eat the jerky in front of me.

Still, I could at least clearly feel that the caution engraved in his eyes had subsided a little.

Well, this should be enough to start a conversation.'

I asked as if curious.

"Whyre you doing this here?"

"T-, that, thats I, I don't have any money "

I nodded quietly.

Rookie barbarians were indeed penniless.

This could indeed be the reason.

No, it made more sense the more I thought about it.


"What happened to your weapon?"

"I, I sold it, sir"

He didnt just sell his weapon, he was also polite

"Youve got a name? I am Bjorn, son of Yandel."

"I, Im Ta-, Tarikan, son of Li-, Lien!"

He raised his voice as if hed realized his mistake, but it was already too late.

I was already certain.

"Nice to meet you! Tarikan, son of Lien!"

This bastard, was an evil spirit. And it hadnt been long since hed entered this world.

Editor's Notes:

[1] (lit. carrying on the back), to use your position or background to your advantage.