Chapter 105 PK (1)

Chapter 105 PK (1)

PK (1)

The one who opened the rift.

In other words, who's the mafia?

It's a question I've been pondering ever since we entered the 'Glacier Cave'.

To me, the mafia is a 'variable'.

I needed to figure out beforehand whether they would be a positive or negative variable. That's why I gathered clues, considering all possibilities without assuming the bear-like man was the mafia.

As a result...

'Right, it was her.'

I found the one who is suspected to be the mafia.

However, that's all for now.

I don't know what this bastard wants.

'Phew, I can't just kill her.'

The more I don't know her intentions, the more uneasy I feel.

After all, if she's really the mafia, there's a high chance she'll become a negative variable in the future.


'I'll have to keep observing for now.'

There's only one mafia.

And she hasn't done anything yet.

That means it would be a problem if I just killed her out of the blue.

Unless I also 'silence' the two innocent ones.



"Michelle, are you feeling okay?"

"...Me? I'm fine?"

Misha answers innocently, but in reality, the fatigue from yesterday must be pervasive.

Unlike Jenson and the bear-like man, we only slept for three hours each because we had to keep watch.

"Don't worry, it's better than the Witch's Forest, right?"

"That's... true."

I chuckle and shake off my worries.

Well, someone who endured that much won't falter from something like this.

"Enough with the lovey-dovey stuff, let's get going."

As soon as the bear-like man says something, Misha hurries back to her position.

The very back of the formation.

It's a position where she can immediately notice if anyone tries anything funny. If it weren't for her, I would have been hesitant to take the lead as the tank.


As soon as I take the first step, the party follows at my pace.

'So this is what it feels like in real life, not in 2D graphics.'

A dark, icy cave.

The frozen ground is slippery, and the overall terrain is more three-dimensional than the 1st-floor Crystal Cave.

There are even steep slopes and places where the path is cut off, requiring us to use ropes to cross.


"It's a relief that there seems to be only one path."

We don't get lost even without a scout.

There are occasional side paths, but they soon lead to dead ends.

We just have to follow the main path and keep moving.

While smashing the monsters that appear from the ice walls.


For reference, the monsters that appear here are Wormstones, Sabertooth Tigers, Frost Wolves, Ice Golems, and Owlbears.

Unlike the Crimson Fortress, where the 7th-grade monster 'Bone Knight' appeared, most of the monsters here are 8th-grade.

'But the actual difficulty level is higher here.'

The status effect [Hypothermia].

It's a debuff field effect that decreases Agility by up to -30 and doubles cold damage taken when you don't have cold resistance.

"Miss Nayfrin, be careful. Maybe it's because my body is stiff, but these guys' attacks seem to hurt more than before."

"Ah, that's... that's why!"

As the journey continues, 'Jenson', who is taking the second row on either side of me, starts groaning.

Of course, I don't slow down out of consideration for them. Their share of the loot is practically negligible anyway.


It's basically just Misha, the bear-like man, and me, the one protecting the bear-like man, clearing the path, and we're finally nearing the end of the chapter.

Did it take about four hours to get here?

As we're walking through the winding passage, going up and down...

...we reach a vast cavern.

"Whew, what a sight."

Three monsters are trapped in crystal-clear ice pillars.

"Judging by their white skin, they're Ice Orcs."

"...Ice Orcs?"

"Don't worry, they're only 7th-grade."

The weapons held by the Ice Orcs are all different.

One has an axe, one has a hammer, and one has a shaman's staff.

"...Do we really have to fight them?"

"They wouldn't be here for no reason."

The bear-like man answers cynically to Jensia's mumbling.

And at that moment...


The ice pillars that were trapping the Ice Orcs crack and start to shatter all at once.

"They're not even giving us time to admire the view?"

Anyway, regardless of the bear-like man's relaxed response...

"Don't panic and get into formation!"

I shout urgently towards Jenson, who are fidgeting.

Tsk, should I just get up and pretend to have come to my senses?

As I'm contemplating that...

Someone mutters,

"So that was his Spirit Beast."

It's a cold voice.

"Now I can do it as planned."

The bear-like man, who was loading another arrow, collapses, vomiting blood.


The mafia has finally made their move.


There are a few prerequisites that must be met to be the mafia.

Having enough knowledge to know how to open rifts.

Having excellent pathfinding skills to travel to the 2nd floor and back in just 19 hours.

And having the ability to clear the rift alone.

With these alone, the picture becomes clearer.

A scout with the strength of a 5th-grade explorer.

That’s the identity of the mafia.

The problem is that all three of them had the potential to be the mafia.

1. Bear-like man.

5th-grade explorer.

His way of thinking is similar to a player's.

There’s no need to explain further.

2. Kalson.

He only gave his name during introductions.

He didn’t mention the essence he possesses either.

And his low-level equipment was also well-maintained.

As if it were brand new.

I thought it might be a disguise, so I observed him closely, but he didn’t absorb the Frost Wolf essence either, making excuses.

He was suspicious enough.

Well, not as suspicious as him, but...

3. Jensia Nayfrin.

She said she received training as a scout and is knowledgeable about traps and mechanical devices.

She also said that observation is her specialty.

I think it was all just insurance.

To make her subsequent lines sound natural.

[Do, do we really have to kill that and then go down?]

When we encountered the Yeti blocking the cave.

[Ah! It’s glowing after I touched it.]

In the second chapter.

[I feel like my body is moving slowly...···!]

When the mid-boss cast [Suppression].

[By the way... is it all over now?]

Before the last wave started, when everyone was letting their guard down.

She kept subtly hinting at key points as if pretending not to know.

As if she already knew the strategy.

Of course, this was nothing compared to the bear-like man or Kalson.

If it weren’t for the dirt on her shoes.

As soon as we entered the rift, the first thing I checked was their shoes. To open the ‘Glacier Cave’, you need to visit the 2nd-floor Beast’s Lair.

Jensia was the only one with dirt on her shoes.

Well, it’s understandable if she just didn’t wipe off the dirt from the city...

[Now that I think about it, there’s one strange thing. Jensia’s scent changed after we fell into the water.]

Misha’s tip made me certain.

Although she’s not as good as Rotmiller, she still has a good sense of smell as a beastman.

[She used to smell a bit more... fishy.]

[Like the Beast’s Lair?]

[Ah! Now that you mention it! That’s why it felt familiar!]

Jensia is the mafia.

And I judged that she’s a malicious variable with a high chance of becoming a negative factor.

And thanks to that...

...I was able to prepare beforehand.


The moment Jensia’s sword pierces the bear-like man’s abdomen...

...Misha, as if she’s been waiting, throws a vial and hits her target.


The glass shatters, and the contents spill out.

“Thank you, it’s worth about 30 million sto— Kyaak!”

Jensia, who was about to say something smugly, is startled and steps back after being doused in the liquid.

“Wh, what! What did you do to me...?”

I quickly get up.

But did my fainting also play a part in her choosing this moment for a surprise attack?

“What, what is it...?”

Jensia looks even more confused.

I let out a battle cry instead of answering.


What is it?

It means...’s self-defense from now on.