Chapter 116 Reunion (4)

Chapter 116 Reunion (4)

Reunion (4)

Erwen Fornachi di Tersia.

She is currently in the Witch's Forest.

With her sister, Daria.

"Ugh... I'm so dizzy..."

"You'll get used to it. So once you adjust, try to focus on the sounds."

The reason she entered the Witch's Forest while hunting with her sister on the 3rd floor is simple.

She's been receiving scout training recently.

They entered the Witch's Forest on the last day before the labyrinth closes.

"Even if you don't become a professional scout, you need to know how to find your way up to the 4th floor."


Her sister is an experienced scout.

So she has already inherited enough knowledge and know-how to find her way alone on the lower floors.

But the Witch's Forest is different.

It's a special terrain where you can only navigate by relying on your senses.

"How is it, do you hear anything?"

Erwen focuses on the sounds as instructed by her sister. Other races have to specialize in one sense, like smell or sight, to avoid getting lost in the Witch's Forest...


...but fairies, with their naturally developed hearing, don't need to do that?

According to her sister's explanation, although it's difficult to navigate this place like your own backyard, anyone can find the 4th-floor portal.


As soon as she closes her eyes and listens, she starts to hear small sounds that she couldn't hear before.

The wind like blades, the rustling of branches, the howls of monsters, the clanging of weapons, and so on.

As she examines them one by one, she finds a sound that's clearly different.


It's a heavy sound, like a heartbeat.

This must be the fluctuation of magic power that her sister mentioned.

"That way..."

Her sister smiles proudly as she points in the direction of the sound.

"Good job. Then shall we go?"

Erwen continues to focus on the sound and finds her way. There were times when she was so focused on her hearing that she didn't even notice monsters approaching...

...but her sister always helped her, so there were no problems.

How much time has passed?


The fluctuation of magic power grows stronger.

Now, she can hear it even without trying, to the point where her ears feel stuffy. Just as she's thinking that it's okay to stop focusing on the sound...

[Good work, Rotmiller.]

...Erwen frowns at the sudden voice she hears.

She doesn't know who Rotmiller is, but...


"What's wrong?"

The voice saying 'good work' is familiar.

It's similar to the voice she misses, a voice that's both harsh and warm...

'Could it be...?'

Even though she thinks it's impossible, Erwen's legs are already moving.

Towards the direction where the voice came from.

"Erwen? Where are you... stop...!"

Although her sister calls out from behind, she continues forward as if possessed, unable to hear her.

After about a minute...

...a vast clearing appears, and a giant tower hidden within the forest is revealed.

There's a group of explorers in front of it.

One dwarf, two humans, one beastman...

And a barbarian.

Of course, his appearance is completely different from someone in her memory.

He's wearing shiny armor like an experienced explorer, and his shield is much larger and more luxurious.

She can't see his face because of the helmet.


"Ah, mister?!"

Erwen instinctively feels it.

That he's that person.


She shouts belatedly, her voice echoing throughout the forest, but the barbarian doesn't turn around.

He had already half-entered the portal when she saw him, and now he's completely disappeared.

Therefore, Erwen runs.

As if she's about to follow him and jump into the portal.


However, her body, running with agility incomparable to when she was on the 1st floor, is soon stopped by her sister.

No matter how strong a tank is, it's not very noticeable.

On the other hand, damage dealers are a class where even a small amount of growth is clearly visible.

And as for scouts...


Well, they're practically non-combatants anyway.

It's safe to say that they've done their job as long as they get us to our destination within the time limit.

And it's not like only monsters appear on the 4th floor.

「Trial completed.」

As soon as all the monsters die, the tightly closed door opens wide.

Each door has a unique symbol engraved on it.

Courage, Wisdom, Fate, Patience.

Normally, we would have chosen the Stairs of Courage and fought random monsters, but...

"Since we don't have time, it would be best to go up floors quickly."

We choose the Stairs of Wisdom for now.

The difficulty of the Tower of Heaven increases with each trial, and the Stairs of Wisdom is a route where you can go up several floors at once.

We need to reach at least the 20th floor for it to be worth hunting.

「Chose the Stairs of Wisdom.」

Therefore, we walk through the darkness that resembles an abyss.

Although the path is complex, there are traps, and monsters occasionally appear, there's no danger with the professional scout Rotmiller.


As we reach the 6th floor after about an hour, the door we entered through is locked tight, and monsters attack us.

Unlike the 1st floor, there are even three 7th-grade monsters, but no dangerous situations arise.

The combination is also quite shitty compared to before.

"Hmm, there are no Stairs of Wisdom this time."

After the battle, we have no choice but to choose the Stairs of Courage. Fate has too many variables, and as for Patience... everyone shakes their heads in unison.

'Well, it's better to fight a few more monsters than to do that.'

If it were a game, it might be different...

...but in this reality-patched world, the Trial of Patience is a trial that everyone avoids.

It's hot, it's cold, it's sad, and shitty memories come to mind.

「Chose the Stairs of Courage.」

Anyway, we climb the stairs and reach the 7th floor.

Monsters appear, and that's it.

The battle ends easily, but the tightly closed doors show no signs of opening.

Well, that's only natural.

If you choose Courage, you have to wait 4 hours even after defeating all the monsters.

"Alright, let's recharge our courage while we rest!"

Anyway, regardless of the dwarf's joke...

...we're exhausted from traversing the Witch's Forest, so we spend our time resting without much regret.

There's no need for a watch.

Monsters don't respawn, and once the portal changes color, other explorers can't enter.

"Phew, then let's go!"

After sleeping for 4 hours, we choose the Stairs of Wisdom once again and climb the tower.

We've already reached the 12th floor in terms of floors.

But what is this again?


We freeze as we see a single monster standing in the center of the stone chamber.


A giant body over 4 meters tall.

Huge fangs protruding from its mouth.

Grayish-white skin covering its massive muscles.

And a hunchback-like spine and abnormally broad shoulders.

"Tr, troll...?"

"Why is that thing here..."


It's a monster classified as one of the biggest assholes among 5th-grade monsters.

If Death Fiends were 'newbie slayers'...

...this bastard was the one who played the role of 'keyboard breaker' for experienced gamers.

'This bastard appears here?'

Even I have quite a few memories of rage-quitting because of this guy.

And is it because of those memories?

Curses escape my lips involuntarily.

"Damn it."

No wonder things were going so smoothly even after encountering Hans.

Could this be the reason?

'Damn it, I didn't expect it to be a monster this time.'

It's not just marauders that you need to be wary of in the labyrinth.