
The insect-type monster, 'Krungbi', disintegrated into light, dropping a magic stone.

I didn't bother picking it up.

What would I even do with it? I didn't even have a pocket to store it in.

'This is driving me crazy.'

In a way, this was worse than when I first fell into the labyrinth and had to crawl around on three legs.

At least back then, I had underwear.

'...I'll worry about where I am later, let's get some clothes first.'

I was momentarily panicked by the unfamiliar situation, but I quickly organized my thoughts and started working.

First, clothes.

There were only trees and monsters that disintegrated into light, but getting clothes wasn't that difficult.

After all, I'm a barbarian.

'...I'm really doing everything here.'

I first found a vine that fit my waist.

And then I strung large leaves onto the vine, wrapped it around my waist, and tied it.

My new equipment, 'Blessing of the Tree Spirit', was complete.

'...It's surprisingly sturdy.'

I was surprised by the quality of my creation as I moved around.

As expected, the basics are the basics for a reason.

There was a reason why the first humans preferred this look.

'...I should make one for her too.'

I made one for Amelia as well.

Unlike me, who only needed something for my lower body, Amelia needed two pieces...

But she was much smaller than me, so it didn't take that much longer.

'I made it big enough, so she doesn't have to worry about the size.'

It was one of the few advantages of the 'Blessing of the Tree Spirit'.

It was so primitive that size didn't matter.

I could just tighten the vine and tie it.

'When is she going to wake up?'

I walked over to Amelia and placed the 'Blessing of the Tree Spirit (Female)' on top of her.

I thought about dressing her...

'It would be awkward.'

It felt like I was crossing a line.

'Anyway, I'm not hungry yet, so let's build a shelter first.'

After taking care of clothes, I started working on shelter.

This wasn't difficult either.

I dug a hole with my hand, lined it with the large leaves I had used for the 'Blessing of the Tree Spirit', and then gathered some dry wood and built a campfire.

It was surprisingly easy to start a fire.

'Is it because I'm so strong?'

I rubbed the wood together with all my might, and smoke soon appeared.

There really is nothing you can't do with strength in this world.

'When the hell is she going to wake up?'

I placed Amelia on the leaf bed and looked up at the sky.

It was nighttime.

But the campfire kept me warm, and I could see my surroundings, so I could fight monsters even if they appeared.

I then moved on to the next task.

'The problem is food...'

The third element of survival, and the most important one.


I sighed.

I didn't think I would have to worry about this again after all this time.


"...How the hell am I going to get food?"


There were no mountains on Parune Island.

Except for the coastline, it was all flat forest, and the trees blocked the light from the campfire, so it didn't reach far.


'Those moths...'

The light was enough to attract monsters, and I had to fight them all night.

Well, I didn't put out the fire.

Monsters would appear even without the light.

It was better to fight them while I could see.

'...I'm not going to sleep anyway.'

I fought monsters and fought hunger for several hours, and then Amelia finally woke up.

"You're finally awake."

"...How did you know?"

"Your breathing stopped."

She was a strange one.

She was clearly awake, but she just lay there with her eyes closed.

Was she trying to assess the situation?

"...Where are we?"

"Wait, put this on first."


Amelia sat up and frowned at the pile of leaves on top of her.

"Barbarian, did you... undress me?"

It was one of the questions I had expected, so I answered calmly.

"Look at me, do you really think I did that? I was also naked when I woke up."

"...I see."

I turned around, and I heard the rustling of leaves behind me. It seemed like I didn't have to explain how to wear it.

"You can turn around now."

When I turned back, Amelia was wearing the 'Blessing of the Tree Spirit (Female)'.

It was a strange feeling.

We were both wearing leaves, like a matching set.

I felt like we would get a set bonus if we fought together.

"So where are we?"

Amelia asked the same question again, as if she wasn't embarrassed by her outfit.

Hey, I'm the one who should be asking the questions.

"This is Parune Island. I don't know how much time has passed, but we were both naked when I woke up."

I briefly explained the strange things that had happened since I opened my eyes.

It was too late to prevent it.


I activated [Wild Release] and [Gigantification].

And I leaped towards them.


I swung my makeshift club and knocked the mage to the ground.

'Okay, the mage is down.'

I then turned and swung at the archer next to me, using the momentum.



The shield warrior next to the archer blocked my attack.


My club shattered against the shield.

Damn it, I should have used a mace.


I dropped the broken club and grabbed the shield with both hands.


"Give it to me."

I pulled.

But it was difficult to take it away from him.

Shields were usually strapped to the wrist.

Of course, it was a minor problem.

If the arm was the problem, I could just break it.



I pulled the shield warrior towards me and slammed his elbow into the ground, shattering the joint.

And then I kicked him away, took the shield, and...


...blocked an incoming arrow.

That was the end of the battle.


Amelia had already taken care of the rest.

The archer collapsed, an arrow protruding from his chest.

But they weren't all dead.

"Y, you... Do you even know who we are?!"

The man who had been kicked in the head glared at us.

Damn it, this is going to be troublesome.

"Shut up."

I quickly gathered some leaves and stuffed them in his mouth.

And then I looked at Amelia.

"What the hell did you do?"

I had no choice but to participate, but we had just looted them.

If this got out, it would be a huge problem.

"Explain yourself. Why did you do that?"

Amelia avoided my gaze.

"...They were weak. We had to attack first."

That was ridiculous.

"You should have tried talking to them first."

"I don't think they would have listened."

It felt like she was talking to a wall.

Damn it, did everyone I met feel this way about me?

'She thinks she's some kind of prophet.'

I sighed and then Amelia spoke, as if trying to comfort me.

"Don't worry. This won't get out."

"What do you mean?"

"Check their backpacks."

I didn't understand, but I opened their backpacks.

The first thing I saw was jerky.

I was starving, so this was a welcome sight.

At least our food problem was solved.

Munch, munch.

I stuffed some jerky in my mouth and then continued searching the backpacks.

And I soon noticed something strange.

'What the... these guys weren't from a clan?'

Their backpacks were filled with equipment.

It was too much for emergency equipment.

There were all sorts of weapons, and most of them were covered in blood.

"These guys... they were looters."

Then was the clan emblem a fake?

But it looked familiar...

'Where have I seen this before?'

I racked my brain, and then I remembered.

"...Clan Elvis."

I had seen it in a book at the library.

A clan of dozens of explorers who had committed countless crimes. They were eventually caught and executed.

If I remember correctly...

It was about fifteen years ago.

'No sane person would use that clan's emblem as a disguise...'

I felt a huge sense of dissonance.

And at that moment...


A cold wind blew from the sea, sending shivers down my spine.

'Wait a minute...'

I hurriedly opened the backpacks and checked the ID cards again.

"This is crazy..."

There were ID cards with different names, races, and ages.

But they all had one thing in common.

"The renewal date is... 134th year of the Change Era?"

They were all from twenty years ago.