Chapter 87: 087. Gu Feng's Small Experiment

"Up, down, left, right ..."

"Oh, why are you so stupid!"

Gu Feng kept issuing various orders and jumped angrily.

He made another little zombie, and the parasite controlled the nerves of that little zombie, and temporarily became Gu Feng's eyes.

But this zombie is too stupid!

All commands have to be retrained, even the simplest move instructions have to be tried for a long time.

"Training such an eye is too time consuming and laborious."

"If only my parasitic zombies were smarter, like the aliens."

Gu Feng sighed, sighing that these zombies had no brain.

However, it was here that Gu Feng suddenly had a flash of light, and his meaningless complaint just seemed to give him a bit of inspiration?

Zombies, be smarter.

Doesn't it become a heterogeneous! !!

Heterogeneous, yes, heterogeneous.

If I could turn my tamed zombies into a different species, would it become smarter or even more powerful?

This bold idea immediately excited Gu Feng. The parasite's effect on the xenograft was weak, and it could not affect and occupy the brain nerves of the xenograft.

Virus source fluid.

"I have countless sources of virus."

"Take out a drop and let my tamed zombies evolve."

This idea is really audacious and risky. Gu Feng has always regarded the virus source as something used by humans. In fact, this pure virus concentrated liquid is more effective for zombie monsters, because it is originally generated in their bodies.

Thinking of this, Gu Feng was so happy that he couldn't wait to start experimenting.



In a small dim room.

The stupid little zombie stood in place, it was completely controlled by Gu Feng's parasite.

Gu Feng stood beside it and took out a drop of virus source fluid in his hand.

When this drop of emerald green liquid appeared, the tamed little zombie immediately reacted violently. It couldn't help shaking and seemed to be extremely eager to get the liquid in the hands of Gu Feng, which is something that can evolve it.


The virus source liquid was thrown into the body of the little zombie, and this drop of liquid merged into the body along its rotten flesh and began to spread in all directions.


The tamed zombies twitched violently, and the rotting flesh began to grow, and a terrible roar hissed from his mouth, as if undergoing a very painful transformation.

Gu Feng knew that feeling, because he had also experienced it.

It seems that this zombie has begun to evolve and mutate as expected.


The flesh and blood of the little zombie became full and round, the muscles on his body were entangled with extra strength, and the bones became much thicker.


The original height of about one meter and seven meters has violently increased to about two meters. The whole body is swollen like a coach in the gym. This rotten and skinny little zombie has evolved into a giant zombie.


Roar Roar Roar! !!

The giant zombie climbed up from the ground, yelling madly at Gu Feng, his eyes were full of **** desire, and he wanted to pounce on Gu Feng as soon as possible.


"Parasite, control it!"

The parasites that have already controlled the brain of the zombies have begun to play a role, constantly sending various command signals to the giant zombies.

The sentiment of Juli's zombies gradually calmed down, but his eyes looking at Gu Feng were still full of desire for flesh and blood.


"Xenogeneity is indeed more difficult to control than zombies."

"Just don't know where the limits are?"

Gu Feng was very curious, and his desire for knowledge made him want to continue, and wanted to strengthen the giant zombie again and see what would happen.

At this moment, Gu Feng seemed to experience the "scientist" feeling.

He took out a few drops of virus source solution, and Gu Feng forced them into the mouth of Juli Zombie. The virus aggregates once again played a role in Juli Zombie.

The bulging muscles swelled and swelled again, and the muscle fibers twisted and entangled with each other.

And its height has also risen with it, gradually becoming a powerful alien with more strength.


A set of data rushed to the brain immediately.

Testy Zombie.

Variety: Heterologous

Prototype: human.

Level: Level 1 (★★ ☆☆☆)

Direction of variation: physical variation.

Note: The evolution of the giant zombie evolved and the physical strength became more powerful

This giant zombie has evolved into a two-star zombie called "Crazy Zombie".

It looks similar to the "Grumpy Tank" that Gu Feng saw before, but Gu Feng believes that Grumpy Tank can smash this 2-star alien body with one punch.


"Uncontrollable !!"

Gu Feng kept giving orders to the parasite, but the parasite was no longer able to control the brain of the "irritable zombie" and could only send visual information to the other party.

Is 1-star alienation already the limit?

Two-star monsters have too strong mental signals, and the parasites can no longer control their brains.

The fierce zombies launched an attack on Gu Feng. The thick fists made a fool, and they wanted to crush the enemy's head with one punch!

However, this two-star alien can also make Gu Feng look at him.

Huh! !!

With one hand, this alien attack was easily blocked, and Gu Feng threw it hard to the ground, while crushing a whole bottle of virus source liquid in his hand.

"Don't stop!"

"Let me see if you can evolve indefinitely."

"If you can, go directly to the 4-star ★ level and become the material of my forging genes!"

The idea in Gu Feng's mind is getting more and more bold. Since the monster can continuously evolve by swallowing the virus's source fluid, can it directly evolve to a 4-star or higher level?

In this way, there is no need to worry about rare species, as much as you want!

That fierce zombie struggled.

It was forcibly swallowed a whole bottle of virus source fluid, and a more powerful energy source was pouring out endlessly.

Evolution, evolution, evolution! !!

The body of the irritable zombie began to evolve madly, the twisted muscles became more swollen, and gradually broke through the skin ...

Large pieces of blood were spraying out, but the muscles were still swollen, and they began to septic and rot, and filthy liquid was flowing out.

Click, click, click! !!

The bones of the irritable zombie body were crushed by these over-twisted muscles. Whether it was the arms and legs, the spine keel on the back, or even its brain and skull, all were crushed by the country's twisted muscles.

Gu Feng's face changed.

He sensed that the parasites in the monster's body were also crushed to death.

Play big!

This irritable zombie swallowed a whole bottle of "virus source fluid" not only failed to evolve, but developed in a more unknown direction.


Collapse of flesh and blood: The gene sequence completely collapses, the body tissues die completely, and develop in an unknown direction in a very short period of time. After a period of time, it will completely die.