Jing Mo Ling finished her cereal very slowly before she dragged herself back to the bedroom to sleep.

She spent the whole of the previous night thinking about what she and Lu Jin Xiao talked about and she thought about the times they spent together since they were young. She was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't even realize that her bedroom's window was open, and the cold air kept blowing in.

1 p.m.

"I think… I have to go get… some medicine… If not… I would not be… able to… do the presentation tomorrow…" Jing Mo Ling dragged herself out of the bed and put on a windbreaker before she left to go to the pharmacy.

When she walked out, the sun shone brightly despite the cold air. She suddenly felt dizzy and her world was spinning. She fell onto the floor and her vision blackened.

However, before she lost consciousness, she heard a voice, "Mo Ling!"

She felt a warmth embraced her and she lost consciousness.

Country Y. E's Corporation.

"Boss!" The workers greeted when Mo Xi and Yan Chu stepped into the building.

"Eve!! Yan Chu!!" Jackson went to hug Yan Chu and Mo Xi when he saw them walking out of the lift.

"Too tight!" Yan Chu said when Jackson hugged too tightly that he couldn't breathe properly.

"Sorry!" Jackson apologized before he turned to Mo Xi, "Eve! I missed you so much! Are you ready for tonight's event?"


"Yan Chu! Eve! How have you all been?" London and Paris asked.

"Same as usual," Yan Chu said with a smile.

"Great!" Mo Xi said as she lifted her hand to show them her wedding ring.

"I'm so happy to see that you look much more radiant and happier than ever!" London said as she hugged Mo Xi.

"Where's the others?"

"They are preparing for tonight's event. They should be here in a few minutes. Eve, you have to dress up for tonight as well! There is only six hours before the start of the event!" London said excitedly.

"There are still six hours," Mo Xi laughed.

"Let's go! We have to dress up! Tonight's your big day!"

"Our big day," Mo Xi corrected.

A group of stylists came into the office and started to get them ready for the anniversary event.

10 minutes later.

Mo Xi was dressed in a white blouse, black long pants, and a nude coat. Her hair was tied into a ponytail and her makeup was simple.

London and Paris wanted to get the stylist to style Mo Xi into a more majestic look, which was why they were so eager to get her style up. However, as the stylist was helping her to choose her clothes and do her makeup, she insisted that she wanted a simple look. Although her outfit and makeup were simple, she still looked stunning and dignified.

While the others were still being styled, Elaine, Max, Alexander, and France had arrived.

"It's been long, welcome back," Elaine said as she hugged Mo Xi.

"How have you two been?" Mo Xi asked as she looked at Elaine and Max.

"I am pregnant," Elaine said as she smiled blissfully.

"Really?! That's great! Congratulations!"


Elaine's ex-husband cheated on her because she couldn't give birth to a child. Though Elaine's infertility has already been cured, the fear and trauma remained in her heart. Hence, though she had already gotten married to Max, Mo Xi knew that that was still the biggest concern in Elaine's heart. That's why hearing that Elaine was finally pregnant, Mo Xi was extremely happy.

"Take good care of yourself alright. Take good care of Elaine." Mo Xi said to Elaine and Max.

3 hours later.

Yan Chu was dressed in a royal blue suit, white shirt, and a blue tie. His black hair was styled up giving him a cheeky but composed look.

London had a majestic look with a black blouse and burgundy suit. Her lips were tinted red and her blonde hair was slightly curled, left untied, giving her a majestic look.

France wore a grey shirt with a black suit and a grey tie. His brown hair styled back giving him a solemn look.

Alexander was given a white shirt with a navy-blue suit and a wine-red tie. His hair was styled up as well. With his firm facial features, he exuded an aura of seriousness.

On the other hand, Jackson wore a white shirt with an emerald green suit and a dark brown tie. His blonde hair was styled in a messy manner giving him a carefree look.

Elaine was given a tie neck white blouse with a beige suit. Her makeup was less daring, and her hair was tied to the side in a loose bun giving her a more reserved look.

Max wore a black shirt with a grey suit and dark blue tie. A slightly more reserved look that matches Elaine.

Lastly, Paris wore a black jumpsuit.

Although Paris wasn't part of the E's Corporation, she always attended the events together with London and the others because Paris is London's sister and Paris was in charge of the security team of E's Corporation, more specifically she was part of the team that goes against the criminals.

Back to the other side.

"Ling Ling, you are finally awake!" Yu Jia Hui sighed when she saw Jing Mo Ling waking up.

"Where am I?"

"In the university's clinic," Qiao Xin Yi answered.

"Do you know how worried we were when the doctor called us?!" Yu Jia Hui said.

"Sorry… How did I get here?" Jing Mo Ling looked around the room trying to search for the person with the voice that she heard before she lost consciousness.

"The doctor said that a student in our block saw you and carried you here," Qiao Xin Yi answered.

"A student?"



"The doctor said that the student doesn't want to leave her name."


Jing Mo Ling was disappointed once again because she had thought that the person who carried her here and took care of her was Lu Jin Xiao.