Mo Xi and Gu Ran Yi then went to have their lunch in a restaurant as they chatted happily while catching up on each other's lives.

After their lunch, Mo Xi then passed a small box to Gu Ran Yi.

"What's this?"

"Consider it a belated birthday present," Mo Xi laughed.

"My birthday was over before we even met."

"That's why it is a belated present."

"Alright, thank you," Gu Ran Yi smiled happily because it has been a very long time since she last received a birthday present.

Gu Ran Yi opened the box and she found a beautiful watch inside.

"Although we are not supposed to give a watch as a present because it is very inauspicious, your watch has already spoiled. You could also think of me giving you a watch as us giving each other a part of our time," Mo Xi explained.

"Thank you! I love it a lot!" Gu Ran Yi said as she hugged Mo Xi and tears were brimming in her eyes.

"I'm glad you like it!"

They continued to talk for a while more before they returned to Blue Diamond Entertainment.

The next day afternoon, at Imperial Jade Palace.

Mo Xi brought the newly hired assistants and manager of 'Heartbeat' to Imperial Jade Palace.

The assistants and managers were all very excited to meet 'Heartbeat' because they were fans of 'Heartbeat'. Surprisingly, there were two male and three female assistants, which meant that 'Heartbeat' has almost an equal amount of male and female fans.

The assistants and managers were all strong supporters of 'Heartbeat' and they believed that 'Heartbeat' never copied the songs, hence they quickly took up the job when they were offered a position.

"They are your assistants, and they would be following you all wherever you go from today onwards. He is your manager and he would be overseeing all five of you."

After they introduced themselves, Mo Xi then started to check on their work.

The assistants and managers were very surprised when they saw how well 'Heartbeat' performed, and they started to become very excited to hear more of their songs and look at more of their dances.

Three hours later.

The assistants clapped loudly after 'Heartbeat' finished all the songs they prepared. They sat on the floor to rest and their assistants immediately passed the towels and water to them.

They looked slightly awkward when they took the towels and drinks from their assistants because they haven't had such treatment before.

"Good job!" Mo Xi complimented, feeling very satisfied with the results.

Hearing Mo Xi's compliment, they smiled brightly, and they were more confident that they would be able to prove themselves in the concert.

"Rest early tonight, you guys have a photoshoot tomorrow."


Mo Xi then returned to Jing Mansion after that.

After she ate dinner with Jing Cang and the others, she went back to her bedroom and her phone rang.

"I missed you a lot…" Jing Mo Chen's voice sounded.

Mo Xi was feeling very lonely earlier when she was the only one in the bedroom, but when she heard Jing Mo Chen's voice, she felt much better. Although it only made her think about Jing Mo Chen more.

"I missed you too…"

"I will be back in two weeks…"

"Mm… Stay safe ok…"

"I will… Take good care of yourself, remember to eat properly alright."


"I have to go…"

"Ok… Bye…"


After Mo Xi ended the call, she hugged her phone and fell asleep.

Military Base.

"Hey! How have you all been?" A female came into the office while smiling.

Qin Feng and Zhan Bo Cheng's eyebrows scrunched up slightly when the female entered, but they soon stood up excitedly and smiled. Whereas Ji Zheng Yang smiled slightly while remaining in his seat.

"You are back!" Zhan Bo Cheng asked.

"Mm, after so many years, I can finally come back…"

"Hui Ya, welcome back!" Qin Feng and Zhan Bo Cheng smiled widely as they hugged Ru Hui Ya.

"Thanks! It's wonderful to see that you guys are happy to see me back here!" Ru Hui Ya said as she gleamed.

"Now, we just have to wait for boss to come back and the team would be complete!" Qin Feng said.

"Where's Mo Chen?"

"He is doing enclosed training," Ji Zheng Yang finally spoke.

"Oooh, so he is back in the military as well? He has recovered already?" Ru Hui Ya asked in both shock and excitement.


"That's great!"

"You can meet sister-in-law as well!" Qin Feng added.

"Sister-in-law?" Ru Hui Ya's eyes widen.

"Mm, boss's wife!"

"Mo Chen is finally married?!" Ru Hui Ya laughed.

"That's right! I couldn't believe at first either."

The four of them laughed together.

Next day. Blue Diamond Entertainment.

Tang Ning Xu and 'Heartbeat' went to Blue Diamond Entertainment for the photoshoot.

Tang Ning Xu had already prepared the style that 'Heartbeat' would be going for, hence she managed to dress them up very quickly.

'Heartbeat' on the other hand, was feeling very nervous and they can't seem to concentrate.

"What's wrong?" Mo Xi asked them while they were given a break to get into the shoots.

"Feeling nervous…"

"We have never done this before…"

"Your songs and everything is great, all you guys need is some confidence in yourself."

"But… There is nothing that can give us confidence…"

"Do you know that your assistance and managers are your fans?"

"What?!" They said in astonishment.

"They are all your fans which was the reason that they took up the job without any hesitation. Remember you don't need everyone to believe you, all it takes is just someone to believe you. Are you all going to let down those who have been supporting you secretly?"

Upon hearing that, their eyes gradually changed and started to show more confidence in them.

"We will not let anyone down," Rui Han and the others said firmly.


After the five minutes break, they went back to the photoshoot and they finished the photoshoots very quickly as they were much more confident than before.