Chapter 1404

Name:Sweet Noble Heir Author:Bai Ya
So they went on walking in the direction where the rustling sound stopped before. Jiang Wanbai had been estimating the distance in his mind. When he was about to arrive at the approximate position, Jiang Wanbai and Qi Qingxing were all together.

Both of them were not ordinary people, so in such a strong night, we could still see the distance.

At this moment, just two steps away from them, a figure was standing. The figure was not high enough to reach Qi Qingxing's thigh. Standing there, Jiang Wanbai narrowed his eyes slightly and could barely distinguish that the other party was standing facing them.

This also shows that as long as the other party is not blind, nor ordinary people, then the other party is likely to have seen her and Qi Qingxing.

"It looks like a child..." Jiang Wanbai gave a light Tut, but he didn't feel afraid at all.

However, just as she had just finished this sentence, an old voice that Jiang Wanbai was familiar with began to ring, with a bit of exasperation, "I am not a child! No

"Well?" Jiang Wanbai widens his eyes slightly.

Qi Qingxing had already thought about it and said in a low voice, "it's Lord Shen."

Just as Qi Qingxing said this, the figure had already come. When he got closer, Jiang Wanbai could see the other side's face. It was really the Lord Shen whom they had never found after they got off the boat before.

"Lord Shen, where have you been before? I thought you had gone back. " Jiang Wanbai raised his eyebrows slightly and looked down at Shen.

Lord Shen was the same as Jiang Wanbai had seen when he opened the shell. He carried his hands behind his back and looked mature. But there was a little anger in his voice, "I just sleep twice, and you will disappear!"

"Do you mean to say that? We just had a sleep, not only suddenly came to this strange place, you also disappeared... " Jiang Wanbai snorted.

But now they know that it is Lord Shen who makes the rustling sound. There is no other sound around. Jiangwanbai and Qi Qingxing have not gone on. Anyway, they have already touched the island at night.

After returning to the shell house, Jiang Wanbai and Qi Qingxing did not go out again. Qingzhu and Haiyin were already asleep. In order not to separate, Xue Xu directly asked Qingzhu to carry the bed in the other shell house. The originally small room suddenly became narrower and smaller.

There was a small corridor between the two beds. Xue Xu sat at the end of the bed in Qingzhu. He saw Jiang Wanbai and Qi Qingxing coming back, followed by a lord Shen. He picked his eyebrows and said, "I can't stand."

"Not bad." Jiang Wanbai looks around and sits cross legged on Haiyin's bed. Haiyin is small. When she sleeps, she thinks that Jiang Wanbai will sleep together when she comes back. Therefore, when she sleeps, she just curls herself up into a ball, leaving a lot of space.

Jiang Wanbai sits cross legged at the end of the bed. Because Qingzhu and Haiyin are sleeping, they don't say anything.

But Qingzhu didn't sleep long. He was awakened by hunger. Almost when Jiang Wanbai and others just came back, he had already woken up, or, from the beginning, because he was too hungry, he did not sleep at all.

"Master, you are back..." Green bamboo got up from the bed, blocked his mouth and asked in a low voice.