Chapter 1406

Name:Sweet Noble Heir Author:Bai Ya
When Haiyin finished eating, her hunger was relieved a lot, but green bamboo did not. Until evening, they ate all the food in the three big food boxes, and they still didn't feel full at all.

"But It's not like that Green bamboo puzzled way, "Prince Wang has been here for nearly a month, he has been eating the food here, and other people are also, it seems that he did not like me and Haiyin."

"You are the difference between you and Wang Ling." Jiangwan Baidao.

Qi Qingxing said in a low voice: "this morning, after Qingzhu and Haiyin finished Wang Ling's breakfast, what Wang Ling ate was the food taken out of the space in the evening. At that time, he ate one or two bites and put it down."

"It's true. Mr. Wang also said it was because he had a bad appetite in the morning." Green bamboo nods, that kind of hunger is relieved, he slows down the speed of eating.

Qi Qingxing said: "he is lying."

Jiang Wanbai picked up her eyebrows and didn't doubt Qi Qingxing. She believed Qi Qingxing's ability to see people, so she said thoughtfully: "if Wang Ling is lying, it means It's not that he doesn't have a bad appetite in the morning, but that the breakfast I took out is not to his taste

"Why? It's all done by the Royal chef Green bamboo even busy way, slightly stare big eyes, a face of disbelief.

Because Jiang Wanbai had been thinking about the craftsmanship of the imperial chef before he left the capital, Qi Qingxing directly asked Xiao Quan for a command and asked the imperial chef to cook a lot of food and snacks. All of them were taken into the storage ring by Jiang Wanbai and Qi Qingxing.

The time in the storage ring is slowly approaching nothing. The food can be kept in it for a long time.

"And." Jiang Wanbai fingertip gently on the table and said: "there are all kinds of steamed stuffed bun dumplings and noodles porridge. Even if he doesn't like to eat steamed stuffed bun, there should be one or two kinds of other things that can be imported?"

But in fact, Wang Ling only took a bite of the steamed stuffed buns, and then directly put the steamed stuffed buns down. He did not touch the steamed buns any more, nor did he touch any other breakfast. He only said that he did not have a good appetite.

"Go to bed first, and ask Wang Ling in the morning." Jiang Wanbai sighed, closed his eyes and began to meditate.

Lord Shen didn't talk much. Only when Jiang Wanbai took out the food, he came to him. His mouth was full all the time. Maybe he didn't have the time to speak.

Jiang Wanbai just figured out that there was a lord Shen at the table, so he brought out enough food. Qingzhu and Haiyin had enough to eat, but they were so full that they couldn't sleep now. When they couldn't sleep, Qingzhu looked at Lord Shen and asked curiously, "Lord Shen, did you go back to the sea that night?"

"Yes." Lord Shen nodded, "my house is dry. Of course, I have to go back to the water to soak, or I will be uncomfortable to sleep."

After eating and drinking enough, Lord Shen is good at talking a lot.

The house of Shen Da's population is his big shell. Qingzhu thinks about it. He really needs to stay in the water. When he thinks about it, he hears Qi Qingxing's faint voice.

"Lord Shen, how did you find it?" Qi Qingxing asked, others immediately looked at Shen.

Only Jiang Wanbai, still sitting cross legged, heard Qi Qingxing's question, her eyelashes trembled, but still did not open her eyes.