Chapter 1411

Name:Sweet Noble Heir Author:Bai Ya
After a pause, he probably remembered that Jiang Wanbai was no longer in the capital, so he followed suit and said, "but the wife of the prince of Qi's residence?"

He asked so carefully that Jiang Wanbai already had an answer in his heart. Facing the eager eyes of the youth, she nodded, without any enthusiasm on her face. She only asked, "I am really the person you said, and the Yan family is my grandfather's home, but I have never been to Yan's house. I don't know how you recognize me."

Even if her story has made her name spread all over the capital, even if people from other places have heard something, it does not mean that the other party knows what she looks like.

Probably feeling Jiang Wanbai's indifference, the young man also calmed down a little, and said, "I have a single name. On the ranking, I'm the oldest in the family. The reason why I can recognize you is because of my grandmother."

In Jiang Wanbai's muddleheaded memory of more than ten years before Jiang Wanbai, she has never met her grandparents. She only knows that their surname is Yan, and they are the richest in Yancheng. Her mother is the second daughter of the Yan family. She has a brother above, a younger sister at the bottom, and a number of brothers and sisters.

In fact, before Jiang Wanbai was born, her mother and Yan's family still had contacts. Even if they had no time to return to Yancheng, they would send someone to bring some gifts.

Until she was born, Jiang Xiancheng took aunt Zhu back to her house and had a daughter, Jiang Ruyun, who was older than Jiang Wanbai. Since then, Jiang Wanbai's mother has never returned to Yan's house. Jiang Wanbai doesn't know why.

After all, she was not very old at that time, and she didn't remember much. These things were heard from other people by chance.

But now, from Yan Xi's mouth, Jiang Wanbai finally knows the reason.

All in all, it was because of Jiang Wanbai's birth. When Jiang Wanbai was a fool, her grandfather stopped to see her, and even his daughter stopped talking about it.

"Although my grandfather was a little strict and did not allow us to go to the capital city, my grandmother always thought about you and often asked my little aunt to send someone to visit you in the capital city. After a period of time, your portrait would be sent back to the government. It was only a few years ago that my grandfather found out about this matter that interrupted us. However, the last portrait of you is very similar to you now." Yan Xi can recognize Jiang Wanbai when she just saw her.

It's all because his grandmother, Jiang Wanbai's grandmother, would take out the portrait, touch it and say how much her granddaughter looks like her second daughter.

After hearing Yan Xi's words, Jiang Wanbai pursed her lips, but there was no big emotional fluctuation in her heart. She neither resented her grandfather's indifference nor surprised her grandmother, who was still thinking about herself.

Yan Xi also saw that, so after finishing these words with Jiang Wanbai, he took a deep breath, laughed and said, "I didn't expect to meet you here. I'll tell my grandmother when I go back. My grandmother will be happy when she knows you're doing well."

With these words, he arched his hands toward Jiang Wanbai and Qi Qingxing. When he looked at Qi Qingxing, he clearly wanted to say something. However, when the words came to his mouth, he swallowed them again, and turned around and walked to the back of master GUI's house.