Chapter 134 - Revenge In Motion

"W-why? Why did you kill your adopted father?" Caroline finally found her voice after being tongue-tied.

"Listen carefully...I will only tell you my life story once and I won't repeat it for the second time," Allison said.

Allison traveled back into the past and began narrating her life story to Caroline...

"My parents split when we're young. My biological father took our youngest brother with him into a faraway land, while my mother brought me and my brother Alex to Manila. Due to poverty we are living in a slum area and my poor mother tried her best to feed us her children...then one day she succ.u.mbs to illness and died leaving us behind, nowhere to go. Some people with good heart, extend their precious time to give my mother a proper burial and take care of us for aa couple of days while deciding on our future.

No one would adopt us willingly because those people who help us were also poverty-stricken. So, they decided to bring us to the orphanage located in the next city. The staff of the orphanage took pity on our sad tragic flight and welcome us with open arms.

The orphanage is clean and orderly and we have our own space to sleep, we were able to eat decent meals three times daily. Because my brother and I grew up in a dirty and noisy environment, the orphanage looks heaven-sent to us.

We were happy and contented there for the time being... playing with the other children who shared the same fate with us.

Then one day, the orphanage has important visitors on that day.

Two rich businessmen in their 50's come to the orphanage, one of the guys wanted to adopt a boy. I still can remember when all the boys were made to line up in front of the businessmen because he was going to chose the boy that he will adopt. After thinking for a long time, the businessman finally pointed his hand to my brother Alex. Of all the boys out there, he had chosen my brother!

That's when I run to my brother and sobbed hysterically because I realized that if he becomes an adoptive son of the rich man, my brother Alex and I will no longer see each other again. And I don't want to lose my brother because he is the only family member left to me. I will be lost without my brother by my side.

I made quite a scene when the staff of the orphanage started pulling me away from the scene.

Then my brother Alex made a heartfelt plea to his soon to be an adoptive father.

"Can you please adopt my sister also?" he begged to the man.

"But, I only wanted to adopt one kid, I'm sorry we can't take your sister with us," the rich guy said.

The other rich guy beside him stared closely at me.

"Stop crying, little child. I will adopt you as my daughter so that you can see your bother all the time," said the guy.

The two wealthy men looked at each other in the eyes for a few minutes.

To make the story short. I and my brother got adopted separately by two wealthy businessmen who happen to be the best of friends.

So, I and my brother meet each other at least once a week.

The moved to the big house made me awestruck, because of my poor upbringing, I wasn't prepared for the heavenly place that soon would become my home permanently. The house was cleaner and bigger than the orphanage. I got to sleep in a beautiful room with a cool shower and everything. And the best thing is the delicious food! Then I was enrolled in a private school for girls and get driven aboard a nice car to school by my driver every day. My name and surname were completely changed to Allison Javier bearing my adoptive father's surname. He had a son, his name is Larry, two years older than me who is always quiet, he never talks to me and never argue or quarrel with me.

So, I think we're good, we're not that close but we're not enemy either.

For the first time, I felt lucky, happy, and contented being the daughter of a rich businessman. My adoptive father doted on me and treats me like his own daughter.

But my happiness didn't last forever.

One night.

That was one month after my eighteenth birthday that was held in a lavish hotel.

My adoptive father finally revealed his true colors...

He is a monster who is hiding in a sheep's clothing.

He barged into my room in the middle of the night and s.e.x.u.a.lly assaulted me. He told me that he will hire a killer to kill my brother Alex and me if I refused to give him what he wants. He said that I don't have the right to refuse his advances because he had given me everything and he owned my life.

I'm scared and also heartbroken because the person whom I think I can trust and awarded me a new life just took it all away that night. I become an empty shell and withdrawn to my self.

My adoptive father s.e.x.u.a.lly assaulted me almost daily and give me pills to prevent pregnancy.

I just let him have his way because I'm terrified that he will kill me and my brother. After all, he was rich and powerful and he can do anything he wants to anyone.

Then one day he introduces me to the world of BDSM, he tried a lot of BDSM equipment on me such as Anal Hook, Bondage Cuffs, Harness, Hood, Belt, and many others that were both painful. Every time I tried to refuse, he would drop a pill on my mouth and after a few minutes my body would grow limp and he is free to do anything with my body to provide for his animalistic l.u.s.t and satisfaction.

Every time he uses me for his s.e.x.u.a.l gratification I died over and over again.

He completely owned my body and soul.

I was used and violated over and over again like a s.e.x slave.

I just don't have the strength to resist and get out of his clutch.

I'm weak...I'm scared of what he is capable of doing to me and my brother.

Then one night he introduces me to e.r.o.t.i.c asphyxiation, it's commonly known as the intentional restriction of oxygen to the brain for s.e.x.u.a.l pleasure and arousal. It involves strangulation. It is the act of putting your hand on your partner's neck or suffocation with plastic over the head and many other various methods.

We engaged in that kind of bondage for several weeks. He would love chocking my neck and seeing me gasping for breath, near death, he would orgasm and ejaculate that way. Then he prefers that I would use plastic over his head nearly suffocating him to death in the process. Every time he chokes me with his hands I feel I'm going to die, but he loves it, every time he saw extreme fear flashing in my eyes he would experience orgasm.

He got addicted to these kinds of s.e.x.u.a.l activity. It supplied him with tremendous s.e.x.u.a.l pleasure. I'm the passive s.e.x slave who follows everything he told me.

Then one night I develop an intense desire to kill my adoptive father using this horrible kind of bondage. What a better way to kill him than to give him a taste of his own medicine?

That was the strong fuel that propelled me to do the unthinkable...

One rainy night, midnight to be exact, when all the house staff was already sleeping in their room, my adoptive father entered my room and we did the same activity again. He choked me hard until I thought I would die that night, he'd gone too far just when I would lose my breath, he released my neck from his grasp. He let me rest for a while... then he handed me the plastic... it's now my turn to put plastic over his head.

During that time I have all intention to finish him for good. I will have my revenge!

As I tightened my hold on the plastic bag I forcefully didn't leave him any more room to breathe, I doubled the pressure using my right hand to block the air from entering his nose or mouth and it's too late for him to notice my evil intention because he was already gasping for breath, a few minutes later he died of suffocation.

I didn't ask for help, I remained inside my room for two hours, 'coz I just want to make sure that he will stay dead and would never come back to life ever again.

I dragged his dead n.a.k.e.d body onto the floor and leave it there...

Then I donned clothes on my n.a.k.e.d body.

I went back into the bed and just lie down there in a daze.

As I stared at his lifeless body, all the wonderful memories and fatherly love that he showered me before I turn 18 years old came rushing into my mind. I feel guilty all of a sudden, then I start crying hysterically.

I feel extreme happiness because I'm forever free from his s.e.x.u.a.l exploitation but at the same time I feel extremely sad and guilty. The overwhelming mixed emotion was creating havoc in my senses.

I bolted outside my room heading to my adoptive brother's room and knocking loudly at his door, then I told him that his father died while we're having s.e.x a few hours ago.

Then he sprinted towards my room and found his father lying n.a.k.e.d on the floor, dead.

"Come, help me transfer his body to his room!" Larry shouted at me.

A few minutes later, we managed to relocate my adoptive father's dead body in his room next to mine.

"Stay in your room! I will call our family lawyer to come here," Larry said calmly.

I looked at my brother, trying to see if he is angry that I killed his father, but surprisingly I can't find any emotion on his face. So, I stayed in my room and waited for the family lawyer to bring the cops to our house to arrest me.

I lay in my bed shivering with fright.

One hour later, the family lawyer finally arrives and entered my room together with my adoptive brother...

They stared at my face...

My face has been wet for crying for a long time.

"Are g...going to a...rrest me" I stammered while asking the lawyer with apprehension in my eyes.

The lawyer and Larry stared at each other trying to communicate with each other silently.

I braced for the impact of the bad news expecting the cops were already waiting downstairs with handcuffs ready to bring me to the police station for questioning.