Chapter 146 - I Wanna See You

Three days later.

Caroline placed a call to her sister on her phone.

"Hello, sis!"

"Hi Cath, do you still remember me?" Caroline said. "The sister you tortured in the pool?" she asked deviously.

Catherine laughed heartily at the other end. "Well...what can I say?"

"I never know you can be quite a savage," she said dryly.

"Did you call me just to remind me of what happened in the past? Do you want me to apologize to you?"

Caroline smiled. "Not really. I was thinking that maybe it's now time for us to talk and see each other again. I think you already cooled off during this time."

There was a moment of silence at the other end.

"Okay, no problem. Just the two of us? I'll see you then. When—?"

"Yeah, just the two of us. This afternoon after lunch, let's meet in the mall. I want to have bonding moments with you 'coz I miss you," said Caroline softly.

"I miss you too! See you at the mall later. Anything else?" Catherine said.

" more. I just want to see you have chitchat and bond with you," Caroline replied.

"Alright, I'll call you when I'm already going to the mall. I need to prepare for my baby's bath. Take care, sis! Bye-bye!" Catherine spoke.

"Bye!" Caroline responded cheerfully, she was smiling now, looking forward to mending their differences.

She will be gone for probably one year or much longer depending on Greg's deteriorating health. Her mother and her siblings would probably undergo a difficult time grasping her sudden disappearance during that time. As much as possible, she doesn't want to subject them to another kind of torture again.

But... she has no other option.

Anyways, it's just more or less one year of disappearance, after that she can return to her family and resumed her life. Just a little bit of sacrifice on her part... and then she will enjoy a lifetime of bliss with Mike by her side... if that's the case then she's willing to endure anything.

All the pain and torture will end at some point in her life.

She just has to stay strong and face her challenges bravely. Now that she made a terrible crime, she can no longer be the same person again. But she's not willing to surrender her freedom yet, she won't stay in jail no matter what.

Since Allison was willing to shut her mouth shut and forget about the murder in return for a favor then she will just focus on the task at hand to make Allison satisfied. In that way, the secret between them will be forever locked safely in their minds.

Before she goes away, she must entrust her family to her sister, that's the most beneficial thing she can do for them.

She put her phone back in the bedside table and went to the crib, her daughter was already wide awake. Time for her bath, but she will go downstairs first to feed her.

She picked up Cathy and carried her in her arms, she exited the bedroom and went downstairs.

In the living room.

Caroline placed her daughter into her mother's arms. "Please, hold her for me, Mother. I will prepare her solid food in the kitchen," she said.

"Okay. I will go to the veranda so that Cathy can practice walking there a bit while you prepare her food," Thelma said. "I already boiled the rice, just add slices of fish on it," she added.

Caroline smiled. She had been teaching her daughter to walk in the last five months. But Cathy is a lazy baby and doesn't like walking much. She can only manage to make her walk at least four hours every day.

That's better than nothing.

She went to the kitchen and prepared Cathy's food, a mixture of soft boiled rice and boneless fish. She mixed them well to obtain the right consistency.

Satisfied with the result... she brings the bowl of food outside the house into the veranda.

Thelma was already sitting on the chair holding Cathy in her lap.

"Are you done walking with Cathy, Mother?" Caroline asked.

Thelma nods her head. "Yeah. Her walking was improving though, she already took a few steps on her own without my assistance," she said proudly.

"That's awesome, baby Cathy!" Caroline praised her daughter and showered kisses on her chubby cheeks.

Baby Cathy giggled..."!" she tried to reach the bowl of food.

Caroline grinned. "Ah, I see, you are getting hungry after walking with granny, eh? Alright, I will start feeding you, okay? Open your mouth now," she ordered.

Cathy opened her mouth.

Caroline picked up the spoon and began feeding her daughter while her mother was holding the tot in her lap.

She glanced at her mother's face, she was sure she will be happy to hear the good news.

"Mother dear, Catherine and I will meet in the mall this afternoon," she said.

"What?" Thelma's eyes widened in shock. "Are you sure...or...are you just kidding me?" she asked in disbelief. Deep inside, she feels hopeful that her daughter was telling the truth. She wants her warring daughters to reconcile already because their feud has been dragging on for so long.

Caroline smiled brightly, she loves seeing the happiness in her mother's eyes.

"Mother, I'm telling you the truth. My sister and I will go on a date this afternoon. This time, I'm excited to reconcile with my sister for good," Caroline sincerely said. Her face was glowing with honest intention.

"I'm happy that you and your sister are finally reconciling, Caroline. I hope there's no more quarrel happening between the two of you in the future," Thelma said teary-eyed. She can't help it, she's getting emotional, in a good way though after hearing the good news.

To convince her mother that she's telling the truth, Caroline put down the bowl of food in the table and grabbed her phone from the pocket of her shorts, she placed a call to her sister Catherine.

"Hello Car...?"

"Sis, Mother is beside me, she wants to hear your voice," she said.

"Ah, okay. I thought you called me, informing me that you changed your mind and no longer wants to meet me in the mall," Catherine said.

"Nah, not that, our meeting will push through later. I just want you to talk to mother," she said and pass the phone to her mother.

Thelma accepted the phone and smiled after hearing Catherine's voice at the other end.

Caroline resumed feeding her daughter.

"Catherine, is it true that you and your twin will meet in the mall this afternoon to reconcile?" much expectation and excitement were going on in Thelma's voice.

"Yes, Mother dear. You heard it right, we're going to see each other later," Catherine confirmed her mother's statement.

Thelma's face broke into a dazzling smile. "OMG! I'm happy to hear that. I hope my two daughters will finally settle their differences and reconcile for good. Life here on earth is too short. Hate and grudges aren't worth keeping for too long inside our hearts. I hope you understand my words, daughter," she told Catherine. Her voice filled with suppressed emotion.

"I understand what you mean, Mother. Rest assured that my sister and I will patch up our differences so that we all can move on beautifully while nurturing love and gratitude in our heart," Catherine responded.

"That's good, daughter. Alright, let's end this conversation now so that I can start cooking for lunch early. I don't want Caroline to be late in arriving at the agreed meeting place. Have a good time bonding with your sister, okay?" Thelma said merrily.

"Yes, Mother, give my love to my siblings and baby Cathy!" Catherine said.

"Bye, daughter!" Thelma said in jubilation. She handed the phone back to her daughter.

Caroline dropped her phone in the pocket of her shorts, she was pleased with the happy expression on her mother's face.

"What about now, Mother? You believe me now?"

Thelma beamed. "Oh my God, I'm so happy right now! I can't contain my happiness. It seems my heart was overflowing with bliss. Here, take Cathy back so that I can start preparing the dishes for lunch so that you can go out early and meet your sister in the mall. Just enjoy each other's company and have a terrific bonding moment, okay?"

Caroline smiled. "Yep, Mother dear. My sister and I will do that for sure," she promised her.

"Good!" Thelma rose to her feet. "I'll go to the kitchen now and prepare the dishes for lunch," she said energetically and sauntered towards the door.

Caroline motioned the housekeeper that was standing nearby to bring the bowl to the kitchen. "Merle, can you please bring the bowl back to the kitchen and assist my mother after you're done sweeping the ground," she gave her instruction.

"Yes, Ma'am," Merle put aside the broom and dustpan in the corner and picked up the empty bowl. She went inside the house.

Caroline stayed in the veranda in the next thirty minutes.

Then retreated inside the house as the sun rays were getting hotter... already reaching the area where she was sitting comfortably with her daughter.

She climbs the stairs, went to her bedroom, and deposited baby Cathy in her crib to prepare her bath in the bathroom.

A few moments later.

Bath is ready and Caroline picks up her daughter and brings her into the bathroom.

Thirty minutes later.

Caroline was done bathing her daughter and exited the bathroom. After donning fresh baby clothes on Cathy, she picked up the remote control and power on the TV.

The mother and daughter duo spends the next thirty minutes lounging in the bed while watching nursery rhymes on the television.

Two hours passed.

Merle, knocked on the door informing Caroline that lunch is ready.

Caroline smiled and turn off the television. "Let's go downstairs and eat lunch, baby, 'coz I'm going to met your Aunt Catherine today!" she told her daughter merrily.

She hummed a happy song while exiting the room and went downstairs to join her family in the dining table.