Judge Reyes, a man in his 50's chatted animatedly with Susan for a few minutes.

Then they stopped conversing and the ceremony began.

Judge Reyes looked at the couple.

"Bride and groom, please come forward so that we can start the wedding ceremony," he said cheerfully.

Everyone turned silent to keep the atmosphere of the ceremony solemn.

The judge looked at the couple for a few seconds. "Caroline and Mike...before we start the ceremony...I would like to ask a question. Are you here to get married and file a wedding annulment later on? The reason I ask all the couple about this question because the annulment cases in our country are rising fast and I hope you guys will stick to each other until you both grow old."

Mike and Caroline smiled at one another and then looked at the judge straight in the eyes.

"We're going to marry each other for life, your honor!" the couple answered in unison.

Judge Reyes smiled, pleased with their answer. "Alright, let's start the wedding ceremony..."

Everyone in the room maintained the silence.

Judge Reyes looked at the bride. "Caroline Ramirez...do you take Mike Santos present here today to be your lawful husband? Do you swear to love, respect, to be faithful with him and to live with him for the rest of your life?"

"I do..." Caroline responded.

Judge Reyes looked at the groom. "Mike Santos...do you take Caroline Ramirez present here to be your lawful wife? Do you swear to love, respect, to be faithful with her, and to live with her for the rest of your life?"

"I do..." Mike answered.

Judge Reyes smiled at the couple. "Now let's give each other the ring..."

Mike took the ring from his pocket.

"Mike do you give this ring to Caroline as a symbol of your love and dedication?" asked the judge.

"I do..."Mike replied and put the ring on his wife's finger.

Judge Reyes looked at the bride. "Caroline, do you give this ring to Mike as a symbol of your love and dedication?"

"I do..." Caroline answered and put the ring on her groom's finger.

The judge glanced at the couple.

"Having hereby satisfied the requirements of the laws of the Republic of the Philippines, I, as judge of Municipal Trial Court of Makati City, with the power invested in me, hereby declare you as husband and wife," he looked at the people inside the room.

"Let's give them a hand please..." said the judge.

Everyone in the room clapped their hands with smiles on their faces.

"You may kiss the bride..." said the judge.

Mike and Caroline's lips locked for a few seconds.

Then they signed the marriage certificate along with the two witnesses.

Done with the marriage certificate signing...

Judge Reyes shook hands with the bride and groom signaling that the wedding ceremony has ended.

The couple hugged one another, hugged their families and loved ones, and took photos along with the judge.

Susan formally invited the judge to the wedding reception to be held in the highly esteemed Monte Carlo Hotel.

After the wedding...

Everyone exited Judge Reyes's room and went back to their respective vehicle to proceed to the wedding venue.

Forty-five minutes later.

The couple's entourage arrived at the wedding reception inside the luxurious Monte Carlo Hotel.

The reception boasted a high ceiling and magnificent chandeliers. It also had an outdoor garden teeming with beautiful flower landscape and fountains.

The whole venue was turned into an incredible fairy tale wonderland. The floral arrangement was fantastic and magical. Every guest will get the feeling of being transported into a fairyland.

Beautiful white flowers with a touch of greenery hanging from the ceiling.

Each table was adorned with a small tree that was erected in the center blooming with white wisteria and orchids flower.

The endless sea of fresh floral, greenery, and cheery blossoms made everyone feel special.

Caroline and Mike can't take their eyes off each other for a few seconds.

Guests start arriving at the reception area and they were milling around wearing expensive clothes and chattering to each other.

Susan is a wonderful hostess... graciously welcoming everyone into the reception area.

While Thelma chose to sit down in the table beside her children in silence, very much eager to leave the socializing to Mike's mother.

Susan introduces the newlywed couple to all her business associates in the room.

By six in the evening, all the guest has finally arrived.

The event planner took the microphone to start the program.

"Ladies and Gentlemen...good evening! We are here to celebrate the nuptials of Caroline and Mike. The newlywed... please come to the center."

Caroline and Mike went to the center and thunderous applause erupted from the guests' side.

The well-wishers took pictures of the couples...

"I call for the parents of the brides to join the couple in the center..." said the announcer.

Susan and Thelma walked side by side and joined their children in the center.

A few minutes later, the couple's family members went to the center to share the limelight.

Catherine was carrying her daughter, Thelma holding baby Cathy in her arms, Grace, Lily, Jacob and they stood beside Caroline while John joined her mother Susan holding baby James on Mike's side.

After the picture taking was finished, they returned to their table.


The couple danced along with lovely romantic music.

Unknown to them...

On the corner...near the door.

There stood Alex wearing a morose expression in his eyes...he was watching the couple having a slow dance in the center. The couple has not seen him yet.

He has no plan to intrude on their wedding reception. He respected the couple.

He's not here to create a scene. He was just here to witness with his own two eyes that Caroline finally married her boyfriend and his sister was just bluffing with her claim that Caroline will soon live with them in his house.

His sister was just playing a prank on him.

Now that Caroline is already a married woman, she won't be able to visit Greg anymore. If she seldom visits his brother when she's still single, how about now that she's married?

Well...not anymore.

With one last look around the room, he turned on his heels and left the reception room.

Alex joined his friend in the bar of the hotel.

"Sorry to keep you waiting bro..." he apologized to his friend.

"So...you'd find out what are you looking for inside?" the guy asked.

"Yeah... I found my old acquaintance married to her boyfriend and they were having a wedding reception in there right now," Alex explained.

"How come she didn't invite you?" the guy asked.

"Hmm...we're not that close. I just want to make sure that she's indeed the one in the photo outside that venue," Alex answered.

"Alright, so let's start discussing our new business venture..." the guy said.

"OK," Alex responded. Earlier while he was inside the venue, he wanted to call his sister and informed her that he was inside the reception area of Caroline and Mike's wedding.

He finally decided not to inform Allison anymore.

It's Caroline and Mike's wedding after all.

The two deserved peace and happiness on their special day.

So be it.

He felt sad all of a sudden, and he can't understand why.


Back in the wedding reception area.

Dinner has started.

Sumptuous foods, nice music, unlimited wine, and drinks were served to the guest.

Everyone can go to the buffet table and take any food they like.

The celebration carries on through the night.

On the newlywed's table. Caroline and Mike were looking at their guest, wearing a happy and satisfied smile on their faces.

They were currently eating.

"Sweetie, how are you feeling?" Mike asked his wife softly.

"I'm over the moon. I'm so happy that we finally tie the knot. How about you?" she asked him back.

"I'm very much happy too," Mike answered, his eyes overflowing with happiness.

They toast their wine glass to each other.

"To our happiness and success!" Mike said.

"To our happiness and success!" Caroline repeated.

Done eating.

Mike stood up and held his wife's hand. "Let's chat with the guest..." he said.

"Okay," Caroline stood up. Her mother in law has been introducing her to her inner circle of friends. They were all from the business sector. She can no longer recall their names, too many to remember and she's not interested to know them up close and personal.

Right now, she wanted the wedding reception to end so that they can go home, rest and sleep.

She has been faking her smile.

Of course, she's happy that she and Mike have finally married. And she's now the legal wife of her husband.

But the more she stays with these people... the more she wanted to flee away from them. Her insecurities are eating her inside. If these people know that she had killed a person would they still be willing to come to the wedding and shake hands with her?

Her confidence and self-worth have shattered after she becomes a murderer.

It's the worst feeling in the world and it's eating killing her inside.

She had to thank herself though...because no one can see through the thick veil of sadness she kept hidden inside her heart and mind.

Tonight is the eve of her wedding day.

Such a glorious and happy occasion for everyone.

One of her plans has finally come to completion.

And the next plan is to disappear without a trace...

It's going to be hard because the truth is she doesn't want to leave her husband's side.

But she will be gone soon...

She needs to enjoy being Mike's wife for the time being until she disappears out of sight.

At 11:00 in the evening. The guest starts saying goodbye to the newlyweds.

After all the guests were gone, the couple bid goodbye to their families...

Susan gets inside her car.

Thelma, Grace, and the kids went to the other vehicle.

John and Catherine and the children boarded their car.

Everyone waved their hands to the couple, while the cars were moving away from the hotel onto the highway.

The couple sauntered towards the limousine and boarded it.

"To the Blue Bell Residences," Mike told the driver.

"Okay, sir!" the driver replied.

They're heading straight to Mike's place at the Blue Bell Residences.

After thirty minutes of travel.

The couple finally arrived at their destination.

They exited the vehicle, entered the lobby, and went to the elevator.

A few minutes later, the couple finally reached Mike's abode.

The couple went straight to the bedroom and out of tiredness, they just change into comfortable clothes, went to the bathroom and brush their teeth, then jumped right into the bed, embraced each other.

They gazed lovingly at each other's eyes.

"Tired sweetie?" Mike asked softly.

Caroline nods her head. "Yeah..." she said her eyelids dropping.

Mike planted a kiss on her forehead. "Sleep well, sweet dreams," he murmured.

"You too..." Caroline responded.

"I love you so much!" Mike said.

"I love you too..." she replied.

Then the couple closed their eyes.

A few minutes later, they fall asleep luxuriating in the loving presence of one another as husband and wife.