Chapter 164 - Remaining Hours

The next day.

The commercial plane that Hector and Clara have boarded finally arrived at the Philippines International Airport at 11:00 in the morning.

Three hours earlier...

Caroline received a call from Catherine.

Catherine asked, "Sis, how are you?"

"I'm fine, how about you?" Caroline replied.

"Fine as well. Listen... my mother and father-in-law have finally arrived. They're currently resting in our house. They will come to your house later, after dinner," Catherine informed her.

"Okay, I will prepare special dishes for them. Thank you for informing me, sis," Caroline said.

"No need... don't bother to cook foods for us. I already ordered some dishes for this occasion. We will eat dinner here before coming to your house."

"Are you going to bring the kiddos?"

"No. Just the a.d.u.l.ts. My in-laws, me and my husband along with the driver," Catherine answered. They mentioned to me that they're going to borrow baby Cathy and you already agreed. Is it true?"

Caroline sighed a bit. "Yeah, that's true. They will borrow my daughter for one year and bring her to Thailand. Since they are the child's grandparents they would feel bad if I refused, so I said yes."

"Are you okay with your decision? You sound like you regretted your decision," Catherine commented.

"Not really. I will be sad for sure because I'm going to miss my daughter... but I'll get used to it somehow," she answered.

"Well... it would be hard to say no to them because they are the ones giving you financial support every month. But if you feel bad about it and you think one year is too long, you can suggest them to return your daughter to your side after six or three months. I'm sure they will understand your side," Catherine said.

"It's okay, sis. I already told them that I'm okay with one year, I have no plans to change my decision," she said firmly.

"Alright, see you later then," Catherine said.

"Bye sis!" Caroline bid goodbye.

"Byeeee!" Catherine responded and ended the call.

Caroline set aside her phone in the bedside table. She carries her daughter in her arms and exited the bedroom to go downstairs to talk to her mother.

She found her mother chopping vegetables and slicing meat for the dishes tonight.

"Mother dear, we will have a visitor today. Untie Clara and Uncle Hector will come to our house to visit baby Cathy tonight," Caroline revealed.

Thelma's brows furrowed while inspecting the dish she's going to prepare for tonight's meal. "Shall I add more vegetables or dishes? How many visitors will come?" she asked.

"No need to cook more dishes, Mother, 'coz they will come here after dinner. Which means, they will have dinner in Catherine's house first before coming here," she explained.

"Ah, okay. Anything else?" Thelma asked.

"No more...that's all," Caroline said and left the kitchen.

She and her daughter went to the veranda and practice walking there.

After dinner, she will dress up her daughter so that she will be presentable for her grandparents' arrival later.

One hour and thirty minutes later.

Thelma finished cooking the dishes for dinner.

The family gathered in the dining table to eat their meals.

After eating dinner, Lily and Jacob went upstairs to study their lessons.

While Merle, the housemaid cleaned the kitchen and washed the dishes.

Caroline and Thelma went to the bedroom, to prepare themselves and baby Cathy for the visitors' arrival.

One hour later.

Caroline and Thelma were done dressing up baby Cathy. They went downstairs and relaxing in the living room waiting for the visitor.

Fifteen minutes went by.

Two vehicles parked in front of Caroline's house.

The visitors finally arrived!

Merle opened the gate wide.

Caroline and Thelma welcome the visitors into the house.

"Welcome everyone," Caroline said cheerfully.

"Hello Caroline," Clara said.

"Hi Auntie, how are you?"

"I'm fine..." Clara smiled brightly.

"Hi, Uncle Hector..." Caroline greeted him, she looked at her daughter. "Cathy... say hello to Grandma and Grandpa!"

Baby Cathy smiled at the visitors.

Hector took his granddaughter from Caroline and carry her in his arms and dotted on her. "How's my cute granddaughter? Grandpa and Grandma are here to visit you," he said.

"Oh wow... baby Cathy grows too fast!" Clara commented. She planted a kiss on her granddaughter's head.

Baby Cathy smiled and squealed... delighted by the attention showered on her by her grandparents.

Clara and Hector sat on the sofa and played with their granddaughter.

Clara got tears in her eyes. She remembered her son Joseph. Baby Cathy is the only living legacy left to them by her son. After all the horrific things Joseph did when he was still alive, his best gift to them was his daughter. He was able to leave something beautiful in this world when he passed away and it's no other than his daughter baby Cathy, the angel.

What happened to Joseph was tragic and it's every parent's nightmare.

Until now, she still can't get over with her son's passing, she had a hard time coming to terms with what happened to her son.

Clara released a deep sigh.

Hector looked at his wife's face and rubbed her back gently. "Don't start's baby Cathy...It's now your turn to play with her," he handed the baby to his wife.

Clara took baby Cathy in her arms and showered her chubby face with light kisses. "Grandma misses you so much, baby," she murmured.

Baby Cathy giggled. "Grandma...grandma..."

While Clara and Hector were getting busy dotting on the tot... John was outside the veranda accompanied by Ramon.

Catherine, Caroline, and Thelma were talking to each other about family matters.

"Where are Lily and Jacob?" Catherine asked.

"They're upstairs, studying their school lessons. I told them to stay in the room because it will be crowded here," Caroline answered.

"I see... I'll go upstairs to say hello to them," Catherine stated and rose to her feet. She climbs the stairs going to the second floor of the house to say hello to her younger siblings.

Thelma went to the kitchen to prepare a refreshing fruit juice for the visitors.

Clara and Hector faced Caroline wanting to start the conversation properly regarding baby Cathy.

"Caroline... since you already agreed to our request to borrow baby Cathy for one year and bring her to Thailand. Is it okay... if we come back to fetch her tomorrow? We will bring her to the Infinity Jade Tower because we will stay there for one week only and after that, we will fly back to Thailand," Hector said.

"Wouldn't you mind if we'll get baby Cathy tomorrow, Caroline?" Clara asked again.

Caroline smiled and nodded her head. "Yes, I agree to the arrangement, Auntie. I will put all baby Cathy's things in the traveling bag tonight," she replied, masking the sadness creeping up in her heart.

"Good!" Hector spoke.

Clara smiled at Caroline feeling grateful that she didn't make a fuss when she informed her about borrowing her granddaughter for one year. "Thanks, Car!" she said.

"Don't mention it, Auntie," Caroline smiled.

Thelma and Merle brings the tray into the living room and distributed the glasses filled with juice as refreshment for the visitors.

Merle went to the veranda and handed two glasses of juice to John and Ramon.

She returned to the house and retreated to the kitchen, waiting for further order.

Back in the living room.

Catherine went down the stairs and rejoined her mother and sister in the living room, while Caroline and Hector continue bonding with baby Cathy.

Two hours later.

The visitors decided to go home.

Hector addressed the owner of the house and her mother.

"Caroline and Thelma, thank you so much for having us here. We're going home now because the night is getting late. We will return tomorrow to get baby Cathy," Hector told them.

"See you tomorrow baby Cathy," Clara bid goodbye to her granddaughter. She looked at Caroline and Thelma. "We're leaving. Thank you for having us here tonight, Thelma," she said.

Thelma smiled pleasantly at Clara. "Thanks for visiting Clara and Hector, you are welcome anytime," she replied cheerfully.

Hector nods and smiled at Thelma.

Catherine faced her sister and Mother. "Bye sis...bye Mother...see you all tomorrow!" she said.

They exited the door and walked towards the gate.

The visitors piled up in the two vehicles and waved goodbye at Caroline and Thelma.

The engines have started and the cars were moving away going to the subdivision's entrance.

Thelma and Caroline only entered the house after they no longer see the rear of the cars.

Merle closed and locked the gate.

Mother and daughter sat on the sofa in the living room.

Thelma hugged her granddaughter, feeling sad. "Oh, this is sad baby Cathy. Granny and Grandpa will take you away from us and bring you to Thailand. Always behave and be a good baby, okay? Don't give your grandparents a headache. See you after one year," Thelma said teary-eyed. She's feeling emotional all of a sudden.

Caroline breathed deeply and rubbed her mother's back to share her sadness. Right now, being Cathy's mother, she already feels the loneliness and sadness squeezing her heart painfully.

She prevented the tears from falling down her eyes. If she will cry right now, her mother will also cry along with her.

She hardened her heart and blinked twice to ward off the tears.

She will cry in her bedroom later.

Thelma was done hugging her granddaughter. She gave the tot to Caroline.

"I'll go to my bedroom now, Mother. I still need to pack baby Cathy's things and put them in the traveling bag," Caroline explained.

"Okay, I'll help you," Thelma offered.

The two women climbs the stairs and went to the bedroom.

They put baby Cathy in the crib and began arranging her things in the bed so that they can compress all her stuff in just one traveling bag.

One hour later.

They managed to put all baby Cathy's clothes in the bag except for a few pieces of clothing that Caroline intentionally set aside in the closet so that she can have some of her daughter's dresses when she goes missing.

Her daughter's clothes will comfort her through her darkest hours in Alex's house.

"We're done, Mother. Thank you for your help," Caroline said while eyeing the ready to go traveling bag in the corner.

"Alright, I'll go to my room now and rest early so that I still have enough time to spend with baby Cathy tomorrow morning," Thelma said. She sauntered towards the crib and kissed Cathy's forehead, then she proceeds to the door and exited the bedroom.

A few minutes later.

Mother and daughter were now lying comfortably in the bed.

Caroline was crying silently while hugging her daughter, savoring their last hours together.

Baby Cathy had fallen asleep in her arms.

Caroline stared at her daughter's face, her eyes flooded with tears.

"I'm going to miss you, baby," she sobbed again. Her body was wracked with sadness and sorrow.

Three hours went by.

Finally, Caroline fell into a deep slumber past midnight.


Authors Note:

Thank you so much for the readers who bought the chapters with real money.

I earned a total of $2.83 only... last month on my first month of premium.

I know it's so small earnings for working the whole month...but I really appreciated those who spent this small amount to purchase my chapters.

For those who uses Fast Passes... it's okay I understand.... life is hard nowadays.

I hope our lives will get better in the coming days.

Let's stay positive and keep fighting!

No retreat... No surrender!


Take care everyone and keep the faith!