Chapter 184 - Farewell Letters

Mike rode a taxi and stopped for a few minutes in a flower shop to buy a bouquet of red and white roses.

Then the taxi continues to his place, unfortunately, they got caught in a traffic jam for nearly thirty minutes since there was a car collision in the middle of the road.

They waited patiently for the traffic to disperse.

Mike was excited to see his wife again. He misses her so much!

Thirty minutes passed by, the taxi finally arrived at the Blue Belle Residences.

The driver stopped the car in front of the entrance of the building. Mike paid the driver his fare without bothering to get his change. He immediately entered the lobby of the building, carrying his traveling bag and went to the elevator area, he entered a vacant one, pressing the button of the 15th floor.

He finally reached the 15th floor, the door of the elevator opened up and Mike made an exit. He sauntered towards his flat and stopped in front of the door.

He pressed the doorbell...

No one is opening the door.

He pressed the doorbell five times...still nothing. Maybe his wife was sleeping, taking a shower inside the bathroom, or going out of the building.

He uses his key to enter his abode.

The door opened and he enters inside, taking off his shoes and slid his feet on the slipper near the door. He went directly to the bedroom... dragging his traveling bag behind him almost leaping wanting to see his wife right away.

"Sweetie...I'm home! Where are you?" he said loudly.

He pushes open the bedroom, no one is inside. His wife was not in the room. Maybe she was outside buying something.

He will just call her. He set aside his bag in the corner and sat on the edge of the bed. He reached for his phone from the pocket of his jacket and placed a call to his wife.

Caroline's phone keeps ringing...then the operator says the number you dial cannot be reached.

He keeps calling her number in the next five minutes...but to no avail.

Tired of calling her, he finally stopped and place his phone in the bed.

He went to the closet to change into a shorts and t-shirt.

While picking up his clothes, he notices something...

Almost all of Caroline's clothes were gone, there are some left, but all her underwear and bra were gone. His brows knitted together in alarmed and confusion.

He investigated further, then he noticed that her traveling bag was also missing!

Holy Cow!

What's going on!?

He checked everything in the bedroom...that's when he noticed his car keys and the brown envelop in the bedside table.

With a trembling hand, he reached for the envelope wanting to know what is inside.

He took a peek inside the envelope, there was a white paper, he took it out immediately.

He began reading the letter that was written by his wife, he has to steady his hand to prevent it from trembling.

He finished reading the letter in just a few minutes.

The words didn't sink in his mind right away. He has to read the letter five times before he finally understood that his beloved wife left him without giving him a clear explanation.

His heart turns cold...

He can't understand what's going on?

Why Caroline left him all of a sudden?


He can't remember...did they even quarrel?

No, they didn't!

When they were still dating, they never argued even after the wedding and living as husband and wife under one roof.

Maybe, his wife was just playing a joke on him or making a prank on him and she will come back later.

But this is all absurd!

Why most of her clothes were gone? If this was just a prank...she wouldn't bother to bring all her clothes as well her traveling bag.

This is crazy!

He read her letter once more.


Dearest husband,

By the time you read this letter of mine, I'm already out of the building and going somewhere far.

There are things I need to sort out with my life. Please believe me, there is no third party involved in my disappearance. I just wanted to take a breather and meditate for myself.

I will come back after a few months. I hope you will wait for me. I shall return to your side and never leave again. I promise you that.

Just give me a few months to sort things out on my own. Please don't try to find me. Don't waste your time finding me. I will appear in front of you at the right time.

I just need some space. I hope you understand. This is not about you. This is about me. There is something wrong with me.

I love you so much!

Please remember that always. I'm going to miss you terribly.

Please take care of yourself.

Yours truly,



Mike shut off his eyes for a few seconds. He still can't understand what's wrong with his wife?

He can't accept that his wife left him.

Fresh tears sprung from his eyes, he didn't bother wiping them away.

He reached for his phone and placed a call to his brother John.

"Hello...bro..." John said.

"Caroline disappeared... bro," Mike said in a sad voice.

"Huh? What? A-are you serious?" John asked in disbelief

"Yes, I'm serious. I won't joke when it comes to this kind of matter," Mike replied.

"What the hell! You are indeed serious. Tell me what happens?" John asked worriedly.

"I just come back from Davao City and went straight to Blue Bell Residences. I'm excited to see my wife again. But when I come home, no one's home. Her clothes and the traveling bag were gone. She left me a letter in the bedside table of our bedroom," Mike explained in a grief-stricken voice.

"Oh my God! Why Caroline is doing this to you?" John asked he can't believe what's happening to his brother Mike and Caroline. Everything is so sudden!

"Bro, I don't know what to do!" Mike said feeling lost.

"Just stay there in your place, bro. I will come to your house," John said.

"Okay. I'll wait for you bro," Mike replied in a flat tone.


At Infinity Jade Tower.

Catherine was feeding milk on her daughter in the bedroom when John entered the room and went to the closet to get his jacket.

John looked at his wife with a worried face. "Wifey, we have a problem. Mike called me a while ago informing me that your sister Caroline left him. She disappeared and left her husband all of a sudden."

Catherine brows furrowed. "Hey, don't give me that kind of Joke, hubby!" she glared at him.

"I'm not telling you a joke. I'm serious. I'm going to my brother's place right now. I want to read the letter that your sister had left behind," John said. "I'll call you later..." he said and left the room.

Catherine finished feeding her daughter the milk and put her down in the bed. She reached for her phone and place a call to her twin sister Caroline...the operator says the number you are calling is not in service.

Aargh! What's going on!

Catherine continues calling her sister frantically...still the operator insisted that the number she was calling is not in service!


After ten failed attempts of contacting her sister, she calls her mother instead, maybe her mother knows about what is going on with her twin sister's head.

"Hello, Catherine..." said Thelma's voice.

"Mother... Is Caroline there?" she asked.

"No. She's never here the whole day. But I received a message from her earlier... telling me to find the letter she made for me and you beneath her old clothes in her bedroom. That's all that she texted me. I thought she was just I didn't mind the message. Why? What's wrong? Why are you looking for your sister?" Thelma asked her.

"Mother, can you please check if the letter is real? Try to find it, please? I'll have George come over to fetch you, bring the letter with you if you found it," she said.

"W-why? What's going on?" Thelma asked in a worried voice.

"Mike called my husband informing me that Caroline left the house and also left a message explaining why she had to go away. That's why we need the letter, Mother!" Catherine said.

"B-but why your sister is doing this? I don't understand!" Thelma's voice was cracking up.

"Mother, I don't understand either. Just calm down and please find the letter. Don't tell our younger siblings yet," she gives her instruction to her mother.

"Okay, I will go to Caroline's bedroom right now and check the closet. I'll call you right away after I found the letter," Thelma said hurriedly.

Their conversation comes to end.

Thelma climbs the stairs in a hurry, going to Caroline's bedroom on the second floor of the house.

She entered the unlocked door right away and went straight to the closet.

When she opened the door of the closet...she noticed that majority of her daughter's clothes were already missing!

Oh No!

It seems the bad news is indeed true!

Her hands and knees were trembling...but she managed to scoop the old clothes and throws them all into the bed.

And there it brown envelope was separated by the clothes...then she saw another one.

Thelma picked up the two brown envelopes and grabbed them with trembling hands open the envelope with her name written on it.