Chapter 220 - Hovering On The Edge

Mike pushed open the door and they were inside the suite in a flash.

Althea jumped excitedly into the bed like a teenager on her first date. She beckoned him sensuously with her fingers to join him in the bed.

Mike smiled and smirked at her eagerness to have s.e.x with him. She has been flirting at him in the past few days and he's been trying hard to control his urges because he doesn't want to make a mistake on his marriage with Caroline. He was still hoping that his wife will come back and they can continue living as husband and wife.

He was holding on to his sanity, even though the lower part of him wanting to get burned quickly inside the temptress warmth waiting for him enticingly in the bed.

He stared at the s.e.xy woman in the bed as strong s.e.x.u.a.l desire leaping from his eyes. He was finally surrendering to his l.u.s.t and tonight he's willing to plunge into sin and to hell with his marriage!

He doesn't care anymore, he was doubting himself if Caroline was even preserving their marriage at this point.

Althea was confused about why Mike was not making any move to come to the bed? Was he having second thoughts again? Oh no! She can't stomach a second rejection again, not when she was so aroused right now!

She gyrated on the bed provocatively and runs her hands e.r.o.t.i.cally all over her body while m.o.a.ning in the state of passion as if she was already enjoying s.e.x with herself.

Mike was slowly edging closer to the bed as if in a trance.

Althea continuous writhing in the bed making love to herself.

Just when Mike was about to climb the bed...his phone suddenly starts ringing...he retrieves it right away from the pocket of his bathrobe.

"Hello..." he said.

"Hello bro, are you going to sleep now?" asked John.

Althea stopped gyrating on the bed and looked at Mike. He gestured for her to keep quiet. She pouted in dismay. She slowly edges closer to him and hugged him from behind, then slowly she lowered her hand down the waistband of his swimming trunks.

Mike gulped.

"Hello, bro...why are you not answering my question?" John asked again.

"I'm still here bro...wait I'm going to turn off the TV, I will get the remote control on the table," he lied.

"Okay, I'll wait..." John said.

Mike was fighting Althea's hand from entering his swimming trunk, heck, the woman was getting aggressive!

"Bro, are you done!? Bro, where are you?" John shouted.

"I'm here bro, I already turn off the...the...T...V..." Mike stammered as Althea's hand has successfully invaded his swimming trunk and currently groping his erect ding dong. Dang! his erection is getting berserk!

He can't talk to his brother this way! He needs to end their conversation and bid goodbye quickly...when he was about to say something to the phone...that was also the moment Althea spoke loudly 'coz she was feeling so aroused already and hating Mike for ignoring her, she hated disturbance!

"F*cking stop talking to the phone!" she demanded.

John heard a woman's voice on his brother's phone. "Huh? Who is that talking? I heard a woman talking? Do you have a woman inside your room brother? What are you guys doing?"

"Ah...hmm...let me explain...bro..." Mike stammered.

"None of your business! go away!" Althea shouted on the phone.

"Oh my God! I told you to stay away from that woman!" John spoke on the phone in alarmed.

Mike was stunned by the way Althea barged into his conversation shamelessly.

"Bro...I will send her away..." he finally said, glaring at the woman who is still trying to sneak her fingers inside his swimming trunks.

"You'd better do that, brother-in-law. Or else I'm thoroughly disappointed with you," a woman's voice appeared on the line. It's Catherine's voice.

Her disappointed voice sending shock waves of guilt on Mike's system. He feels like he was hearing his wife's voice.

He gestured Althea to leave the room.

But Althea was pouting and completely ignoring his command.

Mike walked towards the door and opened it wide, signaling that their little rendezvous is over.

Althea picked up the white robe and wrapped it around her body then she rose from the bed and exited the room in a bad mood.

Mike was finally able to breathe after Althea was gone.


He was close to betraying his wife tonight, if not for his brother's call, he will finally go all the way with Althea.

He was afraid of answering Catherine because he felt guilty. He only answered the phone when it's his brother's voice that he was listening to.


'What a bad night!' he said to himself.

"Bro, is the woman already out of your room? my wife asked," John said.

"Yes, she's already out. Please tell my sister-in-law that nothing happens between me and that woman," he said trying to sound honest and sincere.

Damn! He feels so guilty right now...

"Bro...can I talk to Catherine...please?" he pleaded.

"Okay, wait a minute..." said John.

"Hello, brother-in-law...I'm here...are you okay?" Catherine asked.

"Cat...I'm sorry about this...It's just...I dunno what to say to you... I'm sorry about this...b-but I can assure you...nothing physical is going on between me and that woman...I swear to God...nothing happened tonight...I'm still the brother-in-law that you can be proud of..." his voice trailed off.

F*ck! He was feeling guilty, he feels so bad about it. He was fretting, does he sounds convincing or not?

"Mike, I understand the pain you've been through right now due to my sister's sudden disappearance. But please...control yourself as much as you can. You're a.d.u.l.t enough to know what's wrong and what is right. strong for you and my sister! That's all I can say to you...I'll return the phone to your brother. You take care of yourself," Catherine said sadly.

"Thank you, Cat, for your understanding," Mike said.

There was silence for a moment.

"Hello, bro...are you still there?" John asked.

"Yeah...I'm here..."

"You sleep now bro, there's nothing much to say as of this moment, but I have to repeat what my wife tells you. You are already an a.d.u.l.t, and you know what is wrong and what is right. It's your life bro, you can run your life the way you like it to be. It's all up to you now. If you plunge into the abyss of no return. I can't blame you, just be prepared for the consequences later," John said. "I'll have to say bye for now, I'll call you tomorrow. Rest well, bye!"

"Bye bro, good night..." Mike responded weakly.

He put the phone down in the bedside table and lie down on the bed, he stared at the ceiling of his room. Thinking of his missing wife, thinking of Althea, and thinking of how he feels for her.

He can relate well to Althea's situation because they were both abandoned by the love of their lives. They were undergoing the same pain of abandonment and it's really painful. But is it enough to just go ahead and get entangled with each other?

Althea has already moved on.

How about him?

Caroline's abandonment of him still fresh and he's still confused as hell on what to do with his life. Althea coming into his life is like a breath of fresh air. There's a part of him that wants to welcome Althea in his life...maybe because Caroline left a big vacuum in his life and the only way to keep going is to fill that vacuum in his life with another woman.

Or maybe...he's just a weak human being...too easily susceptible by temptation.

Was he ready to move on and welcome another woman and not wait for Caroline's return?

Can't he wait a little bit...? Maybe his wife will finally come back?

A lot of things were causing havoc in his heart and mind right now, and he was desperately craving alcohol to numb his suffering heart so that he will stop thinking about how to proceed with his life.

But he doesn't want to get up from the bed and go to the bar, he might do something stupid again, he might as well stay inside his hotel suite and try to sleep.

He closed his eyes, summoning the sleep to take over his senses so that he can have a good night's sleep, and wake up tomorrow with a fresh mind.

Back In the Philippines.

In the couple's room.

Catherine and John looked at each other, trying to find the right words to say to each other. What they discovered earlier while they were talking to Mike was both a shock to them. They did not expect that Mike can move on easily.

"A-are you angry at my brother, Cath?" John questioned his wife.

Catherine took a deep breath. "Not really. I'm just feeling sad right now. I don't have the right to criticize and blame your brother. It must have been very hard for him to wait for a wife that abandoned him. I'm just hoping that my sister will return soon so that they can be reunited with each other. It's still not too late, but I'm afraid that if this will go on for a long time they will eventually result in separation. So...we might as well prepare ourselves for the inevitable," she said calmly.

John released a deep sigh. "This is sad, alright, let's just sleep. And hope for a better day tomorrow for the estranged couple," he said and wrapped his arms around her wife lovingly.

Lying in the bed protected by the warmth of her husband...

Inside her mind, Catherine was screaming..."Sis, you got to come back soon! Or else you no longer have a husband to come home to."

She kept repeating the same statement in her mind until she finally falls asleep.