Chapter 235 - Speechless

The next day.

Caroline woke up at 8:00 and ordered room service for breakfast and vacated the hotel afterward. She went to the bus station and boarded the bus bound for Metro Manila. She would then check-in in some hotel nearby and buy maternity clothes and have it laundered in the nearest laundry shop.

She wants her husband to see her wearing a maternity dress. This would ensure to soften her husband's instance after seeing her pregnant with their child. She would use her so-called delicate pregnancy to evade her husband's questions.

She just wants to deliver her baby in the best environment and the best frame of mind even if she will resort to some scheming behind her husband's back.

Two hours later.

She finally reached Metro Manila and then check-in a random hotel nearby and went to the nearest department store to buy a maternity dress.

She went back to the hotel and have the new dress laundered in the ground floor laundry shop.

After the laundry is finished, she went back to her room and rest for a while. She will leave the hotel and then go home in the afternoon, or near the evening.

She just wants to have her afternoon nap in peace and then rethink about her plan and actions accordingly. Her first goal is to use her pregnancy as a shield from her husband's inquiries. She was just hoping, Mike will not force her in revealing what happened during the days she was out of his life.

She needs to have a strong solid alibi just in case her husband will ask her where she has been staying all this time?

If she would answer that she rented a place for two months somewhere...he normally would like to verify if she is telling the truth and he would insist on asking the address and began investigating that place it would come out that there is no history of her living in that place and she would come up lying in his face. That would anger him and he would get suspicious of course!


What she's going to do?

Those kinds of problems bothered her mind so much and dampen her enthusiasm for returning home.

But she has to return home 'coz she's been wishing for it and now that opportunity already arrived on her doorsteps, she can't let an opportunity pass away. She will go home and continue living a normal life and give her child the best life and raised it in a happy and loving environment together with her husband.

Now that Allison is dead, she was given a second chance of life and happiness.

She recited a prayer aloud. "Thank you dear God for giving me freedom from Allison's clutches. I promise that I will never do anything wrong with my life again. I wouldn't involve myself with the wrong people. I will never leave my husband's side ever again through thick and thin. Thank you so much for this baby in my w.o.m.b, I will treasure this precious gift that you entrusted in my hands," she said.

When the clock on the wall strikes at noon. She ordered room service for lunch, consisted of vegetable soup, one cup rice, fish steak, and two pieces of ripe bananas.

A few minutes later, her room service arrived and she began eating her meal.

After eating, she called the room service to have the dirty dishes removed from her room.

At 1:30...she watched a random show on TV for half an hour.

She finally turned off the TV after finishing watching the show.

She was lost in deep thoughts, feeling nervous and excited to see her husband again.

Would he feel angry or excited to see her again? Would he give her a silent treatment? And if he did, what she's going to do?

Damn! Anxiety was knotting in her stomach, she's feeling nervous all of a sudden.

She hopes Mike will be welcoming to her! She couldn't bear it if he will turn cold to her. That would surely break her heart.

But she must ready herself to any possibility or outcome...bad or good...after all... it's her fault because she left his side abruptly without saying goodbye to his face. Any man would feel angry with the way she disappeared leaving everyone confused and wondering what's going on.

It's all her fault, she must endure the consequences of all her actions with a brave face just for the sake of her unborn child and for the longevity of her marriage.


Meanwhile, at Blue Bell Residences.

The housemaids already gone home, they made a good job in facilitating a quick cleaning and dusting off the place and making everything in his residence clean and welcoming for his wife's arrival.

Last night, after calling his mother and informing her that his wife is finally returning home, her mother was ecstatic and immediately assigned two housemaids to clean his abode in Blue Bell Residences early in the morning and when he arrived at his place, the maids are already deep in cleaning.

He stayed in the hotel's cafe, ordering delicious dishes from his favorite restaurant and have fresh beautiful flowers delivered in his place. He wants to make his wife's homecoming very especial.

The housemaids arranged everything before going home.

Mike double-checked the whole place just to make sure everything is good and pleasant to look at. This day is, after all, a celebration because Caroline is finally coming home to his side and their family will be whole again.

After making sure everything is perfect, he entered the bathroom and took a luxurious bath to condition his mind and project a welcoming attitude to his wife who abandoned him cruelly these past months.

He will try to give her a happy atmosphere to come back to, it's gonna be hard because all he really wanted is to bombard her with lots of questions about her sudden disappearance after their honeymoon.

While showering, he was keeping his anger under check. Today, there will be no questions, quarrels, or anything. He just wants them to return to normalcy and then little by little he will begin questioning her about her sudden disappearance.

A few minutes later, done bathing, he exited the bathroom with a fresh mind. He went to the closet and chose a comfortable cotton t-shirt and shorts to wear for the occasion.

He exited the master's bedroom and went to the living room, to entertain himself while waiting for his wife, he turns on the TV and browsed several shows to watch.

His phone starts ringing...the call was from his mother.


"Son, did Caroline arrived already?" Susan asked excitedly.

"Not yet...I'm still waiting..." he answered.

"Call me tonight after she arrives, okay?" Susan requested.

"Yes, Mom. I'll call you, talk to you later," he said.

"Okay, bye, son," Susan said and ended the call at her end.

Mike was about to put the phone in the center table but it started ringing again, this time the call came from his brother.

"Hello bro..."

"Hello, I hope I didn't disturb you guys...did Caroline already wife just wanted to know. She's very excited!" John spoke.

"Not yet brother, but rest assured that once she already arrived I will ask Caroline to call her sister right away," he assured him.

"Thank you, bro," John responded. "Good luck! Bye..."

"Talk to you later, bro. Bye," he replied and ended the call.

He glanced at the clock on the wall it's already 3:30 and there's no sign of his wife yet. Hmm, how come she was late? Although she didn't give the exact time to arrive it's getting late. He was getting nervous...What if she suddenly changed her mind and won't return today?

God, he won't be able to forgive her if she won't come home today!

He doesn't want her to continue toying with his mind. It's killing him inside and making him crazy!

He breathed deeply trying to ward off the negative emotions creeping in his heart and mind. It's making him uneasy and upset.

He focused his attention on the basketball game that he was watching on the television screen.


Back in the hotel suite where Caroline was staying.

She was done showering and wore a beautiful maternity dress. She let her hair loose on her back. After putting everything inside the bag, she is ready to go. She checked the entire room just in case she left something behind...done checking...she grabbed her bags and exited the hotel room.

Outside the hotel, she flagged a taxi cab going to Blue Bell Residences where her husband was already waiting for her return.

Inside the moving taxi cab.

Knots were already forming in the pit of her stomach, the feeling of anticipation was making her a mental jumble, she was dreading her husband's reaction of her return.


She's panicking...


Back in the Blue Bell Residences.

Mike was still sitting on the couch in the living room. He was done watching the basketball game and feeling restless because the clock already strikes at 4:00. The day will soon give in to the night.

Darkness will be arriving soon...

He was staring at his phone waiting for his wife's call.

"She will never come back!" he said loudly, feeling sad and angry at the same time.

He rose to his feet about to go back to the master's bedroom. That was also the time the doorbell rings outside the door of his abode.

Mike froze...

His wife finally arrives!

He sprang into action and bolted towards the door in big stride. His heart was beating erratically in his rib cage. He was dreaming of this day that his wife will finally return to his side and now it's finally happening! Oh God, he can't contain his happiness and excitement. He instantly grabbed the door handle and opened the door excitedly.


There...outside the door...stood a smiling woman wearing a pretty maternity dress.

Mike's jaw opened...he was speechless!