Chapter 249 - Decide Wisely

Two days later.

After receiving his brother's text message informing him that if he had free time he can drop by at his office any time of the day, Mike did just that.

He was currently boarding the elevator inside the Infinity Jade Tower building, going to his brother's office.

His brother didn't elaborate much on his was feeling apprehensive of what kind of evidence his brother found in Caroline's room in her house in the Eastwood Subdivision.

The moment he exited the elevator, he was almost running towards his brother's office. When he entered the room, John was already sitting on the sofa waiting for him.

"Sorry, brother, if I make you wait for so long," Mike apologized.

John smiled. "No need to say sorry, bro. Please have a seat, so that we can start out conversation..."

Mike lowered himself into the couch facing his brother.

John breathed deeply and starts talking recalling the events.

"My wife and I went to Caroline's house and pretended that we attended a birthday party nearby and we decided to drop by on the house on the spur of the moment cause my wife needs to use the bathroom quickly because she was suffering stomach problems. After we got into Caroline's room my wife checked the closets and found the phone and the tablet.

I was looking for the parcel and packaging inside the plastic dust bin. Unfortunately, the dust bin was already empty. Whatever garbage it had, it might already have been lying in the dumpsite somewhere, and we don't know for sure where to look at. My instinct told me to look for the sender's name and address in the dustbin because we usually dump trash after opening a package, right?" John eyed his brother's reaction.

Mike nodded his head in agreement. He was relieved that Catherine saw the gadgets which mean he was not hallucinating about it. The gadgets presence in Caroline's house is real. He was not just imagining it in his mind.

His wife hides it intentionally...because once found out...she was afraid he will interrogate her about it.

John and Mike looked at each other's eyes.

"Bro, now that the gadgets are inside Caroline's room. What will you do about it?" John gauged his brother's decision.

Mike shook his head. "I dunno what to do. It's a clear indication that my wife is hiding the truth about those gadgets and she doesn't want to talk about it. Maybe...I should just forget that issue and continue living normally beside her," he spoke in an uncertain tone.

"That's more like it bro, that's a wise decision because if you make a big issue out of those gadgets, it might only blow out of proportion and we don't know where the confrontation will lead to. Anyways, it's just a tiny issue. Sometimes, you need to learn to let go of small matters just to protect and safeguard the longevity of your marriage," John added. He wants to support and strengthen his brother's decision so that he will not be able to make a careless mistake that might lead to his unhappiness and misery later on.

Mike sighed heavily. Part of him wants to pursue the matter but another part of him urged him to let go.

John saw the conflicting emotions marring his brother's face. He patted his shoulder. "Let it go, brother. Focus your mind on your baby, every time that issue will resurface in your mind, think of the baby. Implementing that kind of mentality in your subconscious will eventually help you forget about the mystery of those gadgets."

Mike nodded his head in resignation. "I guess you are right brother, for the sake of my baby. I'm willing to forget everything that my wife has done in the past," he finally conceded.

"That's great, brother! That is a good attitude to have, sometimes we have to ignore aside the little negative things just to focus on the bigger things," John responded.

Mike's face brightened a bit. He and his wife were not having any quarrel and misunderstanding nowadays and they live their life in harmony with each other, it would be a waste if he will start bringing up the issue of the gadget and destroy that happiness and peace they both enjoyed at this moment.

He ignored the tiny voice pricking in his mind. He shoved it down in the deepest part of his subconscious.

His great love for his wife and his unborn child is enough to kill whatever nagging suspicions he was feeling deep inside.

That's it!

Time to bury the issue of the gadgets in his mind and forget about it as if he didn't see those objects at all.

Mike looked at his brother and smiled. "Thank you so much for your help, brother. You help eased my worries away," he finally said.

John returned the smile and patted his brother's shoulder affectionately. "I'm glad you are willing to let go of some minor issues, my dear brother. For the sake of the longevity of our marriage...sometimes we need to compromise, as long things are tolerable, then no need to go ballistic, okay?" he gave his advice wisely.

Mike nodded his head in agreement with his brother's words of wisdom. He feels his heavy load was lightened considerably by just talking and opening up to his brother about his marriage woes.

He's feeling good right now, he's willing to finally let go of what's bothering in his mind.

"Time for me to leave, brother. I'm sorry for disturbing you. But I didn't regret coming here because you help me a lot when it comes to sorting out my inner conflict and emotions," Mike said.

"I'm glad to be of some help to you, brother. Always remember, you can always come to me if you need advice and guidance, okay?" John said with a smile.

Mike smiled as well and rose to his feet. "Yes, brother. I'm going to take my leave now. See you tomorrow at the family gathering!" he said merrily and sauntered towards the door.

John breathed deeply as he watched his brother exiting the door of his office.


The following day.

The house staff was busy with the preparation at Susan's home early in the morning.

Balloons were being tied up in the branches of the trees. Children's colorful inflatable mini ride was erected in the vast lawn beside the swimming pool area and there's also one mini-ride floating in the pool for the little kids to enjoy.

Dishes were being prepared and cooked in the kitchen and brought into the table near the pool area, another house staff was attending to the electric grill, cooking slices of pork and chicken meat as well hot dogs for barbecue.

The aroma of delicious dishes floated in the atmosphere as the first visitor arrived.

Susan was beaming brightly upon seeing her grandchildren, James and Angel rushing to her side.

"Granny!" James said and tugged at her shorts.

"I miss you, Granny!" Angel whispered and kissed her grandmother's cheeks.

"I miss you, kids!" Susan hugged her grandchildren teary-eyed with happiness. "Let's go to the swimming pool area, my beloved!" she said and holds their tiny hands.

John and Catherine watched as the excited grandmother lead her grandchildren to the pool area at the back of the mansion.

The couple and the housemaid brought their one day worth of luggage upstairs in the guest room. And after changing into their swimming attire they immediately went down and joined everyone in the pool area.

John's family was already having a good time in the pool area when Mike, Caroline, and their housemaid arrived at the mansion. A few minutes later, the car that Ramon had driven finally arrived with Thelma, Lily, Jacob, and the housemaid on board. They exited the car and entered the mansion.

They brought their things upstairs in the vacant room and then changed into their swimming attire.

They all went to the pool area and the family gathering was now in full swing since everyone was already frolicking in the pool and sitting on the lounger chair munching on the array of delectable finger foods displayed in the table.

It was such a happy occasion.

Family bonding at its's best.

A few moments later, Caroline departed from her husband's side and joined Catherine, Thelma, Jacob, and Lily in the sparkling water, while Susan and the housemaid were playing with baby James and Angel in the inflatable slides.

The sounds of chatting, laughing, talking, and merriment filled the atmosphere.

Mike was enjoying the happy and festive atmosphere, moments like this are worth treasuring in one's heart. He took his phone and whipped his camera, capturing everyone's happy moments in the photo as well in video.

Done taking pictures, he put his phone back in the table and let the happy occasion filled his consciousnesses. He was glad he listened to his brother's advice and didn't pursue the mystery of the gadgets because if he did so, this happy family gathering won't take place at all.

On the other hand...

John was busy taking pictures and videos of everyone in the pool. He was sporting a happy smile on his face.

After a while, he saw his brother sitting on the lounger chair in a relaxed state. He walked to his side and eased into the lounger chair beside him.

"What a happy day!" John observed the festivity in an elated voice.

Mike looked at his brother and smiled brightly, then he replied, "Indeed!"

A maid brought a tray filled with finger food and a refreshing drink on their table.

The brothers took the glass of drinks and looked at each other.

They raised their glasses to each other and said, "Cheers for the happy times!"

The festive atmosphere lasted the whole day. Everyone was enjoying the abundance of foods displayed in the table, there is no shortage of drinks and barbecue.

When evening comes, everyone was already tired, wanting to go home and rest.

Susan being the gracious host, bid everyone goodbye at her doorsteps, wearing a satisfied grin on her face, promising her family members of another joyous family gathering next month. Everyone was looking forward to it since it's one occasion that everybody can catch up with each other lives... just relaxing and chatting...enjoying each other's company and eating mouthwatering delicious foods all day long.