Chapter 269 - Take Care of Yourself!

Caroline was feeding one of the twins when she received the text message, obviously from Alex.

I just want you to know that my beloved brother Greg passed away today.

I just want you to know that my beloved brother Greg passed away today.

I just want you to know that my beloved brother Greg passed away today.

She rereads the text ten times until it slowly sinks in her heart that her ex-boyfriend, her first love has already passed away.

Caroline doesn't know what to feel for her 'ex'.

Greg has always been kind and loving to her when they were still together in the village, he changed a bit when he caught AIDS, but later on during her stay in Alex's mansion, they turn into friends without the s.e.x.u.a.l benefits.

She released a deep sigh. Despite everything, now that he passed away, she wants to remember the kind and loving Greg in the village, her first love.

"Rest in peace, Greg..." she murmured.

After feeding, her son falls asleep, she put him down in the crib. She looked at Suzanne, she was sleeping too in her crib.

In the next few minutes, she was debating internally if she just ignores Alex's message and goes on with her life as if nothing happens. She promised herself that she would not let the past come back to haunt her and destroy her peace of mind. She is happy now...

Why would she waste her precious time responding to a text message from the person who belongs to her dark past? Establishing contact with Alex again might open up the can of worms and she can't afford that.

Why would she care now?

She was thankful that although Alex knows her number, he never texted her. But he broke his long silence and texted her today just to inform her of the sad news.

A tug of war was going on in her mind. Part of her wanted to text him and send him a condolence message. But another part of her wanted to ignore the message.

Since she can't decide...she might as well take a quick shower before the twins wake up again. She entered the bathroom and leave her worries behind.

While showering, a tiny voice whispered in her ears. Oh, common! It's just a condolence message why don't you make one? It's all he needs!

After done showering, she left the bathroom and picked up her phone from the bedside table.

She began typing a message to Alex.


Alex has been staring at the calm ocean for a while...

He sat there on the sofa, frozen in time, the tears already gone dry in his face. He can't cry anymore. His two siblings already left this world, they left him alone. There's a huge void in his heart and it's tearing him apart inside. The sadness is suffocating... it's slowly killing his will to leave.

He knew that his brother might die anytime, but he was supposed to die due to his illness, not lose him due to suicide. He struggled to understand why his brother did it? Why? Maybe, his brother feels the emptiness and sadness after Allison and Caroline were gone from his life all of a sudden?

Greg just loses it all. He loses the will to live. Beneath his smiling face lies the extreme guilt and sadness, that's why he chose to end his life, maybe because Caroline was no longer by his side?

Greg was not able to overcome his grief because if he did, he would still be alive until now. Besides the last time they had a serious talk, his youngest brother express his feelings that he was guilty of their sister's passing.

That might have put more pressure on his heart.

He looked heavenward and smiled bitterly. Then he was comforted with the fact that his sister Allison and brother Greg were now residing in a peaceful and calm place, up there in heaven.

"I'll join you, bro and sis, in due time," he muttered to himself.

Suddenly, his phone was beeping... signaling of an incoming message. He grabbed his phone and read the message.

Condolence! I'm sorry to hear about Greg's passing. I chose to remember the sweet and gentle guy that I used to love in the village and because of that I also felt saddened by his untimely passing.

I want to visit Greg's funeral but it's difficult with my current situation because I'm busy caring for my twins 24/7, I have no free time for myself anymore.

Besides, I can no longer venture outside without a chaperone. I'm sorry for your loss. You have to stay strong for others who still need your guidance. Live your life to the fullest, and lastly take care of yourself.

After reading Caroline's long message, a tear fell from Alex's eyes. Yeah, Caroline is right! He has to stay strong and continue living for everyone who still needs his time and guidance.

He still has three nieces, Allison's adoptive daughters to think about. And not only that, there are businesses that he has to run and manage daily.

A lot more reason to continue living.

Those specific thoughts charged up his mind. Caroline's message help tremendously in putting his perspective back to life, or else if she didn't text him, he would have been still frozen in time staring at the horizon and beyond... as the will to continue living already deserted his mind due to crippling depression and desolation of losing his brother.

He placed a call to Rudy. If he travels to Pampanga and takes care of everything, it will consume a lot of his time.

"Hello, Sir..."

"Rudy, listen up. I will transfer funds to your bank account, pay the hospital bills and contact the same funeral homes that brought my sister's body to the city so that they can transport my brother's body the same way. If you need anything or you encounter problems along the way, don't hesitate to call me," Alex said.

"Yes, Sir!" Rudy answered and ended the call at his end.

Alex released a deep sigh. There's the right time for grieving for his brother, but right now, he needs to go back to the city and take care of Greg's funeral.

Before he gets ready for his travel back to the city, he made a call to the company that owned the cemetery and brought the empty lot next to Allison. That is where he will bury Greg, next to their sister's grave.

After settling everything, he packed his bags, left the Evergreen Hill, and began his long journey back to the city.