Chapter 279 - Hurricane

The following day.

Alex report to his office sporting a bright smile on his face. Everyone was amazed by the happiness they had witnessed in their Boss. They all knew that he just has undergone devastating loss with two deaths of loved ones in a row.

Alex entered his office and called his secretary on the intercom. "Contact the official food caterer of our company and have them prepare a packed lunch. I want the food to be delivered here before lunchtime. Then the afternoon snack as well. The packed lunch and snack will be given to all employees. I will settle the bill myself," he said jovially.

"Yes, Sir!" the secretary said cheerfully.

Alex was pacing the room. His happiness is making him restless and full of energy. Everywhere he looked around the room, he can see Caroline's face.

Done pacing the room, he sat on the swivel chair. Then he recalled what happened on that night when Caroline ordered him to kiss her. He nearly died of happiness.

When they start kissing and he finally tasted her sweet lips, he died in ecstasy. The kiss was ten times more gratifying and his body becomes delirious. When they were both n.a.k.e.d, he knew, it's the time of no return and he can finally fulfill all his fantasy with Caroline's body.

Finally, he owned her that night, her body was his, all his, and the best thing about it is that she was responsive and eager to receive his hot kisses and he went crazy when she requested that he should go faster and harder with his pounding of her wet core. That was how he always envisions her reaction will be on the night they will make love. And it did happen just the way he imagined.

Their hot lovemaking was like a dream come true. It was like he was dreaming still, and if he was dreaming indeed, he doesn't want to wake up from that dream.

But the fact that Caroline was staying in his property in Evergreen Hill, that means, he wasn't dreaming at all.

Their s.e.x.u.a.l intercourse did happen and he can still smell her womanly scent lingering in his nostrils. It might be too much to ask for, but maybe they could make love again, and somehow she might be willing to stay by his side? He can give her everything...

Ahh, that's already another fantasy that looks impossible to happen. He knows that Caroline loves her husband dearly and even if she heard him having s.e.x with another woman on the phone, still, she would forgive him. But despite that painful knowledge, he's still a happy camper because Caroline gave him a night of passion that he will always cherish in his heart.

His mind was preoccupied with the thoughts of Caroline, he found himself placing a call to the house. He dared not call her on her phone because she turned off her phone.

The phone rang ten times, he was about to give up, but it was answered finally.


"'s me, Alex," he said.

"Hi... you want to tell me something?" she asked.

"Um... I just want to ask... did you encounter any problem with your stay in the house?" he asked wanting to lengthen their conversation.

" problem here. The house is perfect!"

"Good, I just called to check on you. Don't forget to call me if you needed anything," he said.

There was a moment of silence between them.

Alex cleared his throat. Now...the difficult question. "Hmm...can I visit the house this weekend?" he asked, hoping that she will agree.

Caroline was silent for a moment. It would be rude to refuse the owner to visit his own house. "Okay, it's up to you. It's your house, you are free to come here. I'm just a temporary guest here you don't have to ask for my permission," she responded.

"Okay, I'll visit you this weekend since I have nothing else to do. Would you like me to buy you something? How about groceries? You can tell me, I will buy it for you," he offered excitedly.

"Umm... I can't think of anything right now. I will call you if I have something in my mind," she said.

"Okay, take care of yourself and have a nice day ahead. Bye," he said.

"Bye Alex," she replied and put the handset back to its cradle.


Alex's face brightened. "Thank God, she is not mad at me!" he said aloud. He finally settled on his desk and began focusing on the job at hand. But inside his mind, he can't wait for the weekend to come so that he can see her again.

Suddenly after the doom and gloom of losing his siblings, he was able to smile again. It's just short term happiness but he wants to savor it while it lasted.

He and Caroline might not be able to cross paths again. This is the only time he could be closer to her, walk the path she walked and breathe the air she's breathing and live in the same house with her even for a few days. He is not stupid to ask or demand more from her. What he had with her right now is only a borrowed time.

Though he was wishing for the impossible even if it's only in his mind.

He wished that, at least, Caroline would stay in his place for even one month. It's too long considering that she already told him that she will go home after three days.

But then...when he told her that he will visit her this weekend, she said yes. Could it be that she will stay for more than three days in his house?

Well, he hopes so. He was praying to God that she has plans on staying a few more days in the house so that he can still spend a few memorable times with her.

It's more than to ask and hope for. But he was counting on the recent event that Caroline will delay her return to her home because her husband betrayed her.


Evergreen Hill.

That night, after finishing eating dinner. Caroline went to the terrace which becomes her favorite place in Alex's house. She could spend the rest of her day staring at the ocean's magnificent view and never get tired of the scenery.

Now back to her dilemma.

She was deeply troubled that her husband betrayed her with another woman, and because of her rage, she went on a revenge spree on the same night and seduced Alex.

Now, he and her husband were both tainted.

If her husband deliberately didn't end their conversation on the phone so that she can hear that he was romancing another woman's body, then he succeeded.

Mike succeeded in destroying them together and destroying their marriage.

She initially wanted to go home after three days but her decision was changed the moment she discovered that her husband was cheating on her.

It finally dawned on her that she no longer have a peaceful home and a devoted husband to come home to.

Everything ended between her and Mike on that night that they both betrayed each other with different people.

Somehow, she has to pick up the pieces again and start another phase of her life.

She released a deep sigh and fat tears emerged from her eyes, rolling down her cheeks. She was truly devastated by what's going on with her relationship with her husband.

The unfortunate event just appears out of the blue without any warning and from there... everything escalated badly.

The painting was Allison's last blow from hell. It was like a powerful hurricane that struck her relationship with her husband, crushing it into tiny pieces.

The future looks bleak for Caroline again, this time, it's even more difficult to pick up the pieces again.