Chapter 298 - I Miss You So Much!

The next day.

Caroline and Mike were eating breakfast in the dining room in complete silence.

A few minutes later, breakfast was over, then Mike went to his office.

Caroline was able to breathe easier.

They never uttered a single word to each other.

Even when Mike returns that evening from work, they did their stuff without talking to each other, they were giving each other cold shoulders.

The maids reported what they observed of the couple to Susan and Catherine so that the two women will be updated on the latest happening of the couple.

Caroline throws herself back to being a hands-on mother to the twins. This way she won't be affected much by Mike's cold treatment of her. It's very hard because they are seeing each other on daily basis and almost bumping into each other inside the bedroom.

The situation between the couple is difficult especially during the night when they sleep on the same bed, thanks to the pillow that Caroline put in the middle of the bed... they were able to adjust well to the uneasiness and awkwardness they felt for each other and not to trespass on each other's boundaries.


On the second day, the situation was still the same. The couple was not talking to each other.

After breakfast, Mike did the same routine... he will leave the house going to his office then returned at night, and sleep on the bed in the same position.

The same thing happens in a cycle, with no notable changes whatsoever.

Caroline didn't even try having a heart to heart talk with her husband thinking that he should be the one to apologize to her. However, even if she insisted that he was the only one to blame for what's happening to them, it's kind of one-sided since she also sinned against him and it's the ugly truth. It's just that it was projected in her mind that her husband did it first and she only retaliated, in short... he provoked her into doing the unthinkable due to his unfounded jealousy.

Everything snowballed after that... And now they are experiencing a painful roller coaster ride of jumbled emotions that they had a hard time coping up, they can't even watch each other with peace and's just pain, anger, hopelessness, and hostile glances that they kept throwing on each other daily.

Something needs to break soon, between them.


On the third day, the situation was still the same and Caroline is getting tired of the way her husband treated her.

While she was changing her son's diaper, she comes to realize that their situation won't improve unless one of them will swallow one's pride and approach the other first.

Sighing, Caroline has decided that tonight when her husband finally returns home, she will talk to him and apologize. Maybe her apology can calm his anger and bring back the normalcy in their relationship. Men have their pride and Mike won't bow down on her, therefore, for the sake of their children and their marriage, she will swallow her pride and apologized first.


That afternoon after taking a shower, Caroline received a call from her twin sister.


"How are you, sis?" asked Catherine.

"I'm fine," replied Caroline.

"What I the situation between you and your husband? How is it?"

Caroline sighed. "We're not talking yet...I mean we are giving each other a cold shoulder," she answered.

"B-but why? I thought you guys are working hard to give your relationship another chance? What's wrong?"

Caroline massaged her temple. "He is not talking to me, so I'm not talking to him as well. Let's not talk about my husband. I'm having a headache thinking about him. He's so full of himself pretending he was a saint and I'm the sinner! Let's talk about something else..." she said trying to change the topic.

Catherine sighed. "Anyways...I just want to inform you that we will visit you tomorrow. Mother and I along with Lily and Jacob. We will have dinner at your house. Don't worry about food. I already ordered dishes from my favorite caterer to be delivered to your home tomorrow, at dinner time. Tell your husband to be there as well..."

"That's nice! I can't wait to see you guys tomorrow! I missed mother, Lily, and Jacob so much!" Caroline said.

"Okay, see you tomorrow, sis! Byeee..." Catherine said.

"Bye...sis!" Caroline replied cheerfully. Her family's visit is a welcome break from her gloomy condition.

She looked at her phone and scrolled on her contacts. She stared at Alex's number...should she call him? Just to ask how he's doing?

She stared at his phone number for ten minutes wanting to call him but every time she decided to do so... she can't bring herself to do it.

Sighing, she put the phone on the bed.

She was about to leave the room to check on the twins in the living room when her phone starts ringing...

Her heart skips a beat when she saw the caller... it was Alex whom she gives a nickname as Scarlett on her phone.

She grabbed the phone and answered the call. "Hello..." she said.

True to his words, Alex was just listening to her voice on the other line not saying anything at all.

Caroline sighed. "Alex...wazzup? It's okay to talk, I'm the only one here in the bedroom and my husband was working in his office outside the building," she said.

"I miss you so much, Caroline!" Alex finally said.

"I are you doing now?" she asked him.

"I'm at my office, staring at the ceiling, feeling sad and lonely. All I can think of is you," he said.

Caroline sighed. "You'll get over it soon..."

"How 's the situation between you and your husband?"

"Not good. We're not talking to each other at all. On the day I returned here, we quarreled big time after I confessed to him that I had an affair with you. Don't worry, I never told him about your real identity. He knows you only as Alex, my lover," she said.

"I'm sorry that you are undergoing such a tough situation right now. Tell me if there's anything I can help you with, I won't hesitate to do it. My offer for you still stands," Alex said.

Caroline breathed deeply. "Sorry, I can't talk to you for long. I have to say bye for now. You take care of yourself..."

"Okay, I'll take care of myself for should take care of yourself for me," he said meaningfully.


"Bye sweetheart! I love you!" Alex said.

Their conversation ended.

Caroline erased the call log in her phone just to be on the safe side.



Mike arrived home at 7:00 in the evening. After changing his clothes he usually goes to the pool area and stays there so that he and his wife won't bump into each other. He will only enter the bedroom if he wants to get something... or he wants to bond with any of the twins, most of the time he would just go back to the pool area and spend his time there until he gets sleepy and enter the master bedroom to retire for the night.

That was his routine in the last three days ever since his wife returned to their home.

Mike stayed in the pool area, sitting on the lounge chair while staring blankly at the city's skyline.

The door to the pool suddenly opened.

Caroline made an entrance going to the area of the pool where her husband was sitting. She wore a serious expression on her face.