The next day.

After the last song jiaran incident, the media fell again because Lu Qingshen suddenly announced his marriage last night.

The front page headlines of all media, powerless to exception, are all kinds of news between Lu Qingshen and Qiao Yimo, including micro blog. Lu Qingshen's hot search is also rising for a time, and netizens are also exploding.

The so-called most enthusiastic are always netizens, as if the netizens are really a very magical existence, what they care about, what things can not help but put in two mouths.

This is not Lu Qingshen's news, netizens circle is lively.

"Shit, the president of Huanya is not a gay. It is said that the same sex is the true love? How to start the heterosexual reproduction in the blink of an eye! Give back my son! My God, my dream lover is married, but the bride is not me! I don't accept the news. Give me a perfect explanation! "

" I'm going, and I'm sure we'll have the right family! This talented woman looks at to raise the eye, what also said, wishes the world has the lover to get married eventually! Happiness 99! [Rose Rose Rose] "

Qiao Yimo leaned back, and the whole person was nestled in Lu Qingshen's arms, and his hand was constantly sliding the iPad, looking at all kinds of ironic comments from netizens.

"Tut Tut, it turns out that you have always been a gay in the eyes of netizens before! It seems that I have ended a wave of rotten women's dreams of having a son. "

watched as Joe could not help beating it, and make complaints about Lu Qing's deep Tucao.

"It's a good ending. It's just that rotten women are too dirty. What kind of men have children? I'm a straight man!"

Lu Qingshen massages Qiao's head with foam while following Qiao's words.

"The dreamer is married, but the bride is not me..."

The next second, Qiao simply opened her mouth to sing the comment. Lu Qingshen just wanted to vomit blood. She was very happy.

"Of course the bride is not her, those ugly people. I only love fairies."

I really can't let Qiao Yimo make fun of him any more. Lu Qingshen thinks that if he lets Qiao Yimo look down, he can be laughed at all day by Qiao Yimo.

"OK, OK, you have been looking at the computer for too long this morning. Your eyes will be uncomfortable. Come on, give me the computer, good boy!"

Lu Qingshen used sugar coated cannonball while coaxing and deceiving the iPad from Qiao Yimo's hand, which prevented Qiao Yimo from continuing to look.

Although the computer has been taken away by Lu Qingshen, Qiao Yimo's mouth is not idle. He just lies on Lu Qingshen's legs, looks up at Lu Qingshen, and says with a smile: "what's the matter? Is this blushing, sorry?"

Qiao Yimo said, while happy to hi, Lu Qingshen did not know what she was excited about.

"How can I find you excited after reading these comments? That's quite a delight to you

Can't help but stretch out his hand to pinch Shanqiao's face, Lu Qingshen said helplessly.

"No, I just think the brain hole of netizens is a little big. Besides, I'm also looking forward to having children with men. I think here, if you really choose men to have children, who will be the other side? Brother Yicheng or Tang Yun? "

For a moment, Qiao Yimo's heart of rotten girl is also hooked up, and even can't help but rush to Lu Qingshen to start gossip.


After listening to Qiao Yimo's words, Lu Qingshen only felt a group of crows flying over his head, and thousands of grass mud horses roared through his heart.

This This He refused to discuss the problem!

"What's all this and what's wrong with you! What Han Yicheng Tang Yun's, I only like you! "

Lu Qingshen didn't realize that Qiao Yimo used to love people so much. Good guy, now he has become the object of Qiao Yimo's ridicule.

For a moment, Lu Qingshen felt his heart in tears

"All right, all right. I'm teasing you! Of course, I know that you love me the most, because you are the one I love the most

With that, Qiao puckered up his mouth from the empty space and flew to Lu Qingshen with a sound of "Mu Ma", which ended the topic just now.

"The sweet elder sister and I have not been together for a long time. We haven't been together for a long time

Speaking of this, Qiao Yimo seems to have no excitement just now, and even his voice has such a trace of sadness.

Especially think of Qiao Yixi and Han Yicheng two people do not know whether there is any danger, Qiao Yimo's heart is a burst of boredom.

"Don't worry, everything will be OK. Besides, if you want to see Chu Sitian, you are at home anyway. You can go to her and get together to save you from boredom."With that, Lu Qingshen gently stroked Qiao Yimo's long hair and comforted him with a soft voice.

After listening to Lu Qingshen's words, Qiao nodded with foam and didn't say anything more

Since the last time she ran into Lin Jiangchen and Chu Sitian at the gate of the shopping mall, Shi hanyao has never seen any of them again. However, she has been very busy these days and has several cases to deal with. Naturally, she does not pay too much attention to those aspects.

Now that the case has been dealt with, Shi hanyao should also calm down and consider his own matter.

After her consideration of these days, Shi hanyao is completely determined, ready not to do away with the child, there is no way out, this child she is born.

She not only wants to give birth to the child, but also wants to let her child grow up in a sound family. So she decided to find Lin Jiangchen again and ask him what he finally meant. If he still insists on not having children, then don't blame her.

Thinking about it, Shi hanyao called Lin Jiangchen directly

"OK, this case will be left to Amy. In short, we can only win but not lose!"

Lin Jiangchen was in a meeting. As a result, his mobile phone on the desk rang at the right time.

Take a look at the mobile phone, when you see the contact on the phone, Lin Jiangchen's face is also a moment to sink down, even the eyebrows are unintentionally frown up.

"You go out first."

Anyway, Lin Jiangchen has already finished speaking, so he waved to the people in the conference room, indicating that they could disperse.

With Lin Jiangchen's instructions, the staff got up and left the meeting room.

Seeing all the people coming, he was left alone in the conference room. Lin Jiangchen connected his mobile phone , the fastest update of the webnovel!