Chapter 610 Easier Than Expected

After leaving his inner world, Shang walked over to the entrance of his training room.

He exited and walked over to the Keeper.

At the moment, Trapper and Ice Princess were sitting in the middle of the branch.

After around 50 years, the branch had gone through one shift each.

Usually, Trapper and House Wife would be accepting and completing missions right now, but there was a problem.

House Wife was dead.

During one of her missions to spy on someone, she was found by the target.

While House Wife was amazing at staying hidden and fleeing, she was only average in a fight, and her target had actually been a level above her.

She didn't make it back.

But Trapper was still alive, and he had even advanced a level.

He was now at the Late Archmage Realm, and he was one of two.

The other one was Ice Princess, who also had advanced.

The old Late Archmage had advanced to the Peak Archmage Realm and had switched branches since there wasn't a lot to do for a Peak Archmage in this branch.

This meant that Trapper and Ice Princess were now the two most powerful Named Agents in the branch.

As Shang walked past them, no one spoke a word.

Usually, Trapper was a very chatty and boastful person, but in front of Ice Princess, he stayed silent.

Ice Princess was famous for not talking, never being able to take a joke, and directly attacking if she didn't like something about someone.


Trapper had learned that it was better for him to shut up and not look at her when she was near him.

However, that didn't quench his "thirst".

In fact, Ice Princess was Trapper's biggest target.

He wanted her.

The more powerful a woman was, the more he desired to "conquer" them.

But Ice Princess was powerful, very dangerous, and it was against the rules to do anything to a colleague.

Of course, Ice Princess knew Trapper, and she knew exactly what he wanted.

However, in her mind, desiring her was only natural. She was beautiful, powerful, intelligent, and courageous.

Others were allowed to desire her, but they were not allowed to show her disrespect.

Trapper and Ice Princess had a unique dynamic.

It was almost like both of them were ignoring each other but also challenging each other at the same time.

The atmosphere between them was very tense and not the romantic kind of tense.

It was like Trapper was about to do something horrible, and Ice Princess was about to slit his throat.

When Shang walked past them, Trapper didn't say anything.

To Trapper, White Ghost was basically just Ice Princess but with a penis.

To Ice Princess, White Ghost was someone that knew his place. White Ghost didn't disturb her with needless words, and he always kept to himself.

"I want to exchange my Mana Crystals," Shang said to the Keeper.

"What do you want?" she asked in a neutral tone, not looking at him.

"Grade Five Mind Flow Pellets, the permission to train outside, and information on the location of Ancestral Beasts," Shang said.

When the Keeper heard that, she actually turned her head and looked at Shang with her ocean-blue eyes from the side.

"You are interested in training Magic?" she transmitted so that the others wouldn't hear her words.

"Correct," Shang transmitted.

The only reason why Shang would want to train outside was to analyze how the Mana of the world worked. He could train his body and techniques in the training rooms without issues, and it wouldn't make much sense for him to train outside.

This meant that he was probably interested in comprehending Concepts.

"What do you have in mind?" she asked, turning around again.

"I want to view Light from a new angle," Shang said. "I want to feel the light that fire produces."

The Keeper moved her nails across her chin in thought.

Fire did produce light, but it was a different kind of light. Mages wouldn't usually look at fire when they were trying to comprehend a Light Concept.

However, that was mostly for the earlier Concepts.

As an experienced Mage Lord, the Keeper knew a lot of very advanced Concepts, and she knew that the Pure level four Concept of Light was Dawn, which was related to the sun, which was obviously related to fire.

There was definitely a connection there.

Additionally, White Ghost wasn't a Mage but a warrior.

On top of that, he was already using an unorthodox path to comprehend light, which was his voluntary blindness.

If this were a normal Mage, the Keeper would become suspicious.

Maybe they wanted to meet someone?

Maybe they wanted to flee?

However, White Ghost's unusual methods of training and his obviously very powerful Battle-Strength spoke for him.

White Ghost was smart enough to know that he couldn't flee from the Temple of Blood without going through the proper channels.

Lastly, his request was far easier to fulfill than White Ghost had probably anticipated.

"That is not a problem," the Keeper answered. "There's a beast very familiar with fire and light."

"The Yellow Sunbreaker."

Shang's body didn't react, but he was actually quite surprised deep inside.

He was shocked that he had missed that obvious connection.

The Yellow Sunbreaker was essentially a huge sunflower.

Its entire existence basically revolved around the sun, and Shang had felt quite a bit of Fire Mana come from it from time to time.

"The Yellow Sunbreaker is hunting by releasing its Mana and provoking other beasts into attacking it, but I'm canceling out most of its Fire Mana to keep other Ancestral Beasts from coming close and attacking it," the Keeper said. "If the Yellow Sunbreaker dies, we will need to move locations."

"However, I can move the area where I cancel out its Mana to further away. I'll leave the closest kilometer filled with its Mana. That won't increase the danger at all while giving you a good training ground."

"It's no problem. You don't even have to pay anything for that."

"So, how many Grade Five Mind Flow Pellets do you want?"