Chapter 186: After winter

Name:Sword of Daybreaker Author:Yuan Tong
The incident of Kant’s collar finally came to an end, and it seems to be the last time of this year’s turbulence. With the advent of the foggy month, everything in the south has entered the crouching with the temperature drop. This disaster-ridden place finally Calm.

However, the construction of Cecil’s raging fire has just begun. With the rapid improvement of various basic machinery and equipment and various types of factories, a large number of new populations pouring into this land have found that they have a lot of work to do in this cold winter. Of course, it is not only winter work, but also hot meals in the factory canteen, winter clothes specially tailored for workers, and charcoal subsidies for every household.

In the past years, as long as winter, you can only keep a little bit of food in your home, and count the food in the basket to calculate how long it will take to end in winter. This is an excellent life that they can't imagine. The newly added workload is simply not worth mentioning.

According to Gao Wen, until the winter construction plan is launched smoothly, the development of the territory is really on the right track.

A large and sturdy four-wheeled carriage rides on the gravel road, and the sound of the wheels makes a creaking sound. The yellow leaves are scattered on both sides of the road. The only places are the fallen maple leaves and giant wood. The bleak scene inevitably makes the travellers feel depressed, but Joan’s heart has only a warm force.

Before the harshest frost, she and her brother found the last settlement in the forest.

She stood on the lead carriage and stood up and looked at the entire team behind her. The seven carriages carried forty-six homeless people with yellow skinny and thin, and the people who drove were wearing strange enchanted armor and equipped with magical weapons. Powerful warriors, these Cecil soldiers strictly abide by the order of the lord. In any case, it is their duty to protect her and her younger brothers and protect the refugees in the team, regardless of whether they are beasts or robbers on the road. None of the soldiers had injured a civilian. On weekdays, there had never been a case of soldiers bullying civilians.

This made her startled and inexplicable, but now she has become accustomed to it.

This is an incredible force, and they are going to go to an even more incredible place.

She never believed that no aristocrat would sincerely shelter the civilians, nor did she ever think that the homeless could get helplessly on unfamiliar land, but what she most unexpectedly did was that she would act as a The messenger and the "representative" are to promote and realize this process. In the past few days, she and her brother have traveled all over the northern part of the White River, in the wilderness of the mountains south of Kant. They have been working with other teams to find one under the guard of the powerful Cecil soldiers. The dying refugee settlements, and then the fathers and wives who struggled on the line of life and death to get to a safe place, the process is like a dream.

Joan looked at the last carriage, and Tom stood up from the carriage. At this moment, she was swaying her arms and waving her flag to create a strange posture that represents "everything is normal." He also created a lot of "remote commands" with different meanings. He used the method of waving flags and lights to deliver messages in the team. He obviously enjoyed it and was very proud of it.

The words "doing things for the lord" seem to have greatly inspired this flattering younger brother. Even if there is no substantive position and appointment letter, Tom is ten times more powerful than once. Joan once felt that Tom was too arrogant. The move may have annoyed the accompanying soldiers, but now the result is that the "flag" and "light" invented by Tom have been passed to the ears of the lord. The lord greatly praised him and even standardized those orders. Taught the soldiers on the territory...

Joan smiled and responded to Tom's signal, then turned around and continued to look ahead.

You can already see the watchtower of the smoke and territory.

The refugees on the carriage also noticed the changes ahead. Some people were inevitably nervous. Some people climbed up from the straw and broken cotton wool and looked at the soldiers standing on the tower in the distance. Some people looked at Joan uneasy: "Joan Miss, we really... can you settle there?"

A woman of the Orion would be respected and respected as "Miss" by the civilians. This made Joan feel rather weird. She quickly shook her head with a smile: "Don't call me like this, I am a civilian like you." Don't worry, the hard days are over, the front is the territory of the Duke of Cecil, we will settle there, everyone will settle down."

The carriage passed the bridge, the huge brass bell was immediately rang, and the sound of "Dangdang" cut through the air. The sentinel shouted on the tower the call sign that often sounded these days: "New-Ding-In-Earth!" ”

The homeless who curled up in the straw and cotton wool woke up, squatting one by one on the guardrail of the carriage. They saw the tall gate open in front of their eyes. The carriage drove up with a brick and a strange rock. "The paved avenues, the new houses with row upon row, are unfolding at the end of the avenue. The smoke is scattered in the sky. The carriage rides to the east at the first intersection and heads for a river beach square.

"New - Ding - In - Environment!"

Once again, the sound of the soldiers’ screams blew in the air. The horsemen’s carriages entered the square with the call sign. A row of wooden sheds stood on the edge of the square. The registered population and the soldiers who maintained the order were already in place. A huge pot was placed in the center of the square, and the fire was blazing under the pot. The aroma of the stew was floating in the pot.

A woman with a big waist and a round waist stood by the pot and stirred the stewed pot of soup in a pot with a long handle. This nutrient-rich and digestible soup is the most suitable food for the hungry, not only to quickly replenish them. The physical strength can also prevent the gastrointestinal tract that is weakened by long-term starvation.

At the moment of seeing the food, forty-six of the yellow-skinned and thin-skinned people on the seven carriages seemed to be relieved in an instant.

Joan could feel this sudden peace of mind, because not long ago, she was also a member of this carriage suddenly felt at ease.

On the day when the last group of refugees arrived safely in the territory, it was also the day when the Gaowen family finally left their tents and lived in the new "castle".

With Rebecca’s “external cement”, coupled with Herti’s magical aid and the control of Nicholas’ egg on metal building materials, the new mansion was completed at a much faster rate than Gaowen’s, a new three-story building. The mansion is located in the open space near the original camp. The castle of any lord in history has not been completed so quickly, which is naturally due to the construction materials that Rebecca developed, but Gao Wen thinks that the more important reason is that he does not have Like the traditional aristocrats, they insisted on building castles with natural boulders, and they had to cover the castle.

It is much easier to build a large house with bricks on the flat ground than to cover a castle on the top of the mountain with stones.

Gao Wen knows that the architectural requirements of traditional castles are to defend against the enemy. It is not so much a house. It is more appropriate to describe them with "military fortresses", but he does not intend to build a new castle like this in Cecil. The first is that the laborers are hurting money, the second is that he also lives in the cold and sturdy stone house, and the third is because he does not need it.

In the event of an emergency, the ancient facility in the mountains is definitely more reliable than any contemporary castle.

This three-story house should be the most luxurious large-scale building on the current territory, but if it is placed in the contemporary noble residence, I am afraid that it can only be described as “simple over-the-head”, and Gao Wen’s personal design makes it free. The traditional noble house is full of luxury but uncomfortable. All its structure is arranged with pragmatic and useful goals. When Gao Wen finally moved into the spacious and walled study, he suddenly felt that he had racked his brains before. The design is all worth it.

Although there are no magnificent marble windowsills, no shiny crystal sculptures, no dome paintings and delicate columns in the northern countries, but he has two magic laboratories and a mechanical workshop, as well as this beautiful big in front. The study room has a wall!

Amber also slid in the study, Daddy Miss seems to be more satisfied with the house than Gao Wen, she checked the locks on each door, checked all the cabinets and drawers in the study, and finally she I opened the window facing the "Central Square" and looked down at the courtyard below. I was amazed and said: "I can finally open the window in the future..."

"Sudden nerves go next door," Gao Wen lifted his head from the book and looked at the half-elf. "Remember to walk."

"Hey, I'm just kidding you, why are you doing this," Amber swayed to Gao Wen's desk. "But then, this guy is really weird. I wonder if you live in a tent." For a long time, it is necessary to cover a magnificent fortress or palace. As a result, you have covered such a place?"

“Do you have a palace on a territory with a total population of only a few thousand?” Gao Wen smiled. “I haven’t extravagant to this extent.”

"I just heard the movement on the beach square. It should be that the last group of people finally arrived." Amber's ears shook. "This time you can always feel at ease... What do you mean by looking down?"

Gao Wen raised his hand to read the book with a hard cover and a hot stamp from the beginning: "A popular book in the central and southern regions, it is said to be 70%. The reader is a noble lady and a lady."

The amber expression is eccentric in an instant: "Miss Lady loves to read the book? You actually love to see this... Mom?!"

She became exclaimed without saying a word, because the title of the book is really catching the eye: "Gao Wen Cecil's story of the hero and the princess."

Then the expression of Miss Half Elf is even more weird: " like this..."

"What hobbies, I am studying my own biography," Gao Wen sighed. "Of course, it is really an accident to see this kind of thing..."

Gao Wen’s heart sighed even deeper: after seven hundred years, he rose up and saw his own book. This achievement can’t be copied.

Amber immediately smashed it together: "Hey, let me see, let me see... You guys have this kind of story to be circulated? The gang is really... oh... ”

"People generally believe that there is a bunch of winds for the ancient heroes. The rhyme is a kind of praise and a stick. After all, those people are dead, they will not jump out to blame the mistakes and find them trouble, and most of the heroes who are posted gold. I am also very happy that when they think so, they certainly didn’t expect me to climb out.” Gao Wen grinned. “I still admire them a bit. I have lived for thirty-five years in total. I have married a wife in my life. They can In the thirty-five years of my life, I have arranged more than 80 confidantes. How is this tm list stuffed?"

"Oh, my mother is here!"

"Hey, your uncle! Go and call Pitman!"

Amber suddenly burst into shock: "This book is his? The old is not serious..."

"Not his," Gao Wen squinted at the amber. "I was looking for him to consult. What kind of race is the 'Miracle' mentioned in this book? This is the only one in several biographies that mentions that I have a sea. Experienced, but in that experience, it brought up a species I didn't know at all!"
