Chapter 312: Digging the pit

Name:Sword of Daybreaker Author:Yuan Tong
"Big question?"

When he heard Gao Wen, Daniel’s first reaction was a sigh of relief, and then he looked at the things that appeared on the table.

It seems to be just plain paper. The book is also the simplest and cheapest. It doesn't have gold foil on the book cover, and it doesn't make a cover with high quality calfskins. To be honest, he is really the first time to see such a casual book.

"Begin, all the information is here, how much can be done," Gao Wen glanced at the old mage, and then changed his chair to a comfortable position. "I will judge your performance to judge whether you really are. Meet my requirments."

The old master realized that this was a test. He saw that Gao Wen’s cloud was light and light, but his heart was alarming.

Then, he solemnly looked at the papers that wrote the questions and opened the books marked as "reference materials"...

Gao Wen silently watched it, and also divided a part of his energy to pay attention to the movement of the surface of the soul network. On the one hand, it monitors whether anyone is paying attention to this hidden space, on the other hand, it continues to analyze the network structure of the sleeper and learn them. Mysterious knowledge.

He is not in a hurry, because he has already determined that in this space in the middle of the network, the flow of time is slower than in the city of dreams. He has already explained that amber should be taken care of in the real world, so he is here. It’s okay to accompany the old mage for a few days and nights.

Daniel found himself completely unable to guess what the "outside rogue" was thinking about, but for self-protection, he chose to obey the request of the other party, only when he focused his attention on those so-called "big questions". A kind of absurd and inexplicable feeling still can't help but float on my heart.

He also thought that the "test" put forward by the extraterrestrial rogues would be something more terrible and more awkward. Those papers might have written knowledge about the hidden areas, which might portray insanity and symbols, and he I must save my life in front of these deadly things, but I didn't think that the first test I saw was just a purely mathematical problem, and it was the simplest one. Several numbers were added, subtracted, multiplied and divided.

What is this test?

The old Master’s heart was strange, but he did not dare to question it. Instead, he lowered his head and easily completed the calculation. He wrote the result: As a mage, the basic mathematical ability is his compulsory course.

Then he looked at the next question, which seems to have some complexity and is beginning to be linked to practical applications: calculating the volume change of a certain potion before and after distillation, and the density change...

But it is not difficult, and his apprentices will do it.

The next question, calculate the burn time of a magic array in full load operation...

Next question, calculate the area of ​​a strange graph - this graph is a combination of a series of circles and triangles and rectangles.

The next question is to calculate the maximum theoretical interference value m that a rune field can bear on a particular magic material. What is the rune field? What is the interference value m?

Daniel looked up a little, but before he asked, Gao Wen had silently pointed to the reference material next to him.

The old master wiped the sweat that began to ooze from his forehead, and opened the book to study it seriously.

When he returned to his youth, he returned to the period of learning magic in the Master Tower with his mentor.

No, he is more nervous and harder at that time than that time!

He lowered his head and wanted to put his head into the pages of the book. He tried his best to learn the knowledge, remember the formulas, and think about the correspondence between them and the magic array in reality. He managed to understand a part of it, and he immediately tried to use it on those topics, and then - to face the next harder problem.

Those things are becoming more and more ridiculous, and they are getting more and more out of the intuitive life experience. At the beginning, Daniel just didn't understand the meaning of the topic, but he had all the mathematical calculation skills needed to solve the problem. Just look at the reference material carefully. The explanation, he can make the question, but slowly, even the formulas and symbols used in calculations no longer know!

The sweat began to flow down Daniel's face, and his breathing became more and more difficult.

This is indeed a test, and it is a test of the devil...

Daniel’s heart is jumping faster and faster, and he feels that this is a malicious punishment for “outside rogues”. It is a punishment for his previous “small actions”, but at this moment, he suddenly heard the voice of Gao Wen. From the side:

"It's almost here."

He looked up and saw Gao Wen gently slamming his fingers. The half of the papers on the table and the half of the reference materials disappeared.

"The test... is over?" The old wizard looked at Gao Wen with some disbelief. "I... didn't finish..."

The old Master would like to ask at this time: Will you die if you don't finish writing the questions? Will the problem-solving process be cut in detail?

"Yes, better than I thought," Gao Wen said with a smile and let Daniel loosen it. "I didn't expect you to understand them all. I just made it. I just want to see your mathematics." Foundation, and the ability to accept new knowledge. You surprised me – I thought that a traditional wizard like you would be a person whose thinking has begun to become rigid and difficult to learn new knowledge.”

Daniel silently sighed in his heart: It is really difficult to accept new knowledge at the age of... But no one has any potential when it comes to life and death!

"This is one of the rewards I want to give you, I promised," Gao Wen said with a smile. "Knowledge is enough to keep you on the road to exploring the truth."

Daniel stunned, and for a short time he was unable to link those things to the word "reward."

But then, he recalled what he saw in the reference material.

Those used to calculate rune efficiency, to calculate rune interference, to calculate the stability of the array, those clear rune drawing rules, those simple and elegant to incredible formulas and theorems...

If those things are true, if those things are not just "difficulties" designed to toss him...

Gao Wen looked at the change of the old Master's expression, but could not help but sigh.

When Ravenketh took that knowledge, he ushered in only the unwarranted cruel punishment and willingness of the mentor, but when an "unnamed extraterrestrial rogue" took the same knowledge to another traditional mage. At the time, it is awe.

He tapped on the table and evoked Daniel's attention. He said succinctly: "Since you have the ability to learn this, then I will give you some additional knowledge, which is not for you." ”

In the curiosity of the old Master Daniel, Gao Wen created two books that were not very thick and laid them on the table.

After receiving the approval of Gao Wen, Daniel was quite anxious to open them.

The first book, with a large line on the cover:

"Information Security and Network Architecture - Special Edition for the Sleeper"

"The things above, you learn slowly, I can teach you if you don't understand. I want you to spread this knowledge in the network of minds in your own name and spread among the perpetrators. In the process, you There are bound to be countless opportunities to promote your rank in the Order. This 'promotion' can be regarded as the second reward for you. I will tell you in detail about the specific methods of communication and the degree of communication."

Daniel's eyes widened and he looked at Gao Wen.

Gao Wen did not explain on the spot, but indicated that the other party continued to read.

The second book, with a line of characters on the cover:

"Magic Net Technology - Tifeng Special Edition"

"You have to learn this thing, but I believe that as a great magician, it is easier to learn this than to learn the information security. I will tell you how to put this a little bit. The above knowledge is applied in the real world, but you have to temporarily control their spread - until I give you instructions, you can publish them."

Daniel’s eyes were bigger.

Gao Wen laughed and looked at the old Master in front of him: "You are very curious about my purpose?"

Daniel swallowed his mouth, he was not stupid - if these things were taken out by a nameless pawn, maybe he would criticize it and dismiss it, but these things were taken out by "outside rogues," so he Immediately look at the contents recorded in the two books with the highest attention and vigilance, and immediately see the great value and power contained in these knowledge.

He believes that if the contents of the two books at the beginning of the book are not exaggerated, then they will be enough to change the entire Ever Sleeping Order and change the whole Tifeng!

But they are taken out by "outside rogues"...

So... the Sleeping Missionary and Tifeng may also be ruined...

However, he still does not see what the deadly "poison" in these two knowledge is - he can only see their sweetness and attractiveness.

Daniel couldn't help but think of the information he saw in the Mind Network about "Gavin Cecil."

After the resurrection of the ancient hero, he did not compete with the contemporary Ansu nobles for profit, nor did he raise any storms in the court. Instead, he led a group of people to the south of Ansu and began to build urban development territory... It is said that in the film Everything new is happening every day on the newly established land.

New things mean new knowledge.

The extraterrestrial rogues will “jump” between the worlds. Every time they come to a world, what they do is different, sometimes it brings destruction, sometimes it brings salvation, sometimes it brings change. . . . He has personally ignited "fire" in Ansu, and now He has to bring knowledge to the Church of the Insomnia and Tifeng through his own hands...

So the "out-of-domain rogue" came this time, the purpose or mission is to spread knowledge?

Daniel thought of half, and immediately knocked in the heart of the alarm: can not conclude so quickly, the extraterritorial rogue is a non-human existence, God knows what logic of their actions, what are the rules!

Gao Wen didn't have to guess what Daniel would think, so he didn't let the other person continue to brain, but said straightforwardly: "These knowledge is a valuable asset, they are enough to make the recipients useless, but I can directly Tell you, I left a 'key' in it.

"At some point, I will use the 'key' to collect the cost of this knowledge, how much benefit they bring, and how much I will charge.

"As I said at the beginning, I am following the equivalent exchange."

Gao Wendun paused and then looked at Daniel's eyes: "Remember the question I asked you at the beginning? If another big redemption is placed in front of you, would you betray the eternal sleeper? Now add one more - - How much is your loyalty to Tifeng?"


Genius one second to remember the address of this station: . :m.