Chapter 376: Border negotiations

Name:Sword of Daybreaker Author:Yuan Tong
In the face of Horsman's elegant and confident smile, Green realized that the big aristocrat, who was known for his long-term vision and keen sense of smell, did not really faint, starting from last winter, at the Earl of Hosman. Frequent aristocratic gatherings are not just as simple as “business dealings”. In a transaction involving alchemy pharmacy and magical technology, a group headed by the Hosman family and who is alert to the forces of Cecil has already formed.

This group has the same interests and has the same alert goal. Ironically, the huge benefits that make this group come together are the guards they created by Cecil, and they are the leaders of Cecil.

The new Cecil collar is a land of gold and silver. This is the consensus that has formed in the last part of last winter. At first, the aristocrats in the South did not realize the value of the alchemy pharmacy merchants who walked around and the magic nets and mining machinery systems that were gradually spread. But as the Count of Hosman gathered everyone, they were interoperating. After the intelligence, the aristocratic lords realized that the scale of the pile business had become so large that if a slightly minded person calculated it a little, they would be stunned by the amazing wealth and then realized that they were The little bit of gold coined in this process is not worth mentioning compared to the wealth that the entire Cecil family has drawn.

Such a huge amount of gold and silver is accumulating in the treasure house of the Cecil family, which gathers wealth not through war but more than war.

However, it is unwise to contend with the name of Cecil and Cecil. No matter what the family has been like for the past century, it is a fact that they have regained their honour, so even the King himself must respect it. It is appropriate to face the Cecil family today, but if you can find a reasonable reason, a reason that can unite most of the nobles in the South, and can be said in front of the royal family... It seems that the problem is not so complicated.

"It is said that the Duke of Cecil has gathered thousands of people's army. This at least shows that even if his behavior is crazy, his reason still exists. He knows that he must have enough force to protect him. The wealth," Count Horsman said unhurriedly. "The majority of the team is recruits, but the number is still considerable, and it is said that Cecil has resisted two attacks from the deadly monsters. Although I think this should be the personal strength of the legendary Grand Duke, it also shows that Cecil’s army has seen blood, so we have to unite a group of people to ensure stability."

"You also mentioned the personal strength of Grand Duke Cecil... An ancient legend, I am afraid it will be difficult to deal with it?"

"Yes, of course it is very difficult to deal with," said the Count of Hosman, who finally smiled. "So we have to find another way to contain the Duke himself and at least let him indulge in a short time."

Green looked at his master. Even as the intelligence head on the territory, he could not always see through the count, but he knew that Count Horsman was already secretly arranging a lot of other things: "You Is there a way?"

"Gao Wen?? The Duke of Cecil is not only destroying the aristocratic system of Ansu, he is still a lot of offended people," Count Horsman said with a smile. "Have you heard of the recent Cecil collar?" Protecting the gods and believers?"

"... Of course," Green nodded. "I got the intelligence for the first time. Cecil led publicly announced that he would accept exiles who were exiled by the Church of the Light and sentenced to cult heresy."

Earl of Hosman nodded slightly: "The Church of the Light has been coveted for a long time in this land..."

"...Do you want the missionaries to join in?" Green frowned immediately. "I will bluntly say that once the priests come in and want them to leave, it is not so easy..."

"I won't give up a lot of wealth," Earl Hosman shook his head. "But the power of the Church of Light can still be borrowed. Since they want to fight for their Lord, let them dominate. And the battle is good."


In the east of Ansu, standing in front of the "Fortress" in the border buffer zone, Duke Silas Loren rode on the battlefield that followed his many years and took a deep breath in the spring cold wind from Tifeng. The cool breath quickly filled the lungs, and his spirit was slightly uplifted.

The tall contractor stands on a rocky platform. In the past almost a whole winter, countless slave laborers, stonemasons, carpenters and extraordinary people built the fortress in the shortest time, regardless of cost. Nearly a hundred slaves were exhausted or died in other accidents in this process. Even an architect from Tifeng was killed by a rock on the top of the dome, and it was worth the price of this sturdy and large fortress. From the beginning, although the working hours are so unbelievable, the castle still has its historical significance.

The contractor has mixed styles of Ansu and Tifeng. It has the elegance and exquisiteness of the Ansu Palace, and the black tower reflects the deep solemnity of the Tifeng Empire. In front of the fort, a large open plain is for The guards and ministers of the two countries rest and observe the ceremony, and there is only one road leading to the fortress. Ansu and Tifeng each occupy one side of the road. Currently, Silas Loren is located near Ansu. This side.

He controlled a little restless horse under the body. The horse followed him and worked with the Tifeng people for many years. He even learned to recognize the atmosphere of the Tifeng soldiers. The Titan soldiers who stood across the road wore them. The armor, the hanging flag, and the emblems worn all made the horse slightly nervous. Then he looked up and looked at the opposite side of the wide road and the position opposite his position.

A heroic horsewoman rides on a brown war horse. The female knight has an impressive gray long hair and looks quite young. She does not wear a helmet or long hair, but let The hair fluttered freely in the wind, and a pair of sharp eyelids emerged from the flying hair, and it was also falling on Silas Loren.

Silas Loren, who has the temperament of the martial arts, smiled at the female knight and politely and without a sense of distance. He certainly knows what the female knight is the heir to the Wendell family of the Titanic Empire. The youngest wolf general is also the highest-ranking commander of Winter Wolf Fort. Since the female commander took over the Winter Wolf Fort, the Knights of the Loren family, and even Silas Loren himself played with her. More than once, the two sides can be said to be "old acquaintances".

After greeted, the Duke of Loren couldn’t help but look back at the heirs of the Berk Loren Lauren family who were also riding behind the horse. They also had the talents of far more than their peers. Considered the pride of the Changfeng Fortress, but compared with the "wolf general" opposite, Berk really has too many immature places.

But it doesn't matter. The experience and efforts of the day after tomorrow can make up for a lot of things. Belk has the excellent blood of the Lauren family and has a strong belief in the pursuit of honor. As long as this motivation is maintained, this young man can stand alone and take charge of the Changfeng Fortress. of.

The giant day gradually moved to the highest point of the sky. As the magic from the sun gradually filled, the top of the dome of the Fortress began to shine brightly. The magic material embedded in the dome absorbed the magic of the sun, and then driven the fan. The heavy, wrapped door of the purple steel slowly opened.

The ceremonial officer came out of the castle and began to play the music in front of the castle suspension bridge.

A quarter of an hour after noon, the lines on the surface of the giant day began to become clear. Two parallel teams appeared on the broad road leading to the castle. One train hangs the sword shield of Ansu, and the other row hangs the Tifeng Shield with crown banner.

The soldiers on both sides of the road began to get nervous. The low noise of the armor blades rubbed against each other. Silas Loren also tightened his muscles and stared at the two trains that were heading for the castle gate. I don't know which carriage the king is in, and I don't know which carriage the Tifeng emperor is in, but he knows that there are at least two high-ranking knights and a high-ranking mage in each carriage, and the entire team. There are also two legendary powerhouses in the escort, under such strict protection, theoretically there will be no problems.

But he still couldn't help but be nervous. After all, this is the moment to decide the fate of the two countries.

The king was guarded by the immediate strong of the royal family. His Duke of the East was responsible for the safety of the entire Fort.

Nothing happened. In the eyes of Silas Loren, Berk Lauren, and the opposite Andesa Wendell, the team of the rulers of the two countries and their ministers entered the contract. The gate of the fort.

Fifteen minutes later, the heavy gate of the Fortress was slowly closed, and above the castle, the skylight on the dome of the main building opened, and two bright magical lights passed through the skylight and directly into the sky.

Seeing the two brilliances, the Duke of Loren was relieved.

It is the signal released by the legendary powerhouse who entered the castle for personal protection. There is a legendary spellcaster around the king of Ansu and the Emperor of Tifeng. After entering the castle, they will connect their vitality with their loyal monarch. Together, they signaled to the skylight on the dome, as long as the signal beam was still there, meaning that the hearts of the two rulers of Ansu and Tifeng were still beating.

Next, in accordance with the previously negotiated process of talks, the monarchs of the two countries will first conduct face-to-face talks for half a day, followed by open and formal negotiations, including the Duke of Laurent, the Duke of the East. After attending the negotiation process, and finally witnessed by the people, the two countries will conclude a formal peace covenant.

Silas Loren thought silently about the next process of talks, and raised his head slightly, watching the two signal beams that drove into the sky above the castle and ignited everyone's mood.

A small bird flies through the clear sky, it seems to be curious about the two unusual beams, hovering a few turns between the beams, then making a sweet tweet, hovering sideways towards a higher place Fly and disappear all the way to the end of the Duke of Loren.

What is the bird that screams over the Fortress... This may be a symbol of peace.

Although it was a martial artist, the Duke of Silas, who occasionally had a poet's thought, sighed slightly.


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