Chapter 551: New portal

Name:Sword of Daybreaker Author:Yuan Tong

Gao Wen gave a slight glimpse, and then he turned to see that Miss Half Elf was screaming excitedly in the distance, holding a shiny thing in his hand, revealing a kind of invitation from beginning to end. Energize.

Although this guy seems to be a little cheaper at any time, but after the discovery, it is the first time to report it.

Gao Wen waved the half-elf lady and greeted each other with a curious look: "What did you find?"

"Look," Amber happily handed the things in his hand to Gao Wen, "a ring!"

It was a silver-white ring with a simple shape and a little magical fluctuation. It was obviously a magical creation, and at the moment of seeing the ring, Gao Wen’s eyes stagnate.

After a strong sense of familiarity, he finally remembered where he had seen something similar.

This is the ring of the secret silver treasure house! It is a communication ring for liaison agents who are distributed to senior customers of Mithril Treasury!

"This should be the token of the secret silver treasure?" Amber also saw Gao Wen, the secret silver ring. This half-elf has a dragon-like sensitivity to any shiny precious metal, so it has long been seen. "I remember you have one."

"It is indeed a token of the secret silver treasure..." Gao Wen muttered to himself, "Is the dragon falling? Is it even the Dragons are the customers of the secret silver treasure?"

"This... I’m afraid there is still a discussion," Amber spit out his tongue, and then he found another thing behind him. "Because I found more than this ring..."

Amber is a fine metal box with a big palm.

The metal box was apparently locked, but now its lid has been broken, the lock is in a distorted state, and inside the box is a neat box of Mithril rings, one by one The ground plug is in the black groove...

This time, it was finally the turn of Gao Weng.

"Is this box a ring of Mithril?" Amber looked at Gao Wen’s expression. "With a ring, you can still say that it is a customer of Mithril Treasures, carrying a box of rings..."

Gao Wen’s expression is serious: “The head dragon is either a robbery of the secret silver treasure house, or... a member of the secret silver treasure house may be responsible for keeping the membership certificate.”

This is a very easy-to-understand reason. If a person carries a door key with him, then he is an ordinary person. If he carries a few key keys with him, he may be a big money if he carries half a catty. The key... then he is either a key, or a board...

If the ring of the secret silver of this box is really left by the dragon, the possibility behind it is very intriguing.

Of course, Gao Wen does not rule out the possibility of a dragon robbing the secret silver treasure house and stealing a box of communicators, but the intuition tells him that the more likely explanation for this incident is that the dragons are related to the secret bank.

When this possibility appeared, Gao Wen suddenly felt that many mysteries of Mithril Treasures had explained their power, their secrets, their powers have been on the mainland for thousands of years, and even not affected by the magic tide. The secret has become understandable at once, because this organization is not created by "mortal people". Behind this organization, there is the shadow of the dragon.

But this has led to more problems: extreme mystery, why never open up the world's dragons to create such a "commercial organization"? What is the purpose of their activities on the mainland? Is the secret silver treasure house really just a "treasure house"? On this continent, is there still more power that is controlled or established by hidden races like the secret bank of Mithril?

Gao Wen’s thoughts flew far away, but soon he forced them to bring back these cranky things.

Now it’s just a box of secret silver, and these “letters” just happened to be in a place where the dragons lived. The clues are not enough, even if these rings are really left by the dragon, even if That head dragon is really a member of the secret silver treasure house. There is more than one possible explanation behind it. What if the secret treasure bank of the rich capital has exactly one dragon employee?

In the absence of clues, it is too early to slam the "the dragon is the actual controller of the secret silver treasure", but since there is a certain clue, Gao Wen still puts the two mysterious dragons and the secret silver treasures. The forces are linked together, and if they can find more clues about them, he will continue to investigate on this matter.

After collecting the secret silver ring, Gao Wen sighed a little, and secretly planned to have a chance to contact the senior agent called "Melita Pénia" in the future, perhaps... can be from her Find some information.

He looked up and looked around the circle: the steel rangers were alert nearby, and Solderin led the two soldiers to collect samples of the material at the bottom of the pit and depict the paw prints left by the dragon.

In addition, there are no more valuable clues in this crater, and it is already very late, and the continued detention in the Black Forest will bring more uncertain risks.

It is not yet time for large-scale operations in dangerous areas covered by the Black Forest.

Thinking of this, Gao Wen shouted to Solderin: "After collecting the samples, we will be ready to go back."


When the team returned to the shadow test field cave, the sky was already completely dark.

A large number of portable magic spar lighting fixtures are placed inside and outside the cavern. The man-made civilized lights have illuminated this dark place for the first time in centuries. Building materials urgently transferred from Cecil City are being sent here. At the same time, all kinds of construction machinery and more engineering personnel who were given weight loss were also sent.

When Gao Wen returned to the cave, the Byron Knight was leading the soldiers to guard the temporary line of defense near the rip, while a middle-aged man who looked quite strong and wore heavy work and had a big beard was in command. The workers cleaned the gravel near the crack and seemed to be preparing for the follow-up construction.

Gao Wen recognized the middle-aged man. He was a stonemason of Cecil. His name was Gordon. In the first Cecil defensive war, he also received a special award for his outstanding performance. Now, the stonemason Mr. is already one of the heads of the construction department of Cecil City.

"Mr. Gordon," Gao Wen came to the building leader. "How is the progress?"

Born out of the stonemason, Gordon, who has now become one of the officials of the Office of Administrative Affairs, hurriedly salute: "The Lord of the Lord! We have cleared the open space outside the cave. At this time tomorrow, my brothers and I can build a two-meter-high wall. ”

"Very good," Gao Wen nodded. "You have worked hard tonight. We must fix the work as soon as possible. This is not a safe place outside."

Gordon heard a little nervous and taboo to look at the dark black forest in the distance. Although he is tall and strong, in front of the famous Black Forest, any ordinary person will face the test of courage but fortunately there is General Byron. And the brave Cecil Corps is here, and the lord personally encourages, the reliable magical cannon and the legendary hero Duke can make people courage.

He nodded firmly: "guarantee to complete the mission!!"

Gao Wen nodded and walked to the depths of the cave with Amber and Solderin. In the temporary rest of the cave, he saw Heti, who had already been here.

Hetty apparently had been worried for a long time. She immediately greeted her after seeing Gao Wen. Her face was unrecognized with peace of mind and relaxation: "Is it so happy to see you safe and have nothing to discover?"

"I found out what I couldn't do, but I went back and talked about it," Gao Wen waved. "I just saw the construction team Gordon once participated in part of the construction of the North Rock Fortress, is it?"

"Yes, he is an expert in this area. He led the team to reinforce the North Gate of the Rock Fortress and participated in the partial reconstruction of the Rock Castle. After the winter, these projects were taken over by the local construction team of Rock City," Herti As he spoke, he looked at Gao Wen curiously. "Prince, what is your arrangement?"

"The passage between Cecil and the southern foothills of the Dark Mountain Range was opened," Gao Wen nodded slightly. "I want to keep this passage to set up a gateway here."

Herti blinked and looked up at the large-scale cavern site to illuminate the once dim shadow test field. A large number of engineering equipment and building materials and weapon installations were stacked in caves. On one of the rock platforms in the middle, when she saw the ancestors mobilizing so much material from Cecil City, she vaguely guessed the thoughts of her ancestors.

"We can't be huddled in the north of the dark mountains forever, facing the threat of the magic tide, and the border of civilization will not retreat," Gao Wen said. "When the Ansu people retired, we directly lost one-third of the southern land. The southern barriers of the kingdom are therefore broken, so we must not be comfortable with the status quo."

He looked at the huge crack in the south of the cave, and the dark night was in sight.

“It’s too difficult to climb the dark mountains from the ridge. The rebellious fortress is our natural passage. This rips directly leads to a gentle hillside in the southern part of the dark mountains. Although it is inconvenient to defend, it is easy to push forward. We can directly Entering the Black Forest. I am going to transform this into a 'South Gate Fortress' based on the giant cave of the Shadow Lab. The man-made fortress armed with railguns, rainbow guns and reinforced concrete is no worse than the original rock wall. At that time we had a gateway to the south."

Heti understood Gao Wen’s intentions. After a brief thought, she slowly nodded: “Yes, I will proceed.”

Gao Wen didn't talk any more. He looked at the dark and dark sky in the south of the cave, and his eyes slowly firmed.

The impact pits appearing in the Black Forest, the mysterious extraterrestrial objects, the unclear dragons, the shady scene behind the secret silver treasures, and the smashing cracks at the end of the Rebellion Fortress...

The world seems to be increasingly unstable, and as the ruler of this land, he must seize every useful value in this restless world.

With proper use, dangerous gaps can also become a gateway to the south.

This is the 737 year of Ansu, the first month of recovery.

On the first day of the spring, the fortress of Cecil South Gate began to be built. The descendants of the Gangster Empire re-entered the land on the edge of the wasteland for the first time after seven hundred years of partiality.

Also on this day, the brief cease-fire between the Ansu Kings and the East Army Corps came to an end, and the atmosphere on the front line of the eastern plains of the Holy Spirit became tense again.

Also on this day, in the edge of the forest somewhere in the southwest of the dark mountains far from Cecil, a huge pit was filled with smoke.

A young woman wearing a lilac gauze, a lavender veil on her face, and a mysterious and elegant body is sitting on the edge of a smoky crater, quietly thinking about her tens of thousands of years of "people." "Life.

"When the last lap is hovering, it shouldn't be tail-tailed. It's okay to slow down with gliding... It's not going to be fat recently... It's definitely a wind problem... oh my box?!"