Chapter 572: road

Name:Sword of Daybreaker Author:Yuan Tong
The last glimmer of sunset on the horizon fell into the depths of the mountains. Under the dim light, the glow of the magic stone street lamp lit up one by one under the control of the timing device. Before the stars in the sky flashed, the stars on the earth would brighten up one step at a time. In the bright lights, the nightlife of Cecil citizens has just begun.

Night is not the end of the day, just another event.

The street pubs are brightly lit. The workers who have just finished working are relaxing in the pubs and filling their stomachs. The magic net broadcast device on the square is broadcasting the evening news programs, so that the nearby citizens can stop and be interested. Some are open late. Restaurants and shops have lit up the signboards at the door. The enthusiastic shopkeepers and clerk recruited guests at the door, and there was a wave of people walking towards the east or south of the city, which was the direction of the factory area and night school.

Sonia Frost stood on the street and looked at the bustling appearance of the city with amazement. She looked at the street full of lights and couldn’t help but said: "Here... it’s far more lively than the king of Ansu."

“Cesil is the most prosperous city in the South, and I am afraid that it is also the most prosperous in Ansu,” said Solderlin, who is not proud of his tone. He was temporarily assigned as a guide to guide visitors to the city. After all, here. No one in the city is more familiar with the silver elves than he is. "There may be no historic buildings in St. Sunil here, but everyone here is alive."

"I can see," Sonya nodded gently. "This place reminds me of the emperor's dynasty... The same lights are brilliant, the same advanced and prosperous, but they are essentially different... There is only one Emperor. There are more than one bustling city here. It seems that I can't take you home. This is really a good place to stay."

The Silver Elf loves to travel. Almost every young elf has at least a hundred years of travel experience. In the elf's saying, "a good place to stay" is the best evaluation of a foreign land.

“The development here is very fast, and it will develop even faster in the future. Even in other places in Ansu, the relatively closed and backward cities have been developing continuously over the centuries, and the silver empire...the silver empire has There has been no change for 10,000 years," said Solderin. "That is a very depressing place for me."

"Majesty Her Majesty has been advancing the construction of new cities."

"I am not referring to the new city, mother, you know," Solderin interrupted Sonya's words. "...What happened to the hometown these years?"

"If you are talking about peace, the empire has always been peaceful, if you are saying those 'legacy'... 'heritage' is declining," Sonya sighed softly. "As of fifty years ago, all technical studies were I was caught in the bottleneck and stuck in the bottleneck of the original elf split. The data was broken, the data could not be matched, and the technical field was all black boxes... The scholars still kept hope, but some people said that we were already in the quagmire."

"The bottleneck of the original elf..." Solderin couldn't help but repeat the word that had a special meaning for the silver elf.

Legend has it that the elves originally had only one family. Whether it was the Grey Elves, the Sea Elves, the Dark Elves or the Silver Elves, they all originated from the "original elves" on the distant old continent. The original elves had extremely advanced civilizations and could even make a permanent stay at the top of the atmosphere. The air palace, but a sudden disaster has caused this powerful ancient civilization to fall apart...

The original elves who fled the disaster left the Old World in the ark flying over the sea. In the waters that are about to reach the New World, they met the towers of the night, and they smashed into the tower, but they were cast by the incredible power. The curse, the noble original elf, for the subspecies of the defect, the gray elf, the dark elf, the sea elf, and the silver elf split up and gradually parted ways, and the original elf's civilization was also cut in this big split. And in the messy memories of various subspecies, it is difficult to reproduce.

Many elves know this legend, and most elf scholars believe that this legend should be true, or at least part of it is true.

"Isn't this very strange? Our technology may have been interrupted, but even if we start from scratch, we should not stop for so long," Solderin couldn't help but say, "Don't we subspecies really Degeneration has occurred during the process of variation, so that our minds can't understand the technology of the original elf at all? This should not be."

Sonya shook her head: "No one knows what is going on... maybe the Queen and the Supreme Academy know something, but they can't do anything about it. And things like this are not the kind of messenger like you or my messenger can think clearly. ""

Solderin was silent for a moment, but in silence, he slowly looked up and looked in the direction of the city center.

"Mother, do you think human wisdom can help?"

Sonya obviously didn't understand the meaning of Solderin: "You mean the technology of the city? They...are indeed advanced than others, but today's human beings are obviously behind the silver empire..."

"Perhaps, on the overall level, the human countries have not yet recovered to the glory of the Gangsui era, but you know, in this city of Cecil, humans use a new type called 'rune logic' Technology, the magic effect of the elf is realized on the artificial machine..."

Sonya's eyes widened: "... Are you serious?"

Solderin looked at the lord's house from afar: "I just have this feeling, I think this is the hope."


Gao Wen took back the sight of the window. He returned to his desk and signed his name on the document. He then handed it to Hetty: "I agree with the improvement plan of the repulsion train. You are right, the cost is a Major issues we cannot blindly emphasize the most advanced programs."

"Thank you for your understanding," Herti bowed her head and said, "The ancestor, the award to the Carroll merchant Cod has been served, including the order to get him ready to accept the canon. But... you really Want to enlist a civilian businessman as a knight?"

Gao Wen looked up at the other side: "Hetty, do you still value ‘born’?”

"No, it's not a problem," Herty shook her head. "It's the title of 'Knight.' The Knights' title has always been won by Wu Xun, such as military power. It is a symbol of courage and loyalty. Although it is the last of the nobility titles, it has an exceptional honor. The 'businessman' profession has always been regarded as nothing to do with honor..."

"Cade is more than just a businessman, Hetty," Gao Wen said, looking at Hertty's eyes, not too slow to say, "He is a pioneer."

"Pioneer?!" Herti repeated the word with horror. Obviously, she did not expect that the ancestors would say such a special word. The word "speaker from the pioneer in the pioneer" is particularly meaningful. She remembers the last person who received such an evaluation from the ancestors, or the unnamed wild mage who invented the magic net...

"Bringing the first step in the wilderness of the field, to test the danger and benefit the generations, is to open up, it is not limited to the land, nor is it limited to technology," Gao Wen said. "I know that Cod is a Businessman, he made the pioneering work for profit, but I can't deny the value of what he did. He pushed the magic technology to the civilian field even further, and many aspects even deeper than I thought. And pragmatic, this is the advantage of his career and experience. From this aspect, he is enough to be called a pioneer, and he is the first to build a new factory, the courage to take the initiative to try new things... also a veritable knight Character."

Having said that, he paused a little and continued: "More importantly, we want to encourage all behaviors that contribute to the promotion of magic technology. For now, Cod is the best fit for this benchmark."

"I understand," Herti bowed her head. "I will do a good job of this promotion."

Gao Wen sighed and asked: "How is the progress of Carmel?"

"The Institute has copied all the technical materials brought by the elves and submitted them to the Rune Institute for analysis and translation. The work has just begun. According to your order, the magic of the 'pressure relief mechanism' will be given priority. Can purify parts for analysis."

Gao Wen nodded gently, and his heart sighed slightly.

Elf and human magic systems are very different. In specific spells, because of the different neural structures of the two races, humans and elves can hardly understand each other's spell models, even a small number of mixed-race descendants who simultaneously inherit two racial traits. Only a few "inter-ethnic spells" can be released at the same time. In the old technology era of "extraordinary power to themselves", this obstacle has plagued two scholars for thousands of years, until the concept of "mathematics" was introduced into magic research. In the field, technicians began to study magic with pure calculations and reasoning, instead of relying on individual spiritual perception and casting talent to build magic, and this obstacle finally broke through.

In the realm of mathematics, two distinct magical systems have a common language for the first time, no matter what kind of image and "extraordinary sense" a spell model produces in the minds of two races, in rune logic They are all unified in one framework.

The elves have more than the skills of the current human countries. Although the silver empire is generally declining, its technical level is still much higher than that of human beings, and those large-scale lost technologies are undoubtedly a treasure house for human beings.

Gao Wen bowed his head and began to review the documents waiting for him to review and review.

When the northern lords and the royals reorganized their resources and balanced the forces of the parties, he would leave the land temporarily, although he could still use the magic net to remotely command the territory by setting up a relay tower along the way, but remotely. After all, remote control has its limitations. Before leaving, he still has to arrange everything as much as possible.


St. Sunil City, inside the Silver Fort.

The brilliance of the magic crystal lamp illuminates the historic Wangjia Castle, which is brightly lit in the study on the second floor of the castle.

Welsh Moen sat in a large, comfortable velvet seat. He looked up and looked at the magical lights inlaid on the opposite wall. Under the delicate brass frame, the hexagonal rune substrates were neatly arranged. Arranged, like a new wallpaper, all the way to the ground, and disappeared under the floor.

Victoria Wilder sat opposite the Crown Prince. She saw the other person's distraction, but she didn't care: "The coronation was cancelled. Your Highness please understand that we can't stimulate the East. But rest assured, it's just a postponement. You will sooner or later. Sit on the throne."

"Let's postpone it, I don't care," Wales took his gaze back from the magic net unit and looked at the female duke. "I heard that the heat ray gun has been copied?"

"It really came out," Victoria nodded. "In fact, the technology of that thing is not complicated at all. Although we don't know how the rune craftsmen in the South have found the perfect rune arrangement, but its core. The formation was very simple, and the Master of the Royal Family and the Runesmiths quickly copied the same weapon, only..."

Wales said quietly: "Is it a cost issue?"

"...cost, and production speed," Victoria nodded. "Several gold coins are impossible to make those magic weapons, and even if they start the middle and low-level wizards and runes craftsmen of the city, plus the new factory. Capacity, we can't create a ray gun that can arm a legion in a short time."

The Duke couldn’t help but think of the master of the royal family who succeeded in copying the heat ray gun. He remembered that when the other party asked him to build a few weapons, and he replied that he would have thousands of them, the other party’s deputy would soon die. expression.

“It’s better to buy,” Victoria said slowly. “This is the result of the discussion between the Wang Jia Masters Association.”

The fingers of Welsh Moen on the armrests of the seats suddenly turned white due to force, but quickly relaxed.

He whispered: "This is indeed a sensible conclusion, but reason does not necessarily mean wise."

"In this regard, I agree with you, but we have not yet cracked the technical secrets of the South. This is the current fact." Victoria said faintly.

Wales shook his head. He knew that with the power he had in his hands, he could do very little. So after a moment of silence, he shifted the subject: "When did you leave the king?"

“After the departure of the cargo ship,” Victoria said, “I will go to the Holy Spirit Plain to sit down in person to prevent the frontline from changing and staying here to help you with your affairs.”

In the turbulent period of the political situation, at least one regent of the Regent should be kept in the city of St. Sunil, on the one hand to calm the situation, on the other hand to ... to live in the royal family.

Wales understands the deep meaning of Victorian discourse. He just said calmly: "I understand."

Victoria nodded and then stood up, but she did not leave, but quietly looked at the middle-aged prince.

She couldn't help but recall that when she was still very young, when she first came to Silver Fort, she came to this study, and her father and Francis II stayed at her and Wales, respectively, while Francis was there. Second, the same so, Wales is generally quiet and silent.

"His Royal Highness," she suddenly couldn't help but say, "Keeping the city is your duty in the blood."

"I know."