Chapter 586: online meeting

Name:Sword of Daybreaker Author:Yuan Tong
In the late autumn, the mist is getting.

The season has not yet reached the foggy month, but Titan Didu Aldernan has always been a rainy and foggy city. As the frosty seat gradually moves towards the highest point of the sky, the mist has begun to visit this “younger” more and more frequently. The capital, especially after a cold autumn rain, the fog will come as soon as possible.

The autumn rain is always continuous. After the rain stops, there are still occasional raindrops falling from the sky, between the cold rain and the misty fog. The solemn black towers of Aldernan and the row of spires stand silently on both sides of the avenue. The black-haired female mage Mary wrapped her slightly black-faced black mage robe and walked down the street with her head down.

The breeze shield blocks the cold of the late autumn and the raindrops falling from the sky. However, the scenery in the fog still gives the chill from the bottom of my heart. Mary subconsciously tightens her robes, and then the mind of Daniel’s anger appears in her mind. If the instructor sees himself walking down the street with his neck down, I am afraid it will get angry again.

She shook her head and pulled these unwarranted associations aside, then looked up and looked forward.

This is the street in the late autumn. In the countryside, it is impossible to see anyone in the streets of this season. However, in Mary's vision, there are more than one wave of people walking in the mist.

The figures wore a slightly thin old linen coat with a felt hat or a dirty baotou on their heads. Most of them were numb men, and some children and women with sleepy faces. One direction is moving forward, walking heavily, and walking wildly in the fog of the morning, these people walking on the street seem to be as strange as the ghosts coming out of the mist.

Mary knows that these workers who went to work in the factory, the textile mill, the printing plant, the Rune foundry, and the petrochemical plant, started to grow up last winter, and these workers started from last winter. of.

The factory brought prosperity, the whole city was running at an alarming speed, and the little aristocrats who once lost their rights and wealth returned to the extravagant banquets and dances, as apprentices of the great magician, also as empire. In the so-called rookie of the work-building association, Mary had the privilege of participating in the gatherings of the big men. She knows how the factory owners quickly accumulated wealth. The wealth stems from the amazing productivity of the machine and the market law that the emperor has implemented in time. It is also derived from these walking dead people...

But those factory owners don't care about this.

Mary knows that she knows how her mentor is driving this behind the scenes, and I know roughly what kind of plan is behind this miraculous factory boom, and as the insider of all this, as the mentor, the main assistant to the plan, young The female mage tightened her robes again on this cold street and hurriedly walked between the "new citizens" who looked numb.

Passing through Pamel Street and passing through several towers on the edge of the Master's area, is where the mentor and several apprentices, including themselves, live: a wealthy mansion in the upper affluent area.

This three-storey main building, two towers, two gardens, and a full-scale stable and servant house are the directors of the Royal Masters Association.

The gatekeeper was a familiar male apprentice. The young freckled young man with a look on his face had a little weird look. Before Mary asked, the young apprentice took the initiative to say: "The instructor is at" The cellar', he will let you go immediately after he returns."


Mary suddenly felt a little nervous, but she quickly smoothed all the expression changes on her face and nodded slightly: "I know."

She walked through the courtyard of the mansion, walked into the main house, walked down the stairs, and reached the entrance to the cellar. In this place where ordinary apprentices and servants were forbidden, Mary saw two empty servants who were waiting at the door.

The young female mage swallowed, and she kept reminding her that the mentor had become more intimate and harmonious in recent times, and then pushed the door of the cellar.

In the underground space that has been transformed into a hidden laboratory by the instructor, the magic crystal light driven by the magic net makes the whole room brightly lit. Mary quickly saw the old master of the black robe Daniel in the corner of the room, and behind Daniel. She saw a strange... chair.

It is an obvious magical creation. It is placed on a base full of runes. The side of the seat can also see a shimmering flow. Some weird metal points are distributed on the inside of the backrest of the chair. The backrest itself looks like It was a moment of seeing this chair wrapped in some magical leather, and Mary thought of the sacrificial device depicted in some horror stories.

Daniel raised his eyelids and his yellow-eyed eyes stared at the female apprentice who stood at the door with a little helplessness: "Come here, the master will see you."

Mary took a deep breath.

She didn't remember how she moved to the chair, and she didn't remember how clumsy she fixed her position with the belt and the buckle according to the method of the instructor. She had only one idea: this day finally Come, she is going to be sacrificed by her mentor to the terrible "master"...

She knows that there is a “master” behind the instructor. Of course, she knows that the sudden knowledge and horrible plans of the mentor are arranged by the “masters”. The sporadic fragments in the knowledge promote the development of the whole magical technology of Tifeng. And the first step of that terrible plan changed the balance of power between the Aldernan nobles, in addition to algebra, solid geometry, calculus, rune logic... those knowledge is awesome, but more Can make people realize the essence of the "master" behind the mentor.

It is said that only the indescribable alien evil spirits will give "knowledge" in such a generous way, and these "knowledges" all require cost.

"Sit well, no matter what you see, open your mind to accept, don't have any resistance, or you can only suffer from yourself." Daniel pressed hard to press Mary's slightly trembling shoulders, solemn and cold.

Mary thought that she might be the "cost".

The instructor continued: "You will arrive in a pure space, where you will talk less, because the master's family members are gathered there, each of them is much more intelligent, more powerful, and more honorable than you. ""

Mary swallowed and finally couldn't help but want to say something to ease her tension, so she spoke up: "I... I saw the ‘master'... What should I say?”

Daniel's action stopped, his yellow-brown eyes staring at Mary, I wonder if it was an illusion, and Mary actually felt that there was a hint of praise in her eyes.

"First say your name," the old mage said with a serious face, and activated the rune trigger of the seat. "And then learning makes me happy."


Mary gave a brief exclamation in confusion, but before she asked, the sudden dizziness pulled her into the depths of a fascinating illusion of light and shadow.

When she opened her eyes again, she was already in a vast space with high blue sky, flawless water surface and a lot of wonderful metal platforms.

Mary found herself no longer sitting in the weird "sacrificial seat", but sitting on a comfortable high-backed chair with a gorgeous round table in front of it, with neat seats around the round table. Some people who don’t know sit in those positions, and across the round table, a tall, burly man is watching himself quietly.

Almost for a moment, Mary realized that the man was the "master" mentioned in the mentor's mouth.

Although this is a round table that cannot distinguish between the primary and secondary, the man's momentum is obviously different from everyone else.

Mary didn't think that the image of the "master" would be like this. She thought she would see a horrible demon, or some more indescribable existence, but in any case, the "master" of a human form at least let her Relaxed a lot, and while she was just taking a breath, the old Master Daniel appeared in this space and sat in the seat next to Mary.

Daniel glanced at the slightly embarrassed apprentice: "What are you doing?"

Mary just woke up like a dream, and quickly got up and stood up, whispering what the mentor said to himself: "I...I am Mary, no surname, and...and...learn to make me happy!"

The atmosphere seemed to pick up slightly. Mary was nervous and couldn’t feel the change of atmosphere. She saw those figures sitting around the round table and cast their eyes on themselves. There was also a body full of blue light. The biological creature, the "spiritual creature" looked at himself with great interest and made a screaming voice: "This child is very interesting."

A beautiful and elegant lady in a red dress smiled at herself: "You are a little nervous and relaxed."

One eye is very big, with long brown hair, and the looking energetic lady has a happy smile on her face: "Ah, you are the one who solved all six of my equations?! You are amazing." Hey! My name is Rebecca and you said that you really solved it yourself?"

Mary was a bit sluggish for a while, and she suddenly felt... the development of things at the moment seemed to be a little different from what I imagined.

Gao Wen looked slightly at the black-haired girl who first visited the origin space. He saw the nervousness and even the fear of the other person at the beginning, which made him laugh and cry: "What is Mary? Relax, welcome to join the origin experiment. room."

“The Origin Lab?” Mary snorted and just wanted to ask what the originator was, but then she remembered that the tutor had adjusted the seat before, and it seemed that she had mentioned the name when she was most nervous. So she swallowed her own doubts and nodded. "Okay, okay! I... I am also honored..."

Daniel’s face became hard to look like: “to shame.”

Mary hurried her neck: "I'm sorry, mentor."

"It doesn't matter, this child is very talented, her talent is enough to offset her little trouble," Gao Wen said. "And I am curious how you described this web conference with this child. She looks a little nervous. Not normal."

"I only said that you want to see her," Daniel said with a glance. "The originator lab is extremely confidential. I almost didn't tell her before entering the network."

"...cautious, but it makes sense."

Reminiscent of Daniel's style in the real world and the psychological shadow he created for his apprentices, Gao Wen can fully guess what the girl named Mary is doing.

Forget it, let them solve their own problems.

Gao Wen shook his head slightly in his heart, and then put Mary "new person" aside and started the topic of this web conference.

“First, I brought some information, Jenny, Carmel, Rebecca, activate your respective printouts and print the data in the real world.”

As he said, Gao Wen started the memory conversion function of the origin laboratory. In the midair of the round table, a lot of dazzling runes and lines were projected almost instantaneously, and they were split into one piece and another concise. Clear flat disassembly diagram.

“This is the technical data of the elves. This part is their cooling rune array. This part is based on the oil coolant and the cooling system using the immersion heat exchanger. This is because their anti-gravity array should be incomplete, but Reference. There are also their shield projection methods and the idea of ​​stacking multiple layers of runes..."

"Wow!!" Rebecca stared at the complicated rune array and device structure dismantling diagram, and couldn't help but exaggerate the exclamation. "Yu ancestor, you have a strong memory... you steal something More powerful than amber!!"

"Hetty, remember to play after the line."

"Yes, ancestor."