Chapter 757: Under the clear water

Name:Sword of Daybreaker Author:Yuan Tong
Jin Na stretched out her hand and gently scratched the neck of the old man who had been with her for many years. She knew that this was the third favorite relaxation method of the other person—its first and second favorite were shoking spirits and Hosman. Region of distilled spirits.

Sonia sighed next to her: "The griffins on your side, the worst temperament I've ever seen, full of rude words-in comparison, all the domesticated eagles are gentle and courteous gentlemen and ladies. . "

"Unfortunately, I'm not an elf or a druid profession. I don't understand what the griffins are saying ..." Jin Na shook her head. "But I can feel their mood to some extent."

"It does n’t matter if you do n’t understand, you understand what is disturbing," Sonia said helplessly, "face the street with the griffin, these guys can make your family violently ..."

A low hum came suddenly from the sky and interrupted Sonia's words. Jin Na heard the sound and raised her head. She saw a dragon cavalry training machine completing the mission flying across the sky and flying in the evening light. Toward the hangar.

The griffon next to her saw the magical machine flying through the sky, and she became excited, flapping her wings and making an exceptionally loud tweet.

Sonia reached out and patted the raptor's neck. "Shut up-the machine has no mother."

The corner of Jin Na's mouth shook noticeably.

"From next year, as the Dragon Cavalry and other types of aircraft are put into use, a considerable number of military griffins will be demobilized or adapted in batches," Maggie suddenly broke the silence and looked at Jin Na. "Some will be transferred to For civilian use, part of it will be distributed to remote areas, and part of it will be relegated to second-tier troops. If I remember correctly, the griffins tamed by your dragon cavalry students must be the first to be demobilized ... this is probably its bad mood The reason. "

"... I plan to support it myself. I have submitted an application and received permission from my superiors," Jin Na said. "I will raise it to the day when it completely grows old."

Sonia looked at the horsewoman with a little surprise: "... without relying on allowances and extra income, it is not a small expense to raise a gryphon on your own. It is also the command of the dragon cavalry. Officer, your domestication of private griffins will probably affect your image in the eyes of civilian soldiers. "

"It stayed with me for many years, and I couldn't bear to send it to the southwest border," Jinna smiled lightly and shook her head. "And the Prince family has never abandoned a member of the Gryphon partner. I don't want to be First. As for the trouble ... I believe I am ready. "

The wooden nest **, the huge raptor tilted his head and looked at the horsewoman seriously for a moment, then extended his head, and pinched Jinna's hair with a beak, making a deep grunt.

Jin Na reached out and hugged the old partner's neck, with a smile on her face, and looked at the blonde elf in front of her: "Instructor Sonia, what is it talking about now?"

Sonia had a subtle expression: "It says your mother is alive."

Jin Na: "..."

The young horsewoman left the Griffon's Nest with a weird expression, while Sonia and Maggie stood in place, looking at the training camp area that was immersed in the rays of light not far away, and Maggie suddenly exhaled softly.

"There should be more than one knight like her ... this era is changing too fast, there are always some old things that are unforgiving, especially in the knight class that values ​​the family tradition," the dark-haired dragon woman brought some Sigh, "It is said that in the Second Combat Corps, officers from the traditional knight family and newly-admired knight officers would even have confrontation and disagreement. The former always tried to carry their coat of arms, while the latter from the lower origin was I do n’t like this, I call it the “arrogant smell of the old aristocracy” ... ”

"Old nobles who lost their privileges and fiefdoms inevitably missed what they once had, inevitably carried the imprint of the last era, and civilian officials who have quickly risen in status will be particularly disgusted by this, even because of some of the opposite relations, Some of the insignificant habits of life between the two classes will become contradictions ... "Sonia shook her head." Originally, the two groups were isolated, and there was almost no possibility of conflict in this regard, but Gao Wenxia led The new order brought the distance between the two groups quickly, and gave the two groups that did not intersect the opportunity to have conflicts, or even vent conflicts ... This is unavoidable. "

The new era is beautiful, but the beautiful things always come at a price. The prosperity and development of the new empire also inevitably has various hidden dangers.

Sonia is not human, but as an elf, she has experienced thousands of years and she has seen too many things.

"Your Majesty must have foreseen these hidden dangers," Maggie said after a moment of silence, "let's not think too much ..."


The Holy Spirit Plain, a small town on the west bank of Gorgon, the town of Changshi.

The scorching rays of hot rays and burning blades flew into the nostrils, making the government office official with a somber face frown. This middle-aged man wearing a black woolen coat, pale skin and high cheekbones was tied in front of his eyes The family with both hands had no disguise on the face.

A special security officer wearing a black uniform and carrying a magic weapon stood beside him. The blade of the fused sword was slightly red in the cold winter wind, with a terrifying heat.

"Hiding the empire's belongings, keeping illegal contracts, and refusing to enforce farmland laws, Mr. Scoolton, it seems that prison is your best place to go," said the government office official with a somber expression, coldly. "Perhaps there can wash away the rancid smell from your family."

"Berman ... you are the communist feud!" The man **** with his hands raised his head, and despite the armed magic combat soldiers standing beside him, he still yelled, "You tampered with the documents! Those who did not Existing accounts, title deeds, correspondence ... all made by you !! "

"Shut up!" The side of the security team quickly stepped forward, and the steel arm guards sturdyly hit his face, leaving the latter with blood on his face. The man who had suffered multiple injuries almost passed out on the spot.

A woman screamed in horror next to her.

"Put them in the car," the Office of the Government official known as Berman waved in disgust. "Others, keep counting the things that have been seized ... These are all oils squeezed out of the poor. Be sure Put it into the vault and use it on the right path. "

The special security officer next to him responded immediately: "Yes, sir."

Berman nodded, a smile on his face couldn't help but a cold wind blew and made him tightly tighten his clothes.


The sky was getting darker, and the newly-developed magic stone street lights on both sides of the town streets were lit one by one under the control of automatic organs.

After a day of work, people set foot on the road home under the lights, located near the government office in the former aristocratic district, and a relaxed figure flashed on the brightly lit street.

Bermaner stepped up the steps in front of the independent dormitory and looked up at the door pane that glowed warmly.

Pushing open the door of the house that once belonged to a consultant and scholar, a warm breath rushed towards him. Berman walked into the room, closed the door, and then took off his frosty coat and hung it on the wall near the entrance. Silver hook.

But the voice of a strange man suddenly in his ears made his movements stiffen instantly: "Don't hurry to hang up your jacket, Mr. Bermanle-you're going out soon, it's colder outside than in the room. Much more. "

Berman's eyes widened immediately, and his heart throbbed in fright. He suddenly looked in the direction of the sound, but saw a strange figure in a black uniform emerging in the empty living room the moment before— —It was a young man with short black hair and a faint smile on his face. He was wearing a long straight black trench coat, a small silver chain on the neckline, and a red-colored armband with black eyes on it. Its left arm.

The stranger sat on the sofa in less than three seconds from unreal to solid. Then he stood up and extended his right hand with white gloves to Berman: "As a courtesy for the first time, maybe we should hold A hand? "

"Who are you!" Berman exclaimed, "Why are you in my house?"

"Shh, your family is still sleeping upstairs, presumably you don't want to wake them up in this embarrassing situation," the young man withdrew his right hand, took out the documents from his arms, and unfolded in front of Berman-the black bottom The silvery white dagger is placed on the open eyes. This is the logo of the Military Intelligence Agency. "Military Intelligence Agency, three locations in the back office, anti-Special, code dark crow. Mr. Berman, please follow me , We have something to tell you. "

Berman's pupils tightened for a moment, and finally realized the identity of the young man in front of him. The next second, he fiercely and then took a half step back, turned to open the door and rushed to the street, but he just had time to turn the handle. His white gloved hand held his arm.

The MIA officer who claimed to be the "Dark Raven" did not know when he had stood next to him, and a metal object stood against Berman's back.

The government office official's forehead sweated from the naked eye and shouted uncontrollably: "You ... you can't do this! I'm loyal to your Majesty! I followed him from Kant and I worked in the Holy Spirit Plain ... "

The Dark Raven took out the special shackles: "Sorry, Mr. Berman, I confirm that your name appears on the list."

"Let me go! Let me go!" Bermanell struggled, but his strength could not break the imprisonment of the former Royal Shadow Guard, he could only shout in despair, "I just did what I should do! I I'm loyal, I'm loyal! Take me to meet Your Majesty ... No no no, even take me to see the Secretary!

"Fa mercy! Sir, take me to the director, who knows me! She knows ...

"Good job, good job, send a magic net message to the director, there must be some misunderstanding, there must be something ..."

Clicking, the shackles closed, Berman's hands were locked in chains.

The dark crow snapped his fingers, and the power of the shadow invaded the vocal cords of the opponent, finally quieting the chattering man.

Looking at the man with wide eyes, there was a touch of pity in the dark crow's expression: "I'm afraid you're going to be disappointed. It's the sign that you are from, like you, who came from the South and received the personal education of His Highness Herti. If something goes wrong with an official, of course, there must be a special order from the superior. But rest assured, Your Majesty does not allow any form of internal assassination and secret executions. You will receive an open and fair trial. You emphasize your loyalty-if If they do exist, then they must be revealed after the trial. But then again, in fact, you should know better than me what the final result will be.

"Mr. Berman, you embezzle the property confiscated from the old noble castle, distort the execution of orders from the Supreme Council of the Government, all these things will be announced, and you may become an influential model ... at least it can become Your last contribution to the empire.

"In addition, we will notify your family members in a proper way, and you will also have the opportunity to meet them-unlike your style of behavior, we will strictly enforce the law, do not worry about this."

The Dark Crow said slowly, with a whining sound in Berman's mouth, and his eyes were filled with fear and remorse, and maybe a little doubt.

Looking at such eyes, the dark crow just shook his head, stepped forward to open the door, and led Berman to the street.

In the small town that has already fallen into the night, the magic lamp lights on both sides of the road emit a bright light. In the quiet night, several other figures wearing long black trench coats, red armbands, and white gloves walk slowly from the neighborhood Get out.

"Close up."
