Chapter 779: Secondary exploration

Name:Sword of Daybreaker Author:Yuan Tong
Changfeng Fort Defense Line, No. 3 Railway Junction.

With a crisp ringing ringing on the platform, a large, majestic iron-black steel train slowly entered the hub station, and stopped at the platform steadily.

The barrier near the platform rises and integrates with the barrier of the orbit itself, blocking the cold wind blowing from the plain, and some light and dark stripes projecting on the surface of the shield with interference effects also block the glimpse of possible hawk-eye surgery in the distance. .

At the end of the two ends of the platform, soldiers are guarding the high sentry tower, and the muzzle of the orbital acceleration gun and the hot ray firing port are found in the dark castle that is flush with the platform. There are also armed soldiers patrolling everywhere. Spreading inside and outside the platform, the entire hub station has been openly or secretly turned into a frontline fortress armed to the teeth.

"Iron throne-earthly python," Maryland stood on the platform, watching the heavily armed black train stop next to the platform, and many technicians stepped forward to check the condition of the train with a smile, "There is a second armored train supplement At this line of defense, the defense of the Changfeng Fortress can finally be relieved. "

"Iron Throne-Zero also has a chance to trim it," Philip, with short blond hair and wearing a knight armor, also smiled beside Maryland. "Its last year's overload damage has not been completely repaired until now. Every time it accelerates, The second arsenal section at the tail was shaking as if to jump out of the track. "

He paused afterwards and said, "After the delivery of these two standard armored trains, the heavy factory in the rear will temporarily focus on the production of civilian trains, and the second-line factories in Kant and Gülen will be responsible for manufacturing you. The "downgrade armored trains" mentioned earlier. They should produce much faster than the Iron Throne.

"In addition, superiors have shaped these light armored trains, corresponding to the Iron Throne, and they have been named 'Iron Scepter.' Given that the number of Iron Scepters will definitely be much greater than the Iron Throne, it will also be more prone to various modifications, Variants, so unless they are in special circumstances, they will probably just be numbered and no longer named. "

Maryland nodded while listening. The construction of the long wind defense line has been progressing smoothly, which has greatly reduced the pressure on the middle-aged knight, but on the one hand, he has to face the other side of the border while the pressure is reduced. Winter Wolf Castle changes from last winter to the present.

The "Wolf General" who was once forced back and called back to Aldernan for accountability has already returned, and not only has she returned, it seems that she has not been hit by the last defeat, and she still holds the Winter Wolf Legion firmly , Control the entire line of defense, and more actively increase the power of Winter Wolf Castle.

"That little wolf ... is a bit more troublesome than I thought," Maryland frowned. "She must have brought back a lot of key information when she returned to Aldernan last time and sought a lot of support. Now in Winter Wolf Castle Bien has begun to see more and more magical vehicles and various advanced machinery. Tifeng people use them to build fortresses and strengthen defenses, and the wolf general seems to intend to use these new technologies to improve her troops. I ’ve seen tanks, but she must have seen this information. In order to improve the magical knowledge of the people and the keen mind of the wolf general, they will find an alternative to the tank sooner or later. "

"Technological progress is the general trend," Philip shook his head. "Through Her Majesty's words, Tifeng people have begun preparing for an industrial outbreak more than a decade ago. Their petrified acidification plant is earlier than our alchemical plant. In five years, the reserves of literate workers were seven years earlier than us, and agricultural reform was ten years earlier than us. In this case, we have relied on magic technology and the Department of Government to catch up so much in less than four years. Miracle. At this time, it is easier to expect the Tifengs to be dull and foolish. It is better to expect their emperor to be violent tomorrow. "

Maryland looked at the Supreme Army Commander in surprise: "... it's rare that you would make a joke."

"I'm not kidding," Philip froze, and said seriously, "I heard that the Tiffon royal family had a family disease, and most of them fell into madness in their later years. Now Rosetta Augustus is middle-aged, Probably, his chances of violent death tomorrow are indeed higher than the millions of Tifeng people who suddenly reduce their intelligence ... "

Maryland: "..."

After staggering for a few seconds, Maryland, feeling deeply unable to continue the current topic, could only shake his head and forcefully shift the topic to another direction: "According to the predetermined plan, the mission of Tifeng will arrive in the fortress in two days ... yes So, do you have any other arrangements? "

"Everything will work as planned before," Philip said casually. "Do a good reception, take the mission and **** them to the car. Take care to drive the two iron thrones to Parameer and the northern hills in advance. Confidential work in military areas. "

As he said, the young army commander turned his head and looked into Maryland's eyes.

He smiled: "Tiphon and Cecil are rivals. The more so, the more we show our knighthood. We will take them politely and send them away politely, and your The task is to make them see nothing in the process. "


At Cecil Palace, Gawain received a covert contact from Daniel.

The Everlasters finally completed a series of preparations, completed the reinforcement of the sandbox, and analyzed and analyzed the last "Phantom Town" exploration report. Today, they will launch the second projection of the mysterious unmanned town explore!

After arranging things in the real world, Gao Wen did not delay time, settled his mind, and connected to the spiritual network of the eternal sleeper.

As the creator of the psychic cybersecurity system and the biggest maker of vulnerabilities, he has long been familiar with the entire process.

After the chaotic change of light and shadow, Gao Wen arrived at the dream city that was always in perfect condition, and guided to the assembly site of the eternal sleepers following the address left by Daniel.

It is still the last round square surrounded by fallen leaves and decorative columns. The three main figures on the square are still familiar Daniel, Yuri, and Selena Geer divided into three archbishops. Their images are elegant Middle-aged mage, a young man with a temperament, a lady in a white dress holding a lantern with a soft face, and in addition to the three of them, Gao Wen also saw a strange face this time:

A particularly tall man stood next to Daniel. He looked thirty years old, wearing a black robe with complicated patterns, short red hair, and looked quite imposing.

His name is shown as Archbishop Magnum, a high peak, and his location is in Tifeng.

Gao Wen glanced at the archbishop with a red hair, and quickly matched the information submitted by Daniel. This is an older archbishop among the sleepers. It is said that his temper is quite irritable , Has unique insights in the field of consciousness.

Grumpy is not irritable, but Gao Wen can't see it, but the name of the other party sounds quite big ...

I groaned in the other's name, and Gao Wen couldn't help but glance at the other man's height, which was almost the same as Gao Wen's, making the red-haired archbishop standing on the square. But she was in the shape of a caster's robe, which reminded Gao Wen subconsciously of Wright wearing the priest's robe

Such a figure does not really look like a caster, but at this moment several of the immortals standing on the square should be the images in the mental network used, and I don't know what the archbishop with a large name looks like in reality.

Gao Wen's thinking diverged, his eyes glanced at the high-level tool men wearing owl masks behind the four archbishops. Compared with the last time, the exploration of the everlasting man was obviously more serious and cautious. The number increased to six, and their robes were embroidered with eye-catching patterns, each with a different pattern.

Is this to avoid the last kind of "extra people"?

But relying on this pattern ... Does it really work in an environment where Phantom Town can influence judgment and tamper with thinking?

Gao Wen flashed a little doubt in his mind, and within a few seconds of his observation and thinking, the ten-person exploration team in front of him also completed the preparation and negotiation work before departure.

As last time, Archbishop Yuri is responsible for opening the "passage" to the Phantom Town. With open hands, pale gold runes then outline a complex circular circle on the square ground. Daniel and others stand in the middle of the circle. The archbishop Magnum, who has red hair, said, "This time, be alert, and don't let anyone trust your first impression too much."

"Of course." The golden rune flashed in the hand of Archbishop Yuri, the gentleman smiled, and his eyes swept across the ten-member expedition. "Not only are we vigilant, but this time the rear monitoring team will also update Active and more effective follow-up and surveillance, no more extra people will be mixed in with us. "

The Sleepers also updated their surveillance technology this time?

Gao Wen still remembers the last "extra person" and feels weird. At this time, when he heard the words of Archbishop Yuri, he felt more at ease, and entered the range of runes with a smile and stood at the eleventh. Personal location.

When the transmission of light and shadow began to flash, Gao Wen's gaze turned slightly, and fell on Selena Geerfen.

This quiet temperament maiden just stood there quietly, holding the lantern in her hand, looking at the front quietly, without any sense of external gaze.

Gao Wen's thoughts fluctuated in the mysterious voyage seven hundred years ago. Did Selena Gelfen really participate in it? If she did participate, how much did she know about the events of that year? If she even knew the "transaction" of Gawain Cecil, did she know the truth of the "extraordinary wanderer"?

If she had known that the "outlander wanderers" had occupied Ghovin Cecil's body, then what was she waiting for so far ...

The sight in front of me was blurred, and when the chaotic light and shadow stabilized again, the empty phantom town had appeared in front of Gao Wen.

He and ten other eternal sleepers stood on the square in the middle of the town, exactly where they left off last time.

The turbid and dark clouds shrouded the entire town as before, the strange mist undulating in the distance, the large town was empty and empty, without any residents and no lights.

There were no bells in the town, and the church was not visible on the square. The last change seemed to have completely disappeared, and the town showed what it looked like when it was first visited.

"It does have a weird atmosphere," Archbishop Magnum looked around and nodded, his voice was very loud, and it had a scary effect when it suddenly blew in this open and quiet place. Nobody's dream ... in the symbolic sense of psychology, this represents some kind of escape? Or extreme loneliness? "

Everyone seems to be accustomed to the voice of the Archbishop Magnum. Archbishop Yuri only frowned when he heard: "If this is a 'one' mental dream, it may be possible to use psychological analysis to explain it, but it may be a The mental projection formed by the countless people in the sandbox is hard to tell. "

"Then group psychology," Archbishop Magnum waved his hands indifferently. "After all, there are only a few points in this inclined dream: fear, escape, intense desire, or extreme rejection of something."

"It is still too early to analyze these. So far we have only been exposed to a mentality related to the sandbox number one, that weird and suspected malicious old priest. This cannot be used to determine the operation of the sandbox number one. Various psychological laws in the real world, "Selena shook her head," but what happened in this town should really reflect the reality. According to the report of the sandbox management team, the day when the bell rang, The legend that it will be 'deleted' if it is not avoided in time should correspond to the early scheduled reset operation of Sandbox No. 1 ... "

Gao Wen immediately became interested in the new term mentioned by Selena.

"Timed reset?" After exchanging gazes with Gao Wen, Daniel just showed his doubtful look. "What's that?"

Considering that Daniel was only recently promoted to Archbishop, and he is understandable for not knowing something about the early stage of Project Zero, Yuri did not have doubts, explaining casually: "Early in the project, Sandbox No. 1 was not Perfect, you need to perform a partial reset every ten days, delete the virtual residents generated in the sandbox, and retain only the 'world' itself in the sandbox.

"We suspect that some virtual residents have left some memory fragments after being deleted and stored in the brains of some brain servants to this day. These memory fragments have affected the collective subconsciousness of Sandbox No. 1, leading to the emergence of the sandbox world. The weird custom of 'the day the bell rings'. "

Daniel nodded and said suddenly, "That's it."

On the side, Gao Wen looked thoughtful when he heard these contents.