Chapter 870: Courage to the ocean

Name:Sword of Daybreaker Author:Yuan Tong
Those civilians who came to the “outrage” were taken away by soldiers, and they would be arranged on the construction site of Beigang West District, where there are a large number of jobs that do not require much technology, and their status is “cause "Troublemakers who have been punished for working hard", given their behavior, they will be sentenced to hours of labor-and for the obvious and most basic survival needs, they will also have a hot meal, a hot bath And "trivial hard labor subsidies."

This operation Victoria has never seen before.

"Sometimes the rules are too rigid, so we need to play on the spot, especially in a place far away from the imperial capital and special folk customs." At one glance, he shrugged and said, "These civilians were" incited "by the local nobles and manor owners.

"The action of the Construction Corps to build Beigang here has obviously stimulated some people-and the influence of the Wilde family has made them afraid to act in public. These people will find ways to test our falsehood and reality in other ways-they agitate Or bought out some civilians whose truth is unknown, and those civilians did get angry when they first came here, but soon they found that we were more 'kind and generous' than those who instigated them. The Corps was rich in supplies and the civilians Little is needed, they can do some simple work here, and they can exchange food that they would only enjoy on special days.

"However, it is hot water that has a greater effect. Our collective bathhouses are the most popular and more popular than I thought. The camp now has two waste heat recovery centers and a central heat exchange station, and The residents near this cold beach obviously don't usually have many hot showers. My military doctor thinks that bathing these outsiders can effectively prevent them from spreading diseases in the camp. Now the latter has liked the abundant hot water supply here ... "

Victoria ’s expression has changed more than half a month in the past day. She frowned and looked at the “Imperial General” in a weird look: “So ... these people come here often? I ’m looking for you to protest, "Caught" by your soldiers to work again, and finally mix a good meal and take a hot bath ... "

"As well as a small subsidy, you know, empire law stipulates that those who perform labor reform can also receive a small amount of compensation in labor, which is to stimulate their enthusiasm for earning a living through labor."

Having said that, Byronton paused, and then went on to say, "At first, only men came. They were bewitched or bought. After several forced labor and remuneration, some of them tried to steal food. Bring it back to the family, I found it, but it did n’t stop, it ’s nothing, but those who are standing behind the scenes obviously do n’t want to see this result. They should have forbidden this kind of behavior. You can imagine what happened next-- These people are starting to bring in the women and children in the family. In fact, they even plan to bring old people and young children who are too old, but that ’s too dangerous, I ca n’t promise ... ”

Victoria listened to what Byron said in a relaxed and pleasant tone, but her expression gradually became serious. When the voice of the other person fell, she sighed and said, "So, now these people who have been agitated ... You are completely on your side ... and those who agitate them have not realized the gravity of the situation. "

"Perhaps they realize, what's the matter?" Byron said indifferently. "A trend has formed. To reverse this trend, it will pay a greater price than the original push, and the current situation obviously does not allow them to do so. Do-the Wilde family will not help them, the empire will not help them, no one will help them, and even their actions have already stepped on the red line, they will continue to move towards this line Is there a leg? It's very unlikely. Of course, I personally hope they go further-there is no scenery on this beach, and the flagpoles of the Corps need some embellishment. "

Victoria finally completely put away the absurd feeling in her heart. She looked at Byron as if to re-examine, and then said slowly after a few seconds: "I thought I knew enough about this land, But now it seems ... I'm not as good as you newcomer. "

Byron glanced at the Duchess in front of her, and then suddenly grinned, "Grand Archon, this is normal-you know the North, but I know the civilians."

Looking at the careless appearance of this gray-haired middle-aged knight, Victoria suddenly remembered the origin of the other party again, and for the first time carefully combed the things that seemed to have been neglected behind by this rough-looking Empire general—

He used to be a mercenary leader, a person who needed to deal with all kinds of people, and even had to do "business" with bandits, lords, businessmen, and civilians at the same time, but a really careless person was impossible in this industry. Survive. This man became a knight with a low background, and quickly integrated into the new order created by Govin Cecil. He is said to have been around in the south, and in the large and complex government office system, this "commissioner" in charge of power "Knights" are not even rumors of discord.

On the contrary, Byron and the main heads of each department are friends, and have good popularity among almost all middle-level officers and lower-level soldiers, even those traditional knights who ridicule him for lack of "true knighthood". The officer, in fact, has a good relationship with him.

And such a person, still firmly holding his duty as a soldier-loyal to the empire, loyal to the emperor, never exceed his power, he was stationed on this coast for a month, his soldiers even in addition to the necessary tasks Never stepped out of camp.

"I finally understand why Your Majesty sent you here ..." Victoria took a breath and said slowly.

"I don't think about it, I just want to build Beigang as soon as possible," Byron said casually. "Tiffon has gone ahead of us-we have now got accurate information, and the Tiffany people restarted their Mobius. There are also a large number of magicians in the port of Sri Lanka who are building new-style ocean-going warships. His Majesty said that with the support of the "note money ability", the speed of lifting artificial objects is not slower than us.

"And to make Beigang as soon as possible, we can also start the next step as soon as possible to turn it into a bustling and lively port city-what a good place here, the largest non-freezing port in the north, a calm and safe coastline, The islands of the Dragon Principality and the islands of the Kingdom of the Violet helped us to block the wind from the east and west, but the people here can only rely on the barren land and seal hunting to survive, they should not be so poor.

"My next step is to open up the bazaars and businessmen's channel in the Southern District. At that time, you may need your influence to help-try to get more businessmen to come, which will help the urban area to take shape. Your Majesty did this in the Dark Mountains. .

"After the camp has completely established its foothold and the influence of Beigang has expanded, I will recruit locals in the normal way. Those people you see today can come here to work honestly.

"The only thing I'm worried about now is the local clan power ... not the kind of big aristocracy, but the kind of small aristocracy who will incite civilians to make trouble and directly control the scattered land around Beigang, even the" manor of the estate "who does not even have the title of nobleman. They are now showing sufficient prudence and cunning, and most of them understand the bottom line of the Construction Corps, it will be difficult for me to really deal with them, and it is obviously not good for you as the Grand Archon and the Guardian of the North to directly suppress them ...

"These 'head snakes' may be a long-term, difficult to remove trouble for Beigang."

Byron talked a lot, until after his voice finally fell, Victoria broke the silence with a cold voice and a slow pace: "You don't have to worry too much. The Wilder family is here. The land has been ruled for seven hundred years, and I still have some experience in dealing with some 'scattered problems'.

"And you have overestimated the trouble that these local families may cause-they are indeed stubborn, but they also observe the situation very well. Now the order of the old aristocracy in the north has been almost disintegrated by me. Although these local families have not encountered big problems, Liquidation, but watching the changes in the order of this land, their current actions seem short-sighted and blind, it is because they are scared but do not really understand the new rules of the empire, or they are using old experience to avoid 'troubles' ——When they understand the true rules of the game and find that the 'new neighbors' in Beigang are both powerful and unable to drive away, they may become hospitable immediately. "

Listening to Victoria's bland tone, Byron took a deep look at the Duke of Ice and Snow, and laughed happily after a moment:

"If that's what you said, then I won't worry about it."

When the voice dropped, he looked away and looked again at the distant sea.

Under the clear sky, the sea lit by bright sunshine is gently undulating. In this position, the manic storm and the strange magic tide are still far away from the human world, but a trestle has been off the coast. Extending out, the trestle fixed on the magic ice is like a spear pierced by a knight, which has pointed human determination and courage to the sea.


A bright electric arc hangs from the sky, sweeping across the rough sea as if licking. The end of the arc is filled with horrifying, tree-like branches. In the deafening roar, the giant wave is gasified by energy turbulence. , The pungent breath permeated the sky and the sea.

A ship covered with demon metal, its surface shining with countless rune brilliance, and a large number of magic devices mounted on it undulating in the terror of the waves. The seawater around it rolled up like a will. The arcs in the sky constantly attacked the ship that seemed to be crumbling, but were constantly resisted and dispersed by the magic arrays and layers of magic shields appearing on the surface of the ship.

The entire ship seemed to be protected by more than ten magical city walls. In that powerful energy field, the ship was still moving in front of the waves.

Tifeng Empire One Ocean Exploration Ship-Courage.

In this advanced ship protected by layers of magical power, Count Owen Dyson, the captain himself, stood solemnly in the command room, and the illusion spell maintained by the magician was clearly projecting the scene outside the ship. In front of the count.

"Is this 'disorderly turbulence' in the ocean ..." Count Owen Dyson said to himself, "It's an eye-opener ..."

Then he straightened his expression and looked at the control mage next to him: "How is the ship?"

The high-ranking mage, who is in charge of monitoring the state of the ship, is surrounded by layers of runes and floats above the magic array in the center of the cabin. The first to third layers of shields were penetrated, and the shield controller temporarily lost its ability to cast. The augmented array required at least six hours of maintenance, and the remaining shields were intact. The outermost anti-magic shell broke and there were signs of element corrosion An emergency repair has been performed with Mithril overlays-the anti-magic shell in the inner zone is still complete and there will be no problems for the time being.

"All sails have been retracted and external winds have been isolated. The prototype magic engine has been stopped-severe mechanical failure and unable to start. At present, the ship's power is maintained by the second sailor echelon."

Count Owen Dyson frowned: "How long can we get out of this storm?"

"The boundaries of the unstable energy field have been sensed-they can be reached in fifteen minutes. The ship can support that time."

Count Owen Dyson nodded and said in a deep voice: "I hope we will not encounter 'disorderly turbulence' when we return ..."

"Master, you should not have performed the voyage yourself," the chief officer standing next to Owen Dyson couldn't help but whispered. "You are the ruler of Port Mobius, or even the whole ocean exploration project. of……"

"Call me Captain here-I think I have at least the job in sailing," Owen Dyson interrupted the mate. "We're just exploring Tassos, the age of sailing. The closest colony to the mainland-if I had to hide in a safe port for such a close voyage, I'm afraid the empire's ocean exploration plan will never be on track. "

The Tifeng aristocrat with gray-blue eyes and resolute eyes spoke in a calm tone, then shook his head: "But we did underestimate the power of the ocean ... the things recorded in the ancient books 700 years ago are messy. Broken, and more recent data are full of errors. The Dyson family should be responsible for this, and we have been busy in recent generations to maintain the last commercial line of Port Mobius, although we still maintain observations of the ocean And records, but the investment is far from enough, so that we lack real reliable information, and now we finally taste the bitter fruits ... "

"A year ago, no one had thought that Aldernan would suddenly decide to restart the Port of Mobius and Ocean Exploration," the chief officer shook his head, "this is not your fault, sir."

Owen Dyson looked calmly: "If this ship sinks, it's my fault."

Just then, the mage responsible for monitoring the ocean situation suddenly shouted, interrupting the conversation between the captain and the chief officer-

"The waves are weakening!"

"We're in a safe sea!"