Chapter 1081: Outpost

Name:Sword of Daybreaker Author:Yuan Tong
Rosetta’s question is straight to the point, and Gawain is not surprised by it—everyone sitting in this room knows that they are here today to talk about it.

The "war" between Typhon and Cecil has ended, and the armistice agreement signed on the battlefield of Winterhold has been in effect for some time, but for the soldiers of the two countries, this matter has not completely ended. Today, the reconstruction of the Winter Wolf Fortress line continues, and Winter Wolf Fort is still under the control of the Cecil Legion. Although in the sincerity of the implementation of the armistice agreement, Gawain has ordered the withdrawal of Winter Wolf Fort. Half of the army in the area, but everyone knows that the sword and plow flags with blue background and gold patterns are still flying over the Typhon fortress—and the huge Iron Throne armored train still stays on the border between the two countries.

Sooner or later, this matter needs to be resolved positively.

Gawain listened to Rosetta's words with a calm expression. He knew very well that in the current situation, the Cecil army stationed at Winter Wolf Castle actually had no reason to continue occupying the fortress, unless he planned to take this already. The ending "war" was re-escalated into a war of aggression. What he really paid attention to was never the line of defense of Winter Wolf-but until the real goal was achieved, the army of Winter Wolf was still a good card.

"I understand your concerns about this--but you can rest assured that Cecil has never intended to invade the land of neighboring countries," Gawain said slowly. "Our occupation of Winter Wolf was initially forced by the situation. You We also know that Typhon’s army was out of control at the time, and your command system was in chaos. We had to avoid the spread of war on our own land, so we had to push the front forward. But now that the war is over, it’s a mention. Of course, Feng's land must be returned, but... we also have our own difficulties.

"In the battle on the front line of Winterhold, Typhon was not the only one who suffered heavy losses. Cecil's armored corps was also violently attacked after entering the attack range of God of War. We lost two light armored trains and one main armored train. The loss of the tank is uncountable, besides the heavy artillery paralyzed on the battlefield and countless wounded...We can't throw all of this on the battlefield.

"We are going to transport heavy weapons back to the country, but the railway line to the Changfeng Fortress has been completely broken. It will take a long time to repair it; the wounded also need to be taken care of. Many of them are seriously injured. With the long-distance turbulence, coupled with the interruption of the railway line, they had to stay in Winter Wolf Fort. To be honest, I am more anxious to take them home than you, but I can't let the injured people walk back to Changfeng Fortress... …"

Rosetta frowned. Of course he knew that what Gawain said were all excuses-perhaps every sentence of these words was true, but the truth could be mixed with a lot of water, but he still asked in this direction. : "Then you mean..."

"When we repair the main railway line and when the wounded can move to the rear, my army will immediately withdraw from the Winter Wolf area," Gao Wen said. "In fact, you should know that I have already evacuated the local troops. Most of the units that can be transferred have already left, and the rest... really can't be evacuated overnight."

"So how long does this process take?" Matilda looked at Gawain, "A month? Or a year? Or longer?"

"I can only say as soon as possible," Gawain opened his hands, "but many factors are beyond my control."

Rosetta stared into Gawain’s eyes, and after watching it for a long time, she suddenly broke the silence: “We don’t actually have to bargain for too long on such a watery thing, do we? We’re not here to polish our lips today— "

While talking, he adjusted his sitting posture and looked at Gawain with a more solemn attitude: "We each rule a powerful empire. If it is not for special circumstances, we don’t even need to meet in person—if it’s just for arguing. The ownership of the fortress, our diplomats can complete all the negotiations, but now you and I are here in person, sitting here face to face, I hope we can talk more heartily. Regardless of diplomatic rhetoric or implied metaphors, Frankly, let’s say it bluntly-this matter has a moral disadvantage, so you can mention your terms. What do you want?"

It wasn't until then that Gawain finally showed a real smile, and then he sighed to make himself sit more comfortable: "So you should have said this earlier, instead of taking out the Winter Wolf Fort thing for trial first. Having said this, then I will talk about my thoughts-Amber."

As soon as he finished speaking, Amber on the side had already taken out a folded map. After placing that map on the coffee table and spreading it out, a partial picture of the northeastern region of the Loren Continent was presented to everyone.

At the moment when he saw the map, Rosetta’s pupils shrank significantly. However, what he noticed was not any signs on the map, but the astonishing accuracy of the map and the large number of islands and coasts in the coastal area. The specific depiction of, especially the latter—some coastal islands that no one knows at all and uninhabited coastlines that are not necessarily known to local residents are clearly outlined. The information revealed in these details is enough to alert him .

While Rosetta's attention was drawn to the map, Gawain's finger had already pointed to a place where Typhon and Cecil bordered.

"Hualong Fjord, as far as I know Typhon calls this place," he pressed his fingers on the map, and his eyes looked at the Emperor Typhon in front of him, "I will build a port here-for Acting as the northeast node of the circum-continental route, besides, in order to provide necessary marine protection and turbulence warning for Huanlong Fjord, I also need to set up some strongholds in the sea area off the port... In short, I want these islands ."

Quiet in the room.

Rosetta Augustus's expression was as calm as a deep pool, and Matilda on the side took a breath. At this moment, it seemed that a cold wind was blowing through the surrounding space, and the air on the scene even became substantially stagnant. At the same time, Rosetta and Matilda also appeared in their hearts. Came out a name--

Bitter Winter.

The terrifying steel battleship is still hovering in the offshore area east of Winterhold. It has been there for a long time, and there is no sign of returning, like a nail, firmly nailed to the coastline of the Tiphon Empire. edge.

That's it.

Gawain didn’t say a word, waiting patiently for Rosetta’s answer. His expression remained unchanged, so that no one else could tell whether he was ready or proud at the moment, and the silence in the room continued in this state of confrontation. It took a long time, until Rosetta suddenly raised her head, her deep-set black eyes were frozen like ice: "Typhon can't accept it."

"You have to think carefully," Gawain didn't have any unexpected look on his face, he just said patiently and calmly, "I didn't ask for your coastline, no land, or even your offshore waters— —What I am asking for is the group of islands off the southern coast of Huanlong Fjord, which is already close to the area dominated by storm turbulence and is not within your territory."

"Typhon can permanently abandon its territorial claim to Huanlong Fjord-there is a disputed area, but we can admit that it belongs to Cecil, but the islands...they are on Typhon's side," Rosetta said firmly. Said, "It has nothing to do with whether it is located in the offshore waters, even those islands deep into the raging ocean, they are also on the Typhon territory."

"The endless ocean is vast and boundless, and the Typhons cannot spread their control area to the sea indefinitely-the islands have no ownership, this is factual, and it will not change because you draw them on the map," Gao Wen said unwillingly, "We can let those islands play their due role, it is better than letting them continue to accept the erosion of wind and rain on the sea."

At this moment, Matilda sitting aside suddenly said: "What if those islands have a belonging?"

Gawain frowned: "What do you mean?"

"I think you should have a way to get in touch with that battleship at any time, right?" Matilda looked into Gawain's eyes, "Why don't you check with your own eyes?"

Gawain had vaguely realized something. He took a deep look at Rosetta and Matilda, and said in a deep voice, "It looks like... we can't talk about some things until tomorrow."


In the boundless ocean, a majestic and huge steel battleship is floating quietly on the sea under the curtain of night. The waves are constantly surging around. The sea breeze from the southeast is beating the steel guard plate on the side of the battleship. However, this ship The most powerful warship ever shook slightly, calm as a hill.

Standing on a high platform on the front deck, Byron looked boringly at the sea in the distance, but he could see nothing except the undulating waves nearby and the faintly shining waves under the stars.

The Bitter Winter has been far away from land, and at this distance, there is nothing to see even during the day, let alone at night.

This ship has been floating on the ocean for a long time, and the soldiers have also lived in the ocean for a long time. This is probably the longest experience of human activities in the ocean since the second development (some legendary The experience of the explorers drifting at sea is not counted). After the initial adaptation period, life at sea became boring and boring. Even Byron began to miss the days on land a little, but strict military discipline still played a role on the ship, as well as well-trained sailors. The shore generally plans to lead an organized life, and at the same time has accumulated valuable experience in the past period of time.

The experience of performing long-term ocean-going missions, the experience of maintaining ship machinery at sea, the experience of the maritime environment and response plans... These things are extremely valuable technical accumulations, and they are also necessary for further building the navy and training soldiers in the future. According to the first-hand information, even though Byron led his soldiers to perform many simulation exercises in the offshore area before this mission, no matter how real the simulation exercises are, they are not as reliable as actual experience.

While collecting and accumulating these valuable information, Byron is also performing the important task entrusted to him: monitoring the Typhon’s coastline and waiting for orders from behind.

The soldiers on this ship are very clear about the significance of this: As a steel fortress floating on the ocean, the Bitter Winter can cause sufficient deterrence to the Typhons as long as it floats here.

At this moment, a sound of footsteps suddenly came from the rear side, and Byron turned his head and saw a lower-level officer walking onto the platform.

"General, received a secret order," the officer walked quickly to Byron's side, and said with a serious face after saluting, "The superior ordered us to move to the southeast immediately and investigate the three buildings H-6, H-9, and H-12. The situation of islands and reefs."


Along with a slight buzzing sound, a lightweight Dragoon aircraft specially modified for reconnaissance missions rose into the air from the circular platform at the tail of the Bitter Winter and flew into the distance in the night.

The undulating sea surface and the low-altitude mist retreat rapidly in the field of vision. With the aid of an observation lens equipped with night vision and eagle eye enchantment, the distant scene is clearly presented in front of the aerial scout. The young scout is watching closely. Looking at the conditions on the sea, after flying for a while, something different from the sea finally appeared in his vision, as well as a small light source that seemed to be extinguished at any time.

There was the first island reef he was in charge of investigating-a bare rock soaked in the icy waters. Even a few weeds are rare on this uninhabited small "island", but a bit of stubborn fire is shining. The island rises up, illuminating the entire reef and the sea nearby.

A simple tent stood in the cold sea breeze. Two sentries with short staffs stood in front of the simple tent. They stared at the distant sea vigilantly. Behind the sentry, above the tent, the Typhon Empire The flag was flying in the dark in the wind.

On the distant sea level, a little bit of the glow of the rising sun has slowly blended along the undulating waves.

Inside the bridge of the Bitter Winter, Byron was sitting on the captain's seat with a straight face, and the signalling officer reported the intelligence sent by the scouts in front of the magic net terminal on the side:

"The Typhon sentries and flags were found on the islands and reefs of H-6, H-9 and H-12. Those seem to have been set up recently... No Typhon warships were found nearby..."

"General," an officer said hesitantly, standing next to Byron, lowering his head, "Those'posts' are very fragile, but we probably can't..."

"It's not'I'm afraid', it's'absolute'," Byron sighed, "We must not attack, even if those tents and flags fall down as soon as they are pushed..."

He shook his head and raised his gaze. His gaze crossed the window on the side of the bridge to the wide deck outside-the huge rainbow light generator crouched on the deck like a behemoth, large and small. The secondary gun guard was beside the terrifying main gun, and the warship's mana wing extended from one side. Under the starlight that had gradually faded, the surface of the rune array on the wing wandered with dim light.

This ship can destroy strong fortresses, sink warships of the old age, sweep fortifications and bunkers on the coast, and even execute weak true gods——

But it cannot defeat those "outposts" with only two or three sentries and a tent.

"Report up," Byron sighed again, "this matter is left to your Majesty's judgment."

As he said, he couldn't help muttering: "Damn, when did those Typhonians react..."