Chapter 1229: Listen to sounds from light years away

Name:Sword of Daybreaker Author:Yuan Tong
The quiet night sky shrouds the world like a giant screen, even if the brilliant artificial lights on the earth make the twinkling stars look dimmer than before, but the cold stars themselves don’t care about the lights on the earth—they will be the same. As in the past millions of years, I quietly overlooked all beings, and watched one after another world where civilizations may flourish in the vast and dark space.

What is happening on those distant planets at this moment? I'm afraid the best playwright can't draw it out even if he exhausts his imagination.

However, some information faster than light can bring greetings 6.12 light-years away, letting those who are looking up at the starry sky know that there is also a vibrant world in the distance.

Tyre raised her neck and stared quietly at the twinkling stars. The dim silver brilliance sprinkled on her beautiful and delicate scales, giving the sea monster a sense of elegance and tranquility out of thin air-Gao Wen very Little can understand what the deep-sea creatures that sleep most of the day are thinking, especially at this moment.

"What are you thinking?" He couldn't help breaking the silence.

"What a beautiful starry sky... The scenery that was once so unfamiliar now looks quite familiar," Tyre said softly, "We have been watching this starry sky for millions of years, you say, in these millions of years, How many civilizations are dying out under our watch?"

"...On the scale of light years, the demise of civilization is not as good as a twinkle of the stars. I don't think it makes much sense to discuss this topic until we master the ability to travel in the sea of ​​stars."

"That's what I said," Tyre smiled. "We should think about something more practical."

"Speaking of more practical things, I suddenly came up with an idea about the sender of the'Blue Star'," Gao Wen's thoughts flew in his mind, and new guesses gradually took shape. "You said... would they? Haven't really mastered the super-light communication technology?"

"Oh?" Tyr raised his eyebrows, his tone of doubt in his voice, "Are you suspecting that our communication technology experts have made a mistake? Misidentified ordinary signals as faster than light communication?"

"No, I believe your experts. I just suspect that the sender of the'blue star' is not as'smart' as we thought," Gao Wen shook his head and said his guess, "the reason why they used super-light communication to send so The primitive signal format may not have any clever long-term plans at all, but because... they can only send those things."

Tyr frowned: "You mean..."

"I'm not sure which level of superlight communication belongs to in the entire aerospace technology, but I guess this level is certainly not low-after all, even the dragons of Talrond have not mastered this kind of thing. And technology. The developments of the technology are often linked together. Although there are also advanced developments in individual fields, in general, the technological heights of a civilization should be roughly balanced. The development of a technology often means follow-up in a large number of related fields. It’s normal for these technologies to be based on each other and complement each other," Gao Wen said unhurriedly, "So, if Cangxing’s senders have fully mastered the superluminal communication technology, then most of them are no longer stuck to their own mothers. The race on the stars may even have become...another'starter'."

"It makes sense..." Tyre nodded slowly, muttering thoughtfully.

"In addition to the'greetings' sent by the blue star, does your antenna array capture other superluminal communications in the starry sky?" Gao Wen asked with a serious face, "even if it's just a short clutter. ?"

"No," Tyre shook his head immediately, "Antawin confirmed that the signal sent by SK-32-A is super-light communication, and also deliberately scanned the entire sky that the antenna system can cover, but there is no Discovered the second superluminal communication..."

"Therefore, most of the senders of the blue stars are not a civilization that has fully mastered the speed of light communication technology-otherwise the starry sky near them cannot be so'quiet', can you imagine? It is like a race that has mastered the fire Skills, and then hundreds of years have passed. The area where this race lives hasn't even seen an extra plume of smoke..."

Tyr reacted instantly: "Unless the ‘torch’ is not theirs, they neither know how to raise the second fire nor what else the ‘torch’ can do besides signaling!”

Gao Wen nodded, and slowly said in a low tone, "This is just a possibility."

"...Who owns this torch?" Tyre asked subconsciously, "This...this is a ‘torch’ that can transmit signals faster than light in a light-year-scale space..."

Gao Wen didn't answer for a while, just raised his head and looked up at the starry sky quietly. In fact, the truth is ready to come out. Even Tyr himself thought of the most likely answer to this question-except for the sailor. , Who else can it be?

Gao Wen thought of the information he had seen in the log of Cangqiang Station, and he couldn't help but sigh: The legacy of the starry sky... it seems that there is more than one place.

Till did not know when she had already set her gaze on Gawain, she quietly stared at the "human pioneering hero" in front of her for a long time, and suddenly said without beginning and ending: "It's rare."

"Yes, if the situation is as we guessed, a civilization that has not been able to break out of the home planet but gets a super-light communication device, then this is really rare..."

"I didn't mean this," Tyre shook his head, "I mean you, it's rare."

"Me?" Gawain pointed at himself with a look of surprise, "What's so rare about me?"

"I rarely find anyone on the land who can talk about these topics. I don’t mean to discriminate or ridicule, but the people on the land don’t know much about the universe... and you are an exception. Not only can you keep up with it. There are even a lot of thoughts on these topics, which is very rare, and you still maintain your curiosity and flexible mind in this area to this day...This is even more rare," Tyre said earnestly." I don’t know many people on land, but I’ve heard my sisters describe many monarchs or commanders on land. Many of them have outstanding vision and profound knowledge, but they are always entangled by things on the earth, politics, Military, people's livelihood, threats and interests at the national level... are all these things that I will get a headache when I hear them.

"You also need to face these ‘entanglement’, I can see it with my own eyes, but to my surprise, your attention to the stars and your desire to explore the unknown have never faded."

Gawain looked a little surprised at Tyre, who was showing a serious look at this moment. He didn't have many opportunities to listen to so many things. This guy probably spent all his waking time today in this conversation: " ... Is this a compliment?"

"Quite high praise," Tyre nodded seriously, "You are the first person to be praised so much by me."

"Then I am deeply honored, but I have a question," Covent said seriously, "Aren't you usually asleep every day? Where is the time to think about so many complicated things?"

"Don't you know? The siren can also think about problems while sleeping-our mental activity never stops. In other words, once we stop thinking, the siren will die," Tyre said while shaking. After wagging our tail, "After all, we are a relatively slow race. If we don't use our time, it will be really useless..."

"You are also doing awake thinking activities when you are sleeping?!" Gao Wen's eyes widened in astonishment. This is something he has never heard of before, and never even thought of it. Tyre is no different from human beings. His appearance gave him an illusion. He always thought that the siren was a kind of intelligent race that had the ability to transform, but was essentially similar to humans. It was only at this moment that he realized that there is a relationship between this race of elemental creatures and humans. What a huge difference, "That can't dream?"

"Ordinary siren as individuals really can't dream--of course, we can also force those over-immersed'sleep thinking' as siren dreaming, but this is a bit far-fetched," Tyre shook his tail. Jian explained with a serious face, "There is only one Kraken who can really dream, and that is Eva..."

"Eva..." Gawain recalled the knowledge behind the name, and said thoughtfully, "I remember this is your ‘race spirit’?"

"Racial spirit? It's not wrong to understand it," Tyre laughed. "Eva is the collection of all the siren. You can think of her as the largest, invisible siren. It’s us as water. The'Elemental Core' of the whole element. Some foreigners cannot understand such an invisible existence, but for us Kraken, Eva is a tangible individual, and she is also the only Kraken who can'dream' Among the siren, those individuals with special talents can perceive Eva’s dreams, these individuals usually include the most powerful tide masters and deep sea witches, and of course our queen-the queen can almost always see Eva’s dreams, sometimes she will share with us the wonderful scenery she saw in her dreams..."

Gawain listened carefully to these incredible things that Tyre told, and it took a long time before he could not help but mutter: "Your race is really incredible..."


The sound of the sea waves is like a gentle song, following the surging water into the spacious and elegant bedroom. Petia awakens from her deep sleep and opens her eyes in a ball of elements condensed by pure water.

The long silver-white hair fluttered in the pure water ball, but it was quickly collected back under the control of its owner. Petia swam out of the pure water ball, and her clothes changed accordingly. Wearing a luxurious light blue dress that does not affect her actions, she glanced at the direction of the door, and Rosalia, the maid of the Deep Sea, almost flowed out in front of her in a stream of water at the same time.

"Your Majesty," Rosalia swam forward two steps, "You wake up later today than usual."

"I saw Eva's dream again," Petia said. "She seems to like dreaming recently."

The maid Rosalia suddenly showed an interesting expression on her face: "Eva's dream? What have you seen?"

"The specific content is a bit vague. I only remember seeing the endless sea, like my hometown. There is no land on the sea. There are many life in the sea, including creatures like sea monsters. It also includes... races I don’t know, and some giant structures like ancient ruins or memorials floating on the ocean..." Petia rubbed her forehead, "That’s it, it’s all inexplicable sights... It's just a dream after all."

"Perhaps Eva saw the scenery seen by the compatriots in the distance in her dream? We are one in Eva's dream..." Rosalia showed a smile on her face and said soothing words. "Anyway, what you see doesn't seem to be a bad sight."

"Are you far away..." Petia said softly, and was reminded by the word, "Is there any progress on the Hyperlight Array?"

"We still haven't received a signal from any immigration ship," Rosalia shook her head slightly. "In addition, the monitoring of SK-32-A is still in progress. It has been three years since the last signal was received. There are many days, and according to the rules that have been mastered, the next time super-optical communication appears in ten minutes."

"Well," Petia nodded and swam towards the corridor-this is the royal area of ​​Antavien. The entire area is located inside the deep water barrier. The seawater from the hometown floods every corridor and every room. , Of course, you can only go out by swimming, which is a very convenient and comfortable environment for the siren. "How about scanning the surrounding sky?"

"Nothing found," Rosalia said, shaking her head, "only a few very faint low-frequency calls were received, which are conventional signals emitted by light waves or quasar pulses. They may have been floating in this space for tens of thousands or even For hundreds of thousands of years, circles have been circling in the cage formed by the star system, and the civilization that launched them has been dead for many years."

"...Even if they don't die, we have nothing to do," Petia sighed, "I can only answer but not launch. This is an unsolvable problem...Is there a resonant crystal yet?"

"Unfortunately, Master Hathaway said that she could do nothing about it-the resonance crystal was completely destroyed, and this planet lacks the key materials needed to recast the crystal. The energy technology and rune knowledge shared by the Cecilians It's easy to use, but these two technologies are not helpful for repairing the ultralight communication array. In addition, we also tried several natural materials recently discovered from the deep sea, but none of them met the requirements..."

"Well, this kind of thing can't come in a hurry," Petia nodded slightly, "Let the witches of the deep sea do their best."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The golden beach of Io continent, the stranded area of ​​the Antavien, a complex communication tower stands on the tail deck of this giant immigrant starship. The base of the tower is wide open, exposing it. The internal precision components and the system lights that are flickering in the depths of some structures, the "deep sea witches" as technicians are busy inside and outside this high tower, checking the receiving module that has not been repaired for a long time, and the adjustment is still unstable. Core system.

And above this high tower, several communication components that have resumed operation are floating under the support of the invisible force field, slowly rotating around the tower body, the streamlined alloy structure is pointed to the sky high, and in the morning sun, its The metal shell is reflected in a piece of golden red.

Petia came to the deck and looked at the Krakens who were busy around the tower, and the Naga who had only recently appeared in this area and were learning mechanical maintenance skills with the deep sea witches, and then her His eyes fell on the tall tower again, and a slight sigh came from her mouth.