Chapter 1255: "Gate"

Name:Sword of Daybreaker Author:Yuan Tong
Early the next morning, Gawain and Amber arrived at the highest chamber of Argundor. They have decided to set off to the west coast in advance to confirm the situation of the tower.

The polar night is still going on, so even in the theoretical "daytime", the sun still lingers below the horizon, and only a dim glow from the horizon diffuses from the end of the plain. The brilliance of the magic spar lamp illuminates the corridor, and the black dragon girl Coretta walked in front of Gawain and Amber. The footsteps of the three echoed in this slightly empty place. They came to the door of Herragor's office.

A young female dragon with a short stature and red hair opened the door and walked out. She was a little surprised to glance at Gao Wen and others who had appeared here early in the morning, and then her eyes fell on the black dragon Coretta. On his body, after a brief greeting, the young female dragon race hurriedly left the corridor.

"That's Berranta, the caretaker who takes care of the young dragons..." After the opponent left, Coretta showed a somewhat curious expression and muttered softly, "Why would she come to meet the leader at this time..."

Then she shook her head, put the episode aside for the time being, and stepped forward to help Gao Wen push the door of the office: "Please come in, the leader is already waiting for the two inside."

Gawain and Amber stepped into the office of Herragor. Under the bright light, they saw the dragon leader sitting behind the desk, but to their surprise, another familiar figure was also in the room. .

Melita Penia, she was standing not far from her desk. When Gawain and the two walked in, Miss Blue Dragon also looked back at the same time, and her eyes collided with Gawain. The expressions looked a little surprised.

But today Gao Wen came here first to discuss important matters with Herragor, so he simply greeted Melita, and his eyes were placed on the dragon leader behind the table, with blond hair and elegant temperament. The Dragon Priest was looking up and looking here. He smiled at Gawain, and then his expression became serious: "Is it related to the Tower of Rebellion?"

Before Gawain spoke, a touch of surprise appeared on his face. He raised his eyebrows: "How do you know I'm going to say this?"

"It seems that I guessed it right," Herragor said in a deep voice, but his expression became more serious. "Please sit down and talk about your situation first. Why did you decide to leave early? It's the adventurer's. The situation has changed? Is there a new clue to that tower?"

Gao Wen glanced at Amber next to him, then sat down on the chair next to the desk, and said with a solemn expression: "Amber treated Modir. Through her unique talent in the Shadow Realm, we figured out a way. Controlled the "alienation" process in Modil. Although the mechanism is unknown, we may accidentally activate a part of the missing memory of the adventurer. He mentioned the tower and... mentioned a "loophole"."

Hragor frowned instantly: "A loophole?"

Gawain nodded and explained in detail what happened to Modil. He did not miss any details, especially those things Modil mentioned in a muddle-headed state, although the great adventurer mentioned it. Many things in Gawain and Amber seem incomprehensible to Gawain and Humber, but if it were Haragor, maybe this "demigod" who has lived for a long time can hear some clues from those fragmented descriptions.

"He remembered the tower..." After listening to Gawain's account, Herragor's brows tightened, he slowly spoke in thought, "And it sounds like he remembered not just the tower, it seems There is another place that is closely related to that tower in his memory..."

"Yes, he mentioned'another entrance'," Gawain nodded and said, "Amber and I don't understand what he is referring to, and he doesn't know it himself, but according to the information we currently have, Modil Vail Talronde’s trip to Talronde only went to one place in the Tower of the Upstream, and then he was sent back to the Continent of Loren by the Dragon God. After that, he never mentioned anything related to the Tower of the Upstream. Record, unless... the "other entrance" he was referring to was on the continent of Loren, and his journey to the other entrance took place long after he left Tarrond in his "Modil" which is handed down to the world. A period not recorded in Travels."

"Entrance... Hole... The key is what these words mean," Herragor said in a low tone. "He must have seen something in that tower, and what he saw was hidden from the past... Gods. ."

"This is exactly what I am going to confirm in the tower," Gawain nodded and said, "Let us arrange the journey to the Western Continent as soon as possible. The sooner the better, the Bitter Winter is coming soon. It It will stop directly on the sea between the Tower of Inverse Tide and the West Coast to meet us. In addition, I need you to arrange for some more powerful dragons to serve as backups in the past. The Bitter Winter can serve as an outpost for the giant dragon transformed into a human form. If the fire support is related to the "pollution" of the gods, I can try to solve it. If some more conventional "hostile units" emerge from that tower, we may need the cover of the dragon troops."

"Are you planning to..."fight" the legacy left by the sailor?" Herragor glanced at Gawain somewhat unexpectedly.

"Just in case, what if an ancient weapon that is out of control pops up in that tower? Conventional troops should still be useful to deal with that kind of thing," Gawain shook his head, "but if the situation is really out of control. , Then the conventional troops are definitely not opponents, so I have to adopt some'ultimate means'."

Hragor took a deep look at Gawain. He knew what the "ultimate means" the other party was talking about was.

"I will arrange it right away," the dragon leader said in a low tone, "In fact, before you arrive here, I have already arranged for Melita to go with you and bring the most elite of Agonda. Warrior."

Gawain remembered that as soon as he entered the door of Hragor, he took the initiative to mention the Tower of Upsurge, and then he gave Merita a thoughtful look: "It seems that you also found something here...what happened. Up?"

"Young dragon," Melita sighed softly, with a hint of worry in her expression, "Last night, Meili and Norey seemed to be attracted by some invisible force, facing the tower of the tide. The direction yelled loudly for a long time, and then the "magic marks" on their bodies nearly doubled overnight..."

"Two little guys?!" Gawain was a little nervous for a moment. After all, he watched the two young dragons grow up. At this moment, he naturally cared, "Are they okay?"

"Fortunately, there doesn't seem to be any physical problems," Melita nodded and said, "And the situation has stabilized in the morning, but what is disturbing is that...they are not the only ones who have the problem."

Amber on the side heard this and couldn't help but cut in: "More than the two of them?"

"All the young dragons with the'dark blue magic marks' on their bodies have the same situation," Herragor's voice came from the side, with a low and strong voice, "At the same time, the same'symptom': the marks on the body. The enlargement of the scale seems to resonate with some invisible source of power, restless in the direction of the Tower of the Upstream, and the situation gradually stabilized until the morning. Although there is no physical problem, but..."

The dragon leader held his hands on the table, his upper body leaned forward slightly, looking at Gawain with a solemn expression: "We initially thought that the magic marks were only due to the dragon egg being affected by the magic surging inside the deep blue net. The'mark' on the young dragon, but now I have to doubt...there is a deeper reason for the appearance of that thing."

"When did the whelpling start to be abnormal?" Kohaku suddenly asked Merita.

"I knew you would ask this," Merita nodded, "It's almost after you finish your'treatment' for Mr. Modil."

"...Well, then this matter is ‘interesting’," Amber’s mouth trembles, "Say, when shall we leave?"

Merita took a breath and looked at Kohaku and Gawain: "Now."


At the same time, Typhon and Cecil's border buffered the plain and the fort.

Bright arcane flames gush out from the tops of the three energy towers, and are gathered and focused under the action of a series of restraint devices and diversion devices, and poured into the energy conduits and magic crystals, a huge relief. The energy device floated slowly in the morning light, and began to rotate with a deep hum.

The cold and swift wind blows from the direction of the northern mountains, but before approaching the fortress, they will be deflected and dispersed by the huge energy field circulating here, turning into a disorderly turbulence, and sweeping in the wilderness near the castle. Sand and dry grass blades were rolled into the air, whistling and circling in the deserted wilderness, and in the face of this sudden change of celestial phenomena, the birds and beasts living in the wilderness had already taken refuge in advance.

Since the second pioneering era, the most powerful and pure energy system created by mankind has been successfully ignited in the depths of this cold plain. The huge energy that the mages of the old age could not imagine has gathered here. And began to be directed to the center of the entire facility group according to the plan, to the portal placed in the main hall of the castle, and the protective barriers and...fuse units surrounding the portal.

In the main hall of the castle, various magic devices have been activated, and the giant magic array covering the entire floor and the entire dome is emitting a constant and gentle brilliance; the walls around the hall are distributed with orderly energy conduits, one after another. A stream of pure arcane flames rushes through the energy conduits, and a silver-white alloy "devil track" extends from under the floor, connecting the energy conduits and the power center buried in the ground; more than ten control nodes are distributed In each area of ​​the hall, those nodes are made of expensive and sophisticated alloy bases, and above them are magic crystals or magic terminals that can be used to monitor the portal.

The nervous and busy technicians are busy or walking between these intimidating devices for ordinary people, checking all the systems for the last time, and Carmel is floating in front of the portal. Feng's legendary mage Windsor Mapel.

The command sound came from all over the hall:

"All energy towers were successfully ignited! The output power reached the standard value, and the Arcane Energy Conduit reading was stable!"

"The power rail status is normal, the energy rail connections are normal, the primary conversion is normal, and the secondary conversion is normal!"

"The inverter array is on standby and can withstand the impact of divine power at any time..."

"All protection systems are normal. The mental protection system has been activated, the human barrier has been activated, and it has been connected to the neural network...I received the Cecil Empire Computing Center identification code, and the signal feedback is normal!"

"The psionic singer is on standby..."

Carmel raised his head slightly, and the voices of the commands seemed to be gradually gone. He looked at the portal that had entered the "warm-up" state, and watched its arc-shaped skeletons begin to jump brightly. Blue fire light, and the alloy ring full of runes is slowly floating to the top of the door. In the slightly distorted light and shadow in the center of the installation, he seems to see some pictures that have been buried deep in memory, and some have already left. The figure in this world...

"Finally..." Windsor Mapel's voice came from the side, with excitement and emotion that could not be concealed, "We finally waited for this day...Two hundred years, Typhon has been silently preparing for this for two hundred years..."

"The rebels have been waiting for this day for a thousand years, ma'am," the yellowed images in Carmel's mind gradually dissipated. He turned his head, and the arcane brilliance of the two-point jump was reflected in Windsor's eyes, "and if you count those in For the pioneers who have struggled but failed in the past season of Civilization, the group of'mortals' will have to wait longer for this day."

Windsor Mapel nodded slightly, her gaze looked at the wonderful runes set on the ground near the portal, the magic net terminals set up in every corner of the hall, and those who were on standby not far away. The Cecil soldier floating in the air with a strange light armor could not help but ask: "Can these protections resist the'pollution' that may occur during the experiment?"

"Theoretically, the Kingdom of the God of War is already'harmless' to our mortals this season, even if we face the body of the God of War now, it will not be contaminated," Carmel said solemnly, "Of course, if you say it is accidental We must always be prepared for accidents. These protective runes have been tested for a long time, your majesty can confirm their effects, and those magic net terminals can broadcast the reverberating psychic singing in the neural network to the entire experimental facility , This penetrating psychic shock has a more active and effective purification and protection effect than the protective rune, and those soldiers...they are psionic singers, special training to fight against divine pollution Units, on the battlefield of Winterhold, they have directly fought against the divine power of the God of War, and they have withstood the test in actual combat."

Listening to Carmel’s account, Windsor Mapel nodded slowly, but she still couldn’t help but look at the location of the “psionic singers” and the diameter of the floating behind them reaching several Mi, the strange floating device tightly wrapped in a metal shell, his brows frowned: "What is that thing? Is it also a part of the protective system? I haven't seen a description of it in the previous materials. …"

"Madam, this is a secret content. Even if we are working closely together, some things are not easy to disclose," Kamel's voice seemed to have a smile, "I can only tell you that it is a psionic song. It is an important aid to the role of the Cecile people and a good partner for our Cecilians. If the cooperation between our two countries can be closer and the future technological exchanges can be further improved, they may appear on our trade list. You naturally know what it is."