Chapter 1480: Parsed blueprint

Name:Sword of Daybreaker Author:Yuan Tong
"Rattle and Port Payne have been confirmed to disappear, including all the coastal facilities around the two cities, no longer exist." In the temporary camp on the Prandall Coast, Modil retracted his gaze from the communication device and looked towards Sparrowbee and Ye Xiao standing next to him, he shook his head again, "No... strictly speaking, they seem to have never existed before."

The shield surrounding the camp blocks the cold wind from the sea, and the heat emitted by the heating device is warm and comfortable, but the sparrow bee and the night owl feel a chill spread in their hearts at the same time.

"The reconnaissance plane just made a reconnaissance along the coastline to the northeast, and it flew to the vicinity of'Dumtran Port'," Maggie's voice came from the side, "Dumtran Port has also disappeared. That is the entire Violet Island. Go to the point farthest from the center of the island. If this extraordinary vision really spreads out from the center... then the situation may indeed be exactly as you expected."

Modil nodded, but did not speak. He just looked up to the dense forest in the north. The fog that had never dispersed in the forest had disappeared, leaving only a kind of abnormal darkness entrenched in the shadows of the trees. In the meantime, the previously released Mage’s Eye has naturally dissipated because it exceeded the control limit. Before the Mage’s Eye disappeared, the last picture it returned was still endless trees, as well as the occasionally seen in the woods, which looked like piles of rocks. Of huge accumulations.

The huge piles of rocks once made Modil thought they were "wrecks" left after the disappearance of the city, but after closer observation, he found that they were nothing more than piles of rocks.

The territory of this "country of wizards" is actually surprisingly large. Although it is only an island, and because of its low-key acting style, people on the Loren mainland often have a misconception of a "small country with few people", but it is actually The area of ​​this “island” is almost half the size of the Principality of Holy Dragon or the Kingdom of Dwarves. Its long coastline has several large cities and a large number of small and medium-sized settlements, and its inland areas are covered with vast forests. And the wasteland, even the eyes of the wizard under the control of the legendary wizard, it is impossible to fly to the center of this "island" to check the situation.

The bird bee looked up at the mountains on the west side, and she saw that the brilliant round of sun had gradually approached the undulating horizon in the distance. In the dimming sky, the brilliant golden red glow was pouring down the clouds to this piece of rubble. Pristine beach.

This is a magnificent scenery, but for the people who stay on the coast at this moment, the scenery can only make people feel uneasy. Ye Xiao looked at the black-haired dragonborn who was standing not far away: "Miss Maggie, The sun is going down soon."

Maggie glanced at the sky. Even though it was still a while before night fell completely, she did not dare to let the team stay for one more minute: "Everyone, evacuate the coast, and board the ship now!"

The steel ranger soldiers on the coast immediately began to pack up and ran to the landing craft docked on the shore. The Dragoon fighter planes that had landed on the open ground and waited for orders also quickly lifted off and began to hover over the coast. Maggie turned into a drape again. He was armed with a black dragon, and allowed the two military intelligence officers and Modil to climb directly on his back.

All personnel began to evacuate the coast in an orderly manner according to the plan, but the large amount of equipment they had brought before stayed in place. These equipment included energy packs and communicators, as well as a large number of sensing and monitoring devices. After the evacuation, these magic guides The device will continue to operate to observe the changes in Violet Island after nightfall and send real-time data back to the main battleship of the Cold Star on standby at sea.

Sitting on the broad back of the black dragon, the sparrow bee once again looked back at Violet's direction. She saw that Violet Island was drifting away in the afterglow of the setting sun. The dense forest in the distance had sunk into darkness first. The city of Plantel that was once familiar is now A barren coast is gradually being covered by sunset clouds. There is no one on the coast, and only the magical device that runs automatically is flashing in the dim light before night.

"I hope the first night can be passed safely." She heard Ye Xiao whispering next to her.

"I don't think the problem is big. According to my speculation, that'mist-shrouded world' has completely separated from our real world, and we are returning to the ship now only out of cautious consideration," the adventurer Modil said casually. Before he finished his words, he took twelve layers of stone skin art and a lot of mage armor and elemental resistance on himself, "Everyone can put their heart down..."

The corner of Sparrow's eyes trembled, and her heart said that she was acting together with this legendary adventurer, so why couldn't her heart let go...


When several exploratory teams left the coastal area of ​​Violet Island and each returned to the main battleship at sea, Gao Wen, who was far south of the empire, also received an exploratory report directly from the Hanxing.

In the study room covered with blue velvet carpets, the atmosphere seemed quite solemn. Amber was standing in front of the large desk, holding the report file that had just been sent from the north in her hand. It was because of her solid nervous system. At that time, the mood was not very calm: "...According to the results of the last investigation, it can be confirmed that many violet border cities, including Prandall, Rattle, and Port Payne, have disappeared, and the inland areas that can be detected at present are also No traces of the city have been found...

"...The'Ice Cavalry' carries a high-power magic sensor device. This integrated special service ship performed three full-power scans in the direction of the Violet Island, and found no magical activity or artificial traces of magical convergence... …It can basically rule out the possibility of human activities extending 120 kilometers inward from the southwest coast of the island.

"At present, all the landing forces have returned to their respective capital ships docked at sea. Only automatic recording and transmission equipment have been left on the beach to continuously observe the situation of Violet after nightfall. The Grand Archon Victoria continues to stay on the Cold Star and take command. "

She closed the document in her hand and looked up at Gao Wen, who was sitting quietly behind the desk: "By now, we should have been able to conclude that the Violet Kingdom has disappeared, or, as you said, it... …Never existed."

"I see," Gawain nodded slightly, and asked Amber to put the report on the table, and then slowly rubbed his brows, "How is the situation on Modil? He is the easiest to show up in the whole process. 'Variable' individuals."

"His condition is stable. Victoria conducted a thorough inspection on him after he returned to the Cold Star," Amber exhaled. "In general, except when he was dreaming, he was chased by hundreds of shadow residents and hit half of the seat. Outside of the city, the body of the great adventurer was not affected in the Prandtl's fog in any way—given his rich experience in this area, it is estimated that the psychological level was not affected at all."

Gao Wen: "..."

He doesn't know how to evaluate the brilliant deeds of that great adventurer, so he can only wish the old man good health in his heart...

"After that, I will look at the follow-up report from Victoria," Gao Wen breathed a sigh of relief. "Tonight will be very important. Whether there will be any additional changes in Violet Island after this extraordinary vision, it will be determined after the night falls. See the resolution... you go back and rest first, you have been busy with this matter for a day."

If it is normal, Amber will definitely disappear in front of Gawain within a second when he hears this, and appear in a random tavern in the city within three minutes while filling himself with a glass of cold beer. This time, after Gawain's voice fell, she stayed where she was.

Gao Wen raised his eyelids and glanced at her. He didn't ask anything. He just said casually: "The operators are all good. Without them, our response to this extraordinary vision would be much slower than now. ."

"... Over the years, I have sent away many old acquaintances," Amber said slowly. She pulled a chair next to her and sat on it with her hands on her chin. "Some walked vigorously, some Some of them walked silently, and some... were executed by my own hands. Sometimes I thought, if I didn’t go to the tavern to summon them back then, if they didn’t follow me to Cecil, they chose Will it be better if they continue to live their original life in the country..."

She shook her head and looked up at Gao Wen: "There are nearly a hundred military intelligence officers in the entire Violet area, and now only two have survived. Those who disappeared are either my attendants ten or even decades ago, or These are the backbones I brought out with my own hands in recent years. Many of them didn't have to go this way."

Gao Wen looked at Amber silently. He seldom saw such an expression on the opponent's face, but he knew that what the other party needed now was not weak comfort.

"People will have a lot of regrets in their lives, but I think this is the only thing you should not regret," he shook his head and said calmly, "you brought them to Cecil, they Choosing to follow you to join the MIB is not just your decision alone. They have chosen the path they want to take, and they have gone to the end on this road. They have faith, loyalty, and a life that they recognize—you Questioning what they did at the beginning is tantamount to questioning the path they have traveled."

"...That's true," Kohaku thought for a while, and suddenly laughed, "And think about it carefully...With the original life trajectory of the group of people, if they didn't follow me at the beginning, they are probably being tortured in public order every few days. On the radiator of the bureau, or worse, I’m afraid I died in some gutter and alley a few years ago, and that seems to be nothing to be happy about."

She patted her face, got up from the chair, and stretched her waist hard: "Forget it, thinking too much is not in my style... I have to find a tavern to relax and follow the rules, I have to ask them The last cup."

Gao Wen looked at Amber's eyes quietly: "Also toast all of them for me."

Amber waved her hand, turned and stepped into a shadowy crack that quietly opened. In the next second, her figure disappeared in front of Gawain's eyes.

The study was quiet for a while. Gawain sat behind the desk and didn't know what he was thinking. After a while, he looked up at the door of the study: "Come in. I've been standing outside for a long time."

As soon as the voice fell, the door of the study was cautiously pushed open by a gap, and then Rebecca and Jenny's heads peeked in through the gap of the door, and they carefully surveyed the room. After confirming that there was no one else, Jenny pushed the door in. Jenny still muttered softly: "Miss Amber left really quietly..."

Gao Wen looked at Rebecca, who was holding a large stack of materials in his hand: "It's so rare that you knew you were waiting in the hallway. I thought you would just bang your head in as usual-and then all People’s emotions are interrupted."

"I wanted to come in directly, but Jenny grabbed me!" Rebecca said immediately. "She said the atmosphere in the study was inappropriate...Why was the atmosphere inappropriate just now?"

Gao Wen: "..."

"The atmosphere was a bit inappropriate just now, but I might not finish explaining this to you for a while," Gawain waved his hand, and then his eyes fell on the documents held by the two of them. "Say business, you guys. Yes……"

Jenny immediately stepped forward and put the papers in her and Rebecca's hands on Gawain's desk. The chief runeman of the empire had a serious expression on her face: "Your Majesty, we have finished sending the documents to the Noyes. There are some amazing... discoveries in the translation of the technical materials of the'Unification Field of Mind'."

Upon hearing this, Gawain adjusted his sitting posture in an instant.

The changes in the Violet Kingdom are shocking, the mystery of Lady Ye affects the mind, and the transaction between the sailor and the ancient gods is full of mysteries-but in any case, the pressing magic tide is still an absolute major event at the moment!

After all, the mutation can be solved slowly, and the ancient mystery will not disappear by itself, but the magic tide will not be solved... Then Loren is really gone.

Gawain quickly set his eyes on the pile of materials on the table. After briefly judging the thickness of the document and the professionalism of the beginning part, he decisively gave up the idea of ​​looking at the information now, and directly transferred it. Looking at Rebecca: "What did you find?"

"The so-called'Unified Field of Mind' by the Neues... is actually a technology that connects biological minds to each other to form a network. In this way, they create an extremely large and controlled'civic', and then combine it Projected over the planet to produce a protective effect similar to a barrier,” Rebecca immediately explained, opening a document she brought with him while explaining, and pointed out part of the schematic diagram inside to Gawain. “This It is the schematic diagram of the components of the Unification of Mind Field after the annotations. We have performed the'localization' processing on it. You will focus on this part..."

Gao Wen frowned slightly. He looked at these blueprints processed by technical experts such as Jenny and Rebecca, looked at the link nodes and computing units, and suddenly thought: "This thing looks familiar... …"

"Yes, of course very familiar," Rebecca nodded, "because the bottom part of this thing is almost the ‘neural network’ we are using!"

"Neural network...Sure enough, no wonder I feel so familiar," Gao Wen nodded slightly, and he felt his heartbeat speed up gradually, "So, this mysterious ‘unified field of mind’ is actually a neural network?!"

"Not only the neural network," Jenny's voice came from the side. "The neural network is only the bottom part of the unified field of mind, which is equivalent to the foundation. This protection system is more critical, and the part that shocks us the most is its 'Field effect generator' and'projection unit', this thing..."

When the chief runeman said this, she couldn't help but stop. She and Rebecca looked at each other, then nodded, and said to Gawain with a very solemn expression: "This thing is similar to our'anti-divine barrier'. Place, but it’s'reversed'."

(End of this chapter)