Chapter 1593: 6:30

Name:Sword of Daybreaker Author:Yuan Tong
In the 6th year of Cecil, more and more signs began to show that the body of the magic tide has approached the planetary system where the Loren planet is located.

In the past month, the giant sun that shone on the earth has seen the phenomenon of blood-colored pattern spreading four times, and the powerful disturbing force of the magic tide began to envelope the high-energy celestial bodies on the path of its forward arrows, located in the territory of the Ogure Tribal Nation. The magic tide observation device is detecting more intense magic tide oscillation signal every day, and as this signal keeps getting closer, even the dark blue network channel running stably inside the planet faintly fluctuates. The optical vision visible to the naked eye is quite mild in comparison, but for Miermina, who is always staring at the starry sky, every shock in the dark blue netway is like a heartbeat, indicating that the footsteps of the final test are approaching.

The sun gradually rose to the highest point in the sky, and the cloud-like structure around the giant sun outlined a hazy pattern outside the atmosphere. It looked like a solemn and sacred sky, and the faint wood grain on the surface of the sun wheel was shining brightly. It stands out in the middle, and there is a faint spread of blood between the wood grains, forming a fine structure like a network of capillaries.

Gawain stood quietly on the edge of the terrace, looking up at the vision that was already very obvious in the sky. Those blood-colored lines were like the wounds of a giant planet cracking. Under all this, his expression was calmer than ever, Heidi stood beside him and reported the information that had just arrived:

"...As of yesterday, the broadcast-forwarding array of the Sky Station has been 'closed', and the last magic obelisk has been installed on the outer shell of the space station corresponding to the equator in the western hemisphere. The engineering team led by Nicholas is working on all the obelisks. The device performs a final connection test to ensure that the entire system, the redundant system of the entire system, and the redundant system of the redundant system can all operate under extreme conditions;

"The main body of the sky station is currently operating in a stable state, and the supply of energy in the entire ring has been restored. However, because the highest authority left by the navigator could not be cracked, the engineering team could not activate more of its functions, and some cabins could not be entered. Nicholas received news. , Since some of the space station cabins still have the risk of secondary offline, he has laid additional magic net nodes between these cabins to provide emergency power supply after the space station fails again;

"There was news from the observer's secret room that a particularly strong magic tide shock was detected early this morning. It is preliminarily judged that the body of the magic tide front arrow has begun to contact the gravitational boundary of 'Ao', and began to move towards the interior of the planetary system where we are located. Spread, and its shock occurred at the same time as expected, and judging by this, the magic tide will arrive on time..."

Gawain listened to Hetty's report with a calm expression, he nodded lightly, and his eyes had already crossed the courtyard under the terrace, the square at the edge of the royal quarter, and landed in the city opposite the square. His eyesight allowed him to see the bustling streets of the city, the vehicles passing through the streets, the children running, and the people who were busy rushing for their daily livelihoods. Although the magic tide was approaching, the world was still as it was before. The mother star barrier plan ensures the maximum stability of the social order, and for ordinary people living under the shelter of the barrier, the end of the world is really not too far or too close.

On the edge of the Pioneer Square, the huge public holographic projection system is running as before. Between the advertisements and entertainment videos that are played in a loop, there are also "Announcements to the Citizens" from the Supreme Government Office. Pedestrians stop in front of the holographic projections. Young people in their spare time walked together beside the square. A cart selling snacks was parked next to the projection device. A young couple stopped and negotiated the price of the cookies with the vendors. The children who were holding hands were Curiously raised his head and looked at the flickering picture on the huge holographic projection.

For a child who was born in this city and is only a few years old this year, this holographic projection is almost a matter of course in his cognition, such as cheap and delicious things on the roadside, heating in the house and new clothes.

On the holographic projection, the interesting short film of the magic shadow has just ended, and then there are huge projects that children can't understand, such as ring-shaped giant structures on the plain, tall buildings with rough shapes, and wonderful things around the planet. , a calm and reliable voice explained outside the screen: "Under the leadership of the leaders of the alliance countries and the efforts of the front-line technicians and engineers, the main construction of the defense device has been completed, and the commissioning work will be completed in the near future... The observer came It is reported that the magic tide will arrive on the planet on time in the near future...

"The protective barrier will be activated before the arrival of the magic tide, when citizens can enjoy the curtain of aurora around the world at home...Celebrations will be held in major cities around the world...I remind all citizens and friends to pay attention to safety when appreciating the mother star barrier and beware of stepping on it. , the barrier will continue to open for about a year, and for our generation, it will become an indelible memory. Bentai invited experts in related fields, and then Master Carmel will explain the construction of the mother star barrier. Some incredible situations along the way..."

The young child blinked his eyes and looked at the things on the projection. This boring thing is obviously not as interesting as the ghost movie. He grabbed the hand of the parents next to him and asked what was on the projection, but the young mother showed a helpless expression. Explaining to a child less than five years what the homeworld barrier and the magic tide are is obviously a difficult task, in fact even she herself does not know very well, although this thing appears all day in the neural network and the magic net broadcast, There are also various short films about popularizing knowledge, and my husband often drinks and brags with his friends to discuss "His Majesty the Emperor's Sacred Project", but no matter how popular and discussed, this thing is very important to a child. It's still a bit too complicated.

The young father next to him laughed, he bent down, pressed the child's hair, and said concisely: "It means that on that day parents can take you to the square to play, buy a bunch of delicious food, and then let's watch His Majesty the Emperor together. What will the new wonder look like?"

So the child got a satisfactory answer, and a pair of young parents also temporarily solved the trouble of explaining a lot of problems to the child. They can continue to take a walk in the afternoon of this holiday and go to the opposite side of the square to kill the half-day.

They don't know if any part of the wealth they have created for this society in the past year has been transformed into a screw on the firmament or a brick on the plains of Tarrash, and they don't necessarily understand when the home planet's barrier operates. How to extract computing power and non-directional thoughts from neural networks, their power has been used to resist this apocalypse, they have participated in this apocalypse, and as a member of hundreds of millions of ordinary people, they The connection to this apocalypse ends here.

But for others, the fate of the world appears more real and three-dimensional.

In the east of the plains of the Holy Spirit, the ecological area covered by the giant Thorin trees is maintaining its calm and lush as ever. Small beasts that have spent the winter on the plains are emerging from the nearby bushes, with bulging berries in their mouths and alert eyes. He was vigilantly alert to the surrounding movement, and the birds nesting among the giant branches hovered in the sky, making a series of chirping sounds, but suddenly, a slight vibration from the depths of the ground broke all the calm, and the perceptive sensitive The birds and beasts panicked and fled among the bushes and tree canopies.

Deep underground, the huge vine structure is shrinking and squirming. The solution in the thick biomass pipeline is surging, and the stored nutrients are continuously injected into the chambers. Between a series of caves and underground palace corridors, Berti One of Ra's incarnations and the regional governor Margarita is quietly watching the scene in front of her

The extremely strong chitin shell and the artificial reinforced concrete frame together support the huge underground cave. Specially cultivated luminous plants illuminate every corner of the cave. On the edge of the cave, rows of culture sacs are emerging. It is slowly fed into the "slot" formed by the twisted vines. After each culture capsule is in place, a thick shell will rise from the vicinity to properly protect it in the depths of the vines. A huge "culture pool" can be seen. The "pond" composed of living shells is filled with a thin biomass solution, and several dormant synthetic brains are sinking into the depths of the pool.

Bertila raised her fingertips slightly, and the cultivation pool in the center of the cave gradually began to sink into the ground, and a solid and transparent protective shell layer quickly condensed on its surface.

Margarita on the side just watched everything in silence, the slightly undulating pale yellow solution in the cultivation pool was reflected in her pupils, like a rippling curtain.

"The secretarial office was finally calibrated, all databases were put into closed operation, and the 'burial' procedure was started."

The voice of the great astrologist Verania resounded in the underground hall, and as her voice fell, a series of low-pitched magical hums and the roar of the mechanical operation began to come from everywhere.

The silver queen Belsetia stood on the high platform at the edge of the hall, watching the elves in astral robes or magister short robes busy everywhere, and in the center of the hall, there was a large round platform with complex and mysterious patterns. A huge hole has been opened from the middle, and below the hole is a bottomless shaft, and there is faint light surging in it.

In midair in the center of the hall, the "secretary organization", which is roughly spherical as a whole and has a complex rune structure on its surface, is slowly sinking into the hole under the control of the gravity control system, which contains all the history, culture, technology and philosophy of the silver elves. The educational institution of the sect was rushing to its mission in silence. Belsetia's eyes fell on its metal casing with elegant arcs. She seemed to see a pair of eyes that were also watching her through the casing.

At the moment when the secretarial office was about to sink into the shaft, Belsetia suddenly broke the silence: "Are you looking at me?"

"Yes, Her Majesty the Queen." The secretariat issued a calm and calm voice.

"...I hope you can fulfill your mission," Belsetia said slowly, "I hope you can survive safely until you are reawakened."

The mechanical ball was silent for a few seconds, and a slightly trembling response came from inside: "Judging from correct logic, it would be better if I didn't have to fulfill my mission, and would be awakened by your own hands soon after. ."

Belsetia froze for a moment, then smiled: "Okay, then we'll see you soon, good night, secretary office."

"The worm petri dish has been delivered to the predetermined depth and the release process is in progress."

The operator's voice came from the side, interrupting Hragol's thinking. He raised his head from his contemplation and saw that the view taken by the submersible was being displayed on the crystal curtain above the console. Four pairs of robotic arms were on the screen. The edges move nimbly, placing the cylindrical metal containers on the seabed and releasing the locking mechanism above the containers.

"You were distracted just now," Balogel's voice came from the side, "you rarely get distracted."

"Just remembering something from the past," Heragor smiled and shook his head gently, "It was a long time ago."

"Oh? What did you think of?"

"...Thinking of when we created the first Omega node together," Heragor said slowly, "Don't you think it's very similar? It's also a node of fate, and it's also an unpredictable success or failure."

"I don't think it's like that at all," Balogel shook his head. "At that time, our situation was much more desperate than today. Creating omega nodes is not so much an effective method, but more like a different There is no choice to let go, but today we have allies, certain countermeasures, and a future worth looking forward to. We have built barriers and are ready. We are not alone, nor are we hopeless. And these worms... are just a backstop just in case."

Heragor listened quietly, and suddenly laughed: "Indeed, it seems that I am sentimental."

In the picture returned by the submersible, the last metal container was released. As the locking device on the top was opened, a turbid water flow that was almost indistinguishable to the naked eye poured out of the container. All the history of Tal Lund was recorded in the DNA. , technical and cultural data of seafloor worms have arrived in their new home.

For these ignorant and foolish creatures, this trip from the laboratory to the deep sea is an epic journey.

And on another distant planet, another "Tal Londe Creature" who has experienced an epic journey is using his countless sensor terminals to enjoy the glorious sunset on the border of morning and evening.

The orange-yellow sun was gradually approaching the horizon, and the ominous red pattern covered almost half of its surface. Under this strange sunset, everything on the barren plain seemed to be coated with a dark red that was hard to see with the naked eye. .

Several "Dragon Explorer" walkers ran out of the boulders. They opened their photosensitive elements against the setting sun, and then sat quietly at the end of the plain, waiting for the sleep instruction from Omega.

In the Omega lair on the other side of the plain, various systems are switching to autonomous operation one by one, and in the huge server hall, the server units in operation are slowly turning to low voices.

Omega's main consciousness felt that "drowsiness" was gradually emerging, he slowly withdrew his "eyes" looking at the sunset, and put the rest of his attention on the "ecological dome" he had newly built.

Everything is growing well.

The server array is about to shut down.

In the drowsiness, he sent his last greeting to the only "friend" in his hometown who could directly talk to him.

"Friend Gao Wen, I'm going to sleep, see you next year, good night."

The splendid sun on the horizon has sunk to the horizon, the golden-red sunset has spread all over the city, and the bustling and bustling city streets have gradually quieted down. Gao Wen stood quietly on the edge of the terrace and received a greeting from afar.

A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Good night, Omega, see you next year."

(End of this chapter)