[endless fury]

this is an active skill brought by manwang bloodline. Relying on anger, Lu Chen can break out the power beyond the limit. In the fight just now, Lu Chen had enough anger in his chest.

"Endless rage, open."

With the release of his thoughts, Lu Chen's melancholy rage directly rushed into his mind.

Then, a force, out of thin air blessing Lu Chen's body, in that blessing, Lu Chen's body, even a head.

At the same time, Lu Chen feels infinite power in his body.

"That's what it feels like to have power."

However, because the first time he opened the endless fury, Lu Chen also revealed a gap because of his power surge.

In this regard, falling into a crazy state of small stone, of course, can not be let go, its fist straight hit Lu Chen's chest.

"I won. Sure enough, he didn't know how to have such power, but he didn't last as long as I did."

Looking at the fist constantly approaching Lu Chen, Xiaoshi feels that the victory distance is getting closer and closer to him.

But this is the last step. For Xiaoshi, it will be like Tianlong, which can never be surpassed.

When the fist was about to fall on Lu Chen's chest, a palm rushed out from the side and directly grasped Xiaoshi's wrist.

"No way."

Looking at the fist by a strong clamp, and difficult to move, small stone is really surprised.

"How can you be so powerful."

When the two collide and fight each other, Xiaoshi has already acknowledged Lu Chen's power.

But at that time, he thought that Lu Chen's strength was similar to that of him.

But now, Lu Chen grabs his palm directly and makes his arm unable to move, which is totally beyond Xiaoshi's expectation.

After all, two punches collide and catch directly, which are two difficult things.

For small stone's surprise, Lu Chen grinned at the corners of his mouth stained with blood.

"You're not the only one who has explosive tactics."

Under such words, Lu Chen grabs the small stone with one hand and makes it unable to dodge. The other hand suddenly stretches backward.

Looking at Lu Chen's action, the little stone, who has been fearless all the time, has a chill in his heart.

"With this blow, I may die!"

Looking at Lu Chen's right fist, this idea suddenly arises in the small stone's heart.

Also because of this idea, he has been crazy attack, let one hand block in front of his body.

He defended himself. As a bloody warrior, he defended Lu Chen's attack for the first time.

And this defense saved his life.


this is the sound of air concussion. Under endless fury, Lu chennalaman's right fist, like an arrow from Lixuan, broke through the air and hit Xiaoshi directly.

The bronze fist stained with blood first hit the right arm of Xiaoshi.

It's just that the stone's resistance is not very effective.

Endless fury doubled Lu Chen's strength.

It's not twice the strength of ordinary people, but twice the strength of ten people. Such strength is not what Xiaoshi can resist, even if he is a bloody warrior!

In a violent bone fracture sound, Xiaoshi's fist broke directly. Then, Lu Chen's fist, close to Xiaoshi's broken arm, hit his chest again.

With his fist in front of him, Xiaoshi felt like a big tree. He could not resist the force.

That force, let small stone's body, fly directly into the air.

At the same time, blood, also from its mouth constantly spurt.

With one blow, the small stone bone of the savage blood soldier will be broken, and the man will fly. This is the power of endless fury.

Seeing the small stone flying out, Lu Chen has no enemy in front of him, but his endless rage still affects LuChen and makes him roar up to the sky.


Roaring to the sky, let some of the near barbarians, involuntarily covered up their ears.

For a long time, Lu Chen was exhausted by anger and recovered from his endless rage.

However, Lu Chen, who has recovered, is not very happy.

"Endless fury is really strong, but in this state, I have a strong sense of war, and I have no intention of retreating."

"What's more, I tried my best just now. Xiaoshi will be OK."

Lu Chen is not to blame for using all his strength this time. Xiaoshi and Dashu are basically two levels.

In the face of him, Lu Chen did not dare to keep his hand, but could only open the endless fury.

But after all, he is the son of the village head, and Lu Chen is also afraid to blow him to death with sequelae.

While Lu Chen is worried, Wu Zhu adult quickly runs to the small stone side, after a little inspection, he breathes a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, he stopped for a moment. Although his arm was broken and his internal organs were injured, he could recover in a month as long as he took proper medicine and relied on his bloody warrior's constitution."Hearing this, whether it is the head of the family or Lu Chen, they all relieved, and it would be good not to die.

But soon Lu Chen was amazed at the world's medical care and the physical fitness of the bloodthirsty warriors.

"Bone fracture, internal bleeding, so it only takes a month, sure enough, the world's people, are strong abnormal ah."

"However, in addition to the strong physique of the warrior, there should be medicine of the world. It is related to the nourishing of spirit and Qi, which will greatly benefit the human body."

When Lu Chen thought, Wu Zhu walked to Lu Chen's side and looked at Lu Chen's joyful opening: "very good, ah Chen, you give me a big surprise!"

But the head of the family, the face is a bit complex, just defeated, after all, is his son, although he thought about this day, but did not expect so fast.

Just, soon, the patriarch took a breath.

He thought of the recent three days, the night of more and more strange, although now can cope with, but if it continues, he has no confidence to protect the village.

Disaster, will come to the village at any time.

At this point, Lu Chen such a genius, to be honest, let him relax.

Lu Chen is better, the more reassuring he is, of course, if the defeated is not his son, it will be better.

"Congratulations, Chen!"

"Thank you, the patriarch."

"Well, ah Chen, you should have a rest first."

Soon, Lu Chen walked off the field.

But this time, with his next game, in the field, countless barbarian youth, barbarian girls, all with his walking, and turning their eyes.

Barbarians, worshipping the strong, Lu Chen's performance, the power and physique of the tyranny, let others recognize Lu Chen's genius.

However, although Lu Chen is out, the battle on the field continues.

But, to be honest, there are still some weak battles. After all, it is not the Central Plains. There is not much martial arts here. What we fight is physique and strength.

Therefore, as the mutual assault between Lu Chen and Xiaoshi, it often happens here. However, the intensity of their mutual fight is not as big as Lu Chen and Xiaoshi.

At the same time, no one else else dared to challenge Lu Chen.

No way, although small stone is usually some arrogant, but its first, but actually hit out, even small stone are defeated, others, naturally dare not to hand.

But the barbarian youth named arrow, usually is not satisfied with small stone, but he is very clear, usually, he is weaker than Xiaoshi.

Even the small stone was so miserable, hesitated for a while, he still did not choose to hand.

In this way, only two battles were fought, one deterred the young with challenge qualification, one deterred the barbarian elite youth, and Lu Chen won the first name of the youth in the village of barbarian.

And that means that, since then, his treatment will be greatly improved in the village.

At the same time, some resources in the village will be given priority to him.

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